
Business operations during the crisis in the example of Podravka
Business operations during the crisis in the example of Podravka
Tomislav Majdandžić
There are many reasons that can cause a crisis in a company. Some of them are internally and some externally driven. One of the key external factors is the macroeconomic environment. The history shows that each economy in the world has its ups and downs, often called business cycles. A business cycle consists of the contraction and expansion of the economy volume, mostly measured by GDP. Two hundred years ago the economists denied the existence of the business cycles, but the idea of...
Business plan for HDPE bins production of the company Gradatin Ltd.
Business plan for HDPE bins production of the company Gradatin Ltd.
Nina Fočić
The objective of this business plan is to evaluate the profitability of starting the production business of HDPE waste bins for company Gradatin Ltd. The company already imports and sells bins and is a leader in the field of communal and urban equipment on the Croatian and regional markets. The strategic orientation of the company is vertical integration and expansion of the activities to the production which would enable a more economical production with better quality control...
Calculation of the dates with average air temeratures above 0°C, 5°C, 10°C and 15°C in two consecutive 30 year periods
Calculation of the dates with average air temeratures above 0°C, 5°C, 10°C and 15°C in two consecutive 30 year periods
Tena Dozet
Agricultural production is vulnerable to climate change. Since all the scenarios predict global warming, it is possible to expect an earlier beginning of vegetation of agricultural crops in the continental part of Croatia. Under conditions of global warming, it is also noticed that sowing dates of summer crops are starting earlier than before. Because of that, there is a need for calculation of the beginning and the end of the growing season, and to know the duration of specific temperature...
Carbon Preservation and Sequestration in Agricultural Soils
Carbon Preservation and Sequestration in Agricultural Soils
Lara Ivić
Carbon sequestration is a process of capturing atmospheric carbon dioxide in the soil, reducing its concentration in the atmosphere. Therefore, agricultural methods for improving soil organic carbon can help mitigate climate change. Converting natural forests into croplands, monoculture farming, and tillage are causing the disruption of soil quality and reducing its ability to store carbon. Carbon sequestration depends on the turnover time of soil organic matter and physical and...
Characterization of freshwater fish assemblages from small streams in the Sava river basin
Characterization of freshwater fish assemblages from small streams in the Sava river basin
Petra Štefanac Šporčić
The Sava river has always been a source of good quality food for local inhabitants, but the number of fish deteriorated in the second half of the 20th century. Reasons for such losses were changes of flow characteristics of watercourses such as streams and channels which consequently lead to the altered hydrological regime, ground water levels, temperature, quantity of dissolved oxygen, concentration of nutrients in the water, and flow rate. These changes most often result in the loss of...
Cijene poljoprivrednog zemljišta i učinkovitost poljoprivredne proizvodnje u Hrvatskoj i EU
Cijene poljoprivrednog zemljišta i učinkovitost poljoprivredne proizvodnje u Hrvatskoj i EU
Marcel Šestak
Cilj ovog rada bio je prikazati cijene poljoprivrednog zemljišta na području Europske Unije odnosno Hrvatske te utvrditi statističku povezanost između cijena poljoprivrednog zemljišta i odabranih makroekonomskih pokazatelja. Deskriptivnom metodom opisane su značajke poljoprivrednog zemljišta, njegov povijesni i aktualni značaj za razvoj poljoprivrede i promjene cijena zemljišta u razdoblju od 2013. do 2020. Nadalje, definirani su čimbenici koji utječu na promjenu cijene zemljišta...
Cjenovni rizik u poljoprivredi Europske unije
Cjenovni rizik u poljoprivredi Europske unije
Danko Barbir
Diplomski rad se bavi cjenovnim rizikom poljoprivrednih proizvoda u Europskoj uniji. Ciljevi rada su izmjeriti cjenovni rizik kravljeg mlijeka, pšenice, kukuruza, svinjskog mesa i šećera u Hrvatskoj i Europskoj uniji. Nadalje, opisati strategije upravljanja cjenovnim rizikom, izgraditi model za ocjenu učinaka strategije u navedenim proizvodnjama te odrediti mogućnosti i prepreke u njihovoj primjeni. Pregledom literature su obrađene teme rizika u poljoprivredi, cjenovnog rizika,...
Climate change resilience: the case of coffee growers in Costa Rica
Climate change resilience: the case of coffee growers in Costa Rica
Hannah Powlison Belković
Coffee farmers in Costa Rica are vulnerable to a broad spectrum of climate risks, centered on the production risks associated with the cultivation of Coffea arabica due to its climate sensitivity. Climate changes such as shifts in the timing and intensity of precipitation, the increase of extreme temperatures, and the growing number of extreme weather events are threatening C. arabica cultivation and value chains. The impacts of climate change on coffee production systems in Costa Rica...
Competitiveness of organic arable crop production- comparison between Croatia and
Competitiveness of organic arable crop production- comparison between Croatia and Canada
Farshin Ali Malayeri
The combination of customer awareness of food quality and man-made environmental problems is leading to greater acceptance of organic production worldwide. Organic farming occupies an important place in recent EU policies, particularly the Green Deal and the Farm to Fork Strategy. The EU plans to increase organic production to 25% of utilized agricultural land by 2030. Despite the generous support planned for organic farming, farmers' willingness to convert depends on the business...
Darwinova teorija evolucije i selekcija kod životinja
Darwinova teorija evolucije i selekcija kod životinja
Dora Stergar
Charles Darwin, britanski znanstvenik, postavio je u 19. stoljeću temelje modernoj teoriji evolucije koja objašnjava postanak vrsta i organizama prirodnom selekcijom. Darvinizam objašnjava kako opstanak vrsta ovisi o njihovoj sposobnosti prilagođavanja te evoluiranja kako bi preživjeli. Prirodna selekcija djeluje isključivo na očuvanju i akumulaciji varijacija koje su korisne u uvjetima kojima je živo biće izloženo. Objašnjava koncept preživljavanja najsposobnijih te dovodi...
Deaktivacija potencijala klijavosti sjemena ambrozije
Deaktivacija potencijala klijavosti sjemena ambrozije
Matej Maretić
Ambrozija je jedan od najznačajnijih korova u poljoprivrednoj proizvodnji. Biljka godišnje proizvede veliku količinu sjemena koje dugo zadržavaju svoju klijavost. Važno je učinkovito suzbijanje ambrozije kako bi se njena populacija svela na tolerantnu razinu. Dobre rezultate pokazala je kombinacija mehaničkog i kemijskog suzbijanja ove biljke. Cilj ovog istraživanja je istražiti mogućnost primjene lasera male izlazne snage u svrhu deaktivacije potencijala klijavosti ambrozije....
Dendroflora grada Zagreba u 19. stoljeću
Dendroflora grada Zagreba u 19. stoljeću
Matija Barić
Premda grad Zagreb ima dugu tradiciju uređenja vrtova i gradskih zelenih površina podaci o vrstama koje se pritom koriste su uglavnom novijeg datuma i odnose se primarno na 20. i 21. stoljeće. S druge strane, navodi o vrstama koje su se koristile u uređenju javnih i privatnih zelenih površina u 19. stoljeću su rijetki tj. spominju se tek sporadično i marginalno u sklopu literature koja obrađuje širu povijest Zagreba ili povijest zagrebačke krajobrazne arhitekture. Osim što je...
