Naslov Primjena pektolitičkih enzima i selekcioniranih sojeva kvasaca radi poboljšanja kakvoće vina od kupina
Naslov (engleski) Improvement of blackberry wines quality by pectolytic enzymes and selected yeast strains application
Autor Antonija Tomić
Mentor Ana Jeromel (mentor)
Član povjerenstva Sandra Voća (član povjerenstva)
Član povjerenstva Karin Kovačević Ganić (član povjerenstva) MBZ: 226470
Član povjerenstva Marin Mihaljević Žulj (član povjerenstva) MBZ: 315840
Ustanova koja je dodijelila akademski / stručni stupanj Sveučilište u Zagrebu Agronomski fakultet Zagreb
Datum i država obrane 2018, Hrvatska
Znanstveno / umjetničko područje, polje i grana BIOTEHNIČKE ZNANOSTI Poljoprivreda (agronomija)
Univerzalna decimalna klasifikacija (UDC ) 663 - Industrijska mikrobiologija. Industrijska mikologija. Industrija vrenja. Industrija pića. Industrija opojnih sredstava
Sažetak Iako u ukupnoj svjetskoj proizvodnji vina, voćna vina zauzimaju tek mali dio, u mnogim
zemljama proizvodnja vina od različitih vrsta voća predstavlja značajan gospodarski
čimbenik. U kontinentalnom dijelu naše zemlje postoji duga tradicija proizvodnje voćnih vina,
ali je tek u posljednje vrijeme zabilježen povećani interes za njihovom proizvodnjom. Takav
trend rezultat je pojačanog interesa za konzumiranjem namirnica koje imaju pozitivan utjecaj
na zdravlje. Plodovi kupine (Rubus spp.) i
... Više proizvodi dobiveni njihovom preradom
predstavljaju vrijedan izvor polifenola, posebice antocijana. Zbog visoke antioksidacijske
aktivnosti, polifenolni spojevi se smatraju najznačajnijim dijetalnim antioksidansima. Mnoge
biološke funkcije kao što su usporavanje starenja, anti-mutagena i anti-kancerogena
svojstva, među ostalima, potječu i od antioksidacijskih aktivnosti. Voćna vina od kupina se
proizvode alkoholnom fermentacijom šećera prisutnog u soku ili kaši od kupina. Kako ne
postoji standardizirana tehnologija proizvodnje ovih vina, proizvodi koji su zastupljeni na
tržištu uvelike se razlikuju u mirisnim i okusnim svojstvima, a time i sveobuhvatnom
kakvoćom. Stoga je cilj ovog istraživanja bio utvrditi osnovni kemijski sastav, udio
pojedinačnih organskih kiselina, ukupnih i pojedinačnih polifenolnih i aromatskih spojeva te
antioksidacijsku aktivnost u vinima od kupina kultivara ʹThornfreeʹ. Uz određivanje prethodno
navedenih kemijskih parametara, interes ovog istraživanja bio je usmjeren na definiranje
utjecaja pektolitičkih enzima i soja kvasca na kemijski sastav i senzorna svojstva voćnih vina
od kupina. Dvogodišnje istraživanje provedeno je u vinima dobivenim od kupina iz nasada
smještenog u Garešnici, u sjeverozapadnoj Hrvatskoj. Istraživanje je bilo postavljeno u pet
varijanti: varijanta A (BDX OE): vinifikacija korištenjem komercijalnog kvasca Uvaferm BDX
Saccharomyces cerevisiae i enzima Lallzyme OE; varijanta B (BDX EX-V): vinifikacija
korištenjem komercijalnog kvasca Uvaferm BDX Saccharomyces cerevisiae i enzima
Lallzyme EX-V; varijanta C (71B OE): vinifikacija korištenjem komercijalnog kvasca Lalvin
71B Saccharomyces cerevisiae i enzima Lallzyme OE; varijanta D (71B EX-V): vinifikacija
korištenjem komercijalnog kvasca Lalvin 71B Saccharomyces cerevisiae i enzima Lallzyme
EX-V i varijanta E (KONTROLA): vinifikacija bez dodatka selekcioniranog kvasca i enzima
tj.vinifikacija djelovanjem epifitne mikroflore. Kemijska analiza vina obuhvatila je provođenje
osnovne fizikalno-kemijske analize vina prema metodama O.I.V., određivanje pojedinačnih
polifenola primjenom tekućinske kromatografije visoke djelotvornosti (HPLC) te određivanje
kvalitativnog i kvantitativnog udjela tvari arome primjenom instrumentalne metode plinske
kromatografije (GC). Vina su senzorno ocijenjena metodom 100 bodova prema O.I.V.-u.
Dobiveni rezultati istraživanja pokazali su značajnu različitost proizvedenih vina kako u
kemijskom sastavu, tako i u senzornim svojstvima. Sva vina karakterizira relativno visoki
sadržaj organskih kiselina, među kojima je najzastupljenija limunska kiselina. Nakon
limunske prema zastupljenosti slijedi jabučna kiselina. Obzirom na sposobnost kvasca Lalvin
71B da djelomično metabolizira jabučnu kiselinu, vina berbe 2012. godine proizvedena pod
njegovim utjecajem imala su, očekivano i nešto niži sadržaj ove kiseline. Koncentracija
ukupnih fenola u vinima od kupina u skladu je sa njihovim sadržajem u crnim vinima.
Antioksidacijska aktivnost vina je u pozitivnoj korelaciji sa sadržajem ukupnih fenola.
Najzastupljenija fenolna kiselina je galna, iza koje prema zastupljenosti slijedi klorogenska
kiselina. U vinima varijante 71B OE izmjeren je najviši sadržaj trans-resveratrola u obje
godine proizvodnje. Iako ne postoji statistički opravdana razlika između varijanti u pokusu,
vina kontrolne varijante odlikuju se visokim sadržajem procijanidina B2, u obje proizvodne
godine. Glavni predstavnik antocijana je cijanidin-3-O-glukozid, koji je najzastupljeniji u
vinima proizvedenim pod utjecajem kvasca Lalvin 71B. Monoterpeni su dominantna skupina
aromatskih spojeva, unutar koje se prema najvišim vrijednostima nametnuo linalol.
Zabilježena je velika razlika u koncentraciji ovog monoterpena između kontrolne varijante i
ostalih varijanti u pokusu. Rezultati senzornog ocjenjivanja ukazuju na postojanje razlika
između varijanti u pokusu. Najbolje su ocijenjena vina proizvedena pod utjecajem kvasca
Lalvin 71 Sakrij dio sažetka
Sažetak (engleski) Although in the world's total wine production fruit wines occupy only a small part, in many
countries wine production of different types of fruit, represents a significant economic factor.
In the continental part of our country there is a long tradition of producing fruit wines, but only
recently there has been an increased interest in their production. Such trend is a result of
increased interest in eating foods that have a positive impact on human health. The
blackberry fruits (Rubus
... Više spp.) and the products obtained by their processing, represent a
valuable source of polyphenols, particularly anthocyanins. Due to its high antioxidant activity,
polyphenol compounds are considered to be the most important dietary antioxidants. Many
biological functions such as delaying of aging, anti-mutagenic and anti-cancerous properties,
among others, also come from antioxidant activities. Blackberry wines are produced by the
fermentation of sugar present in the blackberry juice or mash. Most of them are marketed as
dessert wines, which, due to the high content of alcohol and unprocessed sugars, are very
often inharmonious in taste. In addition, the technology for the production of blackberry wines
is not standardized, which often results in the emergence of products on the market that
differs significantly in flavor and aroma and therefore in overall quality. One of the
prerequisites for quality wine production is the implementation of controlled alcohol
fermentation with the addition of pectolytic enzymes and use of selected yeast strains.
Therefore, the aim of this study was to determine the basic chemical composition, the share
of individual organic acids, total and individual polyphenols, aromatic compounds and
antioxidant activity in blackberry wines made out of ʹThornfreeʹ cultivar. In addition to the
determination of the previously mentioned chemical parameters, the interest of this study
was focused on defining the influence of pectolytic enzymes and yeast strains on the
chemical composition and sensory properties of blackberry wines. In the chapter Overview of
previous research data about blackberry fruits and its general characteristics are presented,
as well as previous research connected with the production and the composition of
blackberry wine. Published data about composition of organic acids in wine as well as their
concentrations, pointed out the influence of blackberry cultivar, wine technology and yeast
selection. Subchapter about polyphenols is dealing with a large and diverse group of
chemical compounds that can strongly influence wine quality. Previously published scientific
research confirms the impact of wine technology on the content and composition of
polyphenols. For that reason, it is important to determine the possible impact of different
pectolytic enzymes and selected yeast strains on the concentration and composition of this
group of compounds. Phenolic composition, antioxidant activity and color diversity of fruit
wines was also investigated in Croatia, but without analizying influence of different
winemaking technology, or application of different enzymes and yeast strains. The
composition and synergistic effect of phenolic compounds represented in wines have an
effect on antioxidant and other wine activities. Recent studies have shown that regular
consumption of small amounts of red wine reduces the risk of coronary heart disease and
atherosclerosis. This advantage is attributed to the antioxidant properties of polyphenolic
compounds from wine. The aroma of wine is largely dependent on the aromatic compounds
of fresh fruit, as well as the compounds formed during or after the process of alcohol
fermentation. Published data about composition and concentrations of aromatic compounds
in wine, pointed out the importance of the influence of the wine technology and yeast
selection. Subchapter about production of fruit wines is dealing with a winemaking
technology and with influence of enzymes and selected yeast strains on wine quality. In the
chapter Material and methods the course of research and data processing is presented. Two
years of research was carried out in wines obtained from blackberry plantations located in
Garešnica, northwestern Croatia. The research was set up in five variants: variant A (BDX
OE): vinification using commercial yeast Uvaferm BDX Saccharomyces cerevisiae and
enzymes Lallzyme OE; variant B (BDX EX-V): vinification using commercial yeast Uvaferm
BDX Saccharomyces cerevisiae and enzymes Lallzyme EX-V; variant C (71B OE):
vinification using commercial yeast Lalvin 71B Saccharomyces cerevisiae and enzymes
Lallzyme OE; variant D (71B EX-V): vinification using commercial yeast Lalvin 71B
Saccharomyces cerevisiae and enzymes Lallzyme EX-V and variant E (CONTROL):
vinification without the addition of selected yeast and enzymes i.e., epiphytic microflora was
used. The chemical analysis of wine involved the basic physical-chemical analysis of wine
according to O.I.V., determination of individual polyphenols using high performance liquid
chromatography (HPLC) and determination of the qualitative and quantitative content of the
aromatic compounds using the instrument gas chromatographic method (GC). Wines were
evaluated by organoleptic method of 100 points. The obtained results of the research
showed significant differences in the produced wines, in the chemical composition and in the
sensory properties. All wines are characterized by a relatively high content of organic acids,
among which the most common was the citric acid. According to its concentrations, citric acid
was followed by malic acid. Given the ability of yeast Lalvin 71B to partially metabolize malic
acid, wines from 2012. vintage which are produced under its influence had a slightly lower
acidity content. Concentration of total phenols in blackberry wines is consistent with their
content in red wines. The antioxidant activity of wines is in a positive correlation with the
content of total phenols. The most common phenolic acid is gallic, which according to its
content followed by the chlorogenic acid. In values of gallic acid were noticed the significant
influence of the BDX yeast. In wines produced by its influence, the lowest level of gallic acid
was found, in both years of study. The highest concentration of trans-resveratrol was
determined in variant 71B OE, in both examined years. Although there were no statistically
significant differences among some variants, we could notice that the CONTROL samples
stood out with high values of procyanidin B2 in both production years. The predominant one
among the studied anthocyanins is cyanidin-3-O-glucoside, whose values are the highest in
wines produced under the influence of yeast Lalvin 71B. The fact that cyanidin-3-O-glucoside
is predominant among anthocyanins in blackberry wines was confirmed in the previously
published literature data. According to the obtained results, the yeast strain had a larger
impact on the concentrations of individual anthocyanins in relation to the pectolytic enzymes
used. However, the established differences can be explained by the fact that the
anthocyanins are highly reactive and unstable compounds. Monoterpenes are the
predominant group of aromatic compounds, among which linalool was the most prominent.
There are large differences in the concentration of this monoterpene between the CONTROL
variant and the other variants in this research. Higher values of total monoterpenes were
detected in wines that were treated with pectolytic enzymes in relation to wines which were
produced without the addition of enzymes. The result of sensory evaluation indicates that the
variants in the experiment differs from each other. Best rated wines are those produced
under the influence of yeast Lalvin 71B. With their quality, CONTROL wines did not fall
behind other variants, on the contrary, they were better than some variants. At the end we
can conclude that use of different pectolytic enzymes and selected yeast strains can
significantly affect the chemical composition and quality of blackberry wines. In future, this
data can help the wine producers in making decisions to which enzymes and yeast strains
they can choose. Sakrij dio sažetka
Ključne riječi
voćna vina
kupina Rubus spp.
polifenolni spojevi
aromatski spojevi
antioksidacijska aktivnost
Ključne riječi (engleski)
fruit wines
blackberry Rubus spp.
polyphenol compounds
aromatic compounds
antioxidant activity
Jezik hrvatski
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:204:497791
Datum promocije 2018-07-12
Studijski program Naziv: Poljoprivredne znanosti Vrsta studija: sveučilišni Stupanj studija: poslijediplomski doktorski Akademski / stručni naziv: doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje biotehničkih znanosti, polje poljoprivreda (dr. sc.)
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Način izrade datoteke Izvorno digitalna
Prava pristupa Pristup korisnicima matične ustanove
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Datum i vrijeme pohrane 2018-07-18 08:28:03