Sažetak | Karanfil (Dianthuscaryophyllus L.) je prekrasna trajnica, koja je neopravdano malo
zastupljena u vrtovima. Biljka postiže visinu i do 80 cm te na stabljici može dati od jednog do
pet cvjetova. Zbog atraktivne boje latica karanfili su jedna od izrazito popularnih vrsta na
tržištu dekorativne industrije. Uzgajaju se zbog svoje ukrasne vrijednosti i koriste se u
dekorativne svrhe kao rezano cvijeće ili kao ukrasne biljke u vrtovima gdje se koriste za
obrube i za sadnju nareprezentativne gredice, posudice i kamenjare. Osim u dekorativnoj
industriji koriste se i u industriji parfema.
Atraktivna boja cvijeta je jedna od karakteristika koja se iskorištava u dekorativnoj
industriji za potrebe mnogobrojnih dekoracija, posebno vezano za lokalne blagdane (npr.
Majčin dan u SAD-u i Kanadi, proslava Dana rada u Europi, kao i u Republici Hrvatskoj i
Osim u svježem stanju, latice karanfila mogu se termički doraditi kako bi im se
očuvala dekorativna svojstva.Stoga je od velike važnosti prilikom postupka termičke obrade
odrediti optimalnu kombinaciju temperature i vremena sušenja kako bi se vrijednost
dehidriranih latica zadržala na optimalnoj razini kvalitete.
Za potrebe ovog istraživanja korišteni su kultivarikaranfila laticacrvene, žute, bijele i
roze boje. Latice su sušene na tri različite temperature (41°C, 52°C, 63°C) te su im utvrđene
kemijske karakteristike prije i nakon konvekcijskog sušenja dehidriranjem.
Provedenim istraživanjem dobiveni su rezultatidadehidriranje na temperaturama
41°C, 52 °C i 63°C se pokazalo odgovarajućom metodom sušenja, jer se vlaga na početku
gubila sporo, a na kraju brzo u kratkom vremenu. Povećanjem temperature povećavao se
sadržaj pepela u suhoj tvari, ta promjena nije karakteristična, a to se možda može pripisati
morfološkim karakteristika biljne vrste, no povećanjem temperature povećava se sadržaj masti
u kultivarima što je u skladu s rezultatima drugih autora, citiranim u ovom radu. Što se tiče
intenziteta boje rezultati su pokazali da povećanje temperature nije utjecalo na značajniju
promjenu intenziteta. |
Sažetak (engleski) | Carnation (Dianthus caryophyllus), beautiful perennial plant, which is slightly present
in our gardens. The plant can grow up to 80 cm and on the stem can have one to five flowers.
Due to the attractive colors of petals, Carnations are one of the extremely popular species on
the market of the decorative industry. This plant is grown for their decorative value and it is
used for decorative purposes as fresh cut flowers or as a decorative plant in gardens where it
is used for borders and for planting in flower beds, containers or rock gardens. Beside to the
decorative industry, it is also used in the perfume industry.
Attractive color of flowers is one of the characteristics that is exploited in the
decorative industry for the purpose of numerous decorations, especially in relation to the local
holidays (for example, Mother's Day in the United States and Canada, the celebration of
Labor Day in Europe, and about the Republic of Croatia, etc.).
In addition tofresh condition, petals of the carnation can be heat-treated in order to
preserve the decorative properties. It is therefore very important, during the heat treatment
process, to determine the optimal combination of temperature and drying time in that way that
the value dehydrated petals remain at the optimallevel of quality.
For the purposes of this study, it has been used carnation petals of red, yellow, white
and pink color. The petals were dried at three different temperatures (41 °C, 52 °C, 63 °C) and
their physical characteristics were determined before and after the dehydrating process.
The research proves that dehydrogenation, at temperatures 41 ° C, 52 ° C and 63 ° C is
not suitable method of drying, because the moisture loss was slow at the beginning of the
process but fast in the end. By increasing the temperature ammount of the ash content in the
dry matter rised, which is opposite according to the other authors in cited in this paper and it
may be attributed to the morphological characteristics of plant species, but an increase in
temperature that increases the fat content in cultivars is consistent with results of other authors
cited in this paper. As for the color intensity, results showed that an increase in temperature
did not affect the significant change in intensity. |