Naslov Analiza genetske strukture i srodstva hrvatskih autohtonih sorti vinove loze
Naslov (engleski) The analysis of genetic structure and parentage of Croatian autochthonous grape varieties
Autor Maja Žulj Mihaljević
Mentor Ivan Pejić (mentor)
Član povjerenstva Edi Maletić (član povjerenstva)
Član povjerenstva Zlatko Šatović (član povjerenstva)
Član povjerenstva Goran Zdunić (član povjerenstva)
Ustanova koja je dodijelila akademski / stručni stupanj Sveučilište u Zagrebu Agronomski fakultet Zagreb
Datum i država obrane 2017-12-13, Hrvatska
Znanstveno / umjetničko područje, polje i grana BIOTEHNIČKE ZNANOSTI Poljoprivreda (agronomija)
Univerzalna decimalna klasifikacija (UDC ) 633/635 - Hortikultura. Voćarstvo. Vinogradarstvo. Vrtlarstvo
Sažetak Način kako male vinogradarske zemlje mogu doskočiti uniformizaciji vinskog tržišta jest
da trend univerzalnosti u vinogradarskoj proizvodnji mijenjaju u korist autohtonosti. O
dosadašnjem uspjehu spašavanja i revitalizacije hrvatskog autohtonog sortimenta govori
činjenica da sve više raste interes i potražnja za udomaćenim sortimentom, kako u
potrošnji tako i u proizvodnji. Dokazivanje autohtonosti jedan je od bitnih poteza u
brendiranju proizvoda. U idealnom slučaju, dokazi da je sorta
... Više autohtona, tj. nastala na
nekom području jesu otkriće njenih roditelja koji su također tamo udomaćeni te duga
tradicija uzgoja sorte koju je također potrebno dokazati kroz opširno proučavanje
dostupnih povijesnih izvora. Znanstveni pristup i dostupni moderni alati mogu barem
donekle dati odgovor da li je nešto autohtono, a to je dosad urađeno za svega nekolicinu
hrvatskih sorata. Cilj istraživanja bio je stoga za sve potencijalno autohtone sorte unutar
hrvatskih kolekcija utvrditi njihov status (bez ili sa sinonimima/homonima u drugim
državama), pripadnost nekom skupu gena te analizirati njihove srodstvene odnose (s
prvenstvenim naglaskom na analizu roditeljstva) zajedno s dostupnim genotipovima
najveće svjetske kolekcije u Vassalu (INRA, Francuska).
Ovo je prvenstveno odrađeno korištenjem za to danas najmodernijih genetičkih alata -
analizom nuklearne DNA s 36 mikrosatelitskih (SSR) i dva seta SNP markera te
mikrosatelitskim utvrđivanjem klorotipova. Dio ispitivanih SSR lokusa odnosio se na novu
generaciju tri- i tetra- nukleotidnih lokusa koje se preporuča zbog manjih pogrešaka u
designacija alela, ali isti se zbog pojave nul alela i/ili slabije informativnosti nisu pokazali
kao idealni set za genotipizaciju.
Genotipizacijom na devet standardnih SSR lokusa i usporedbom s formiranom bazom
podataka koja je sadržavala preko 4200 genetskih profila utvrđen je status za ukupno 212
prikupljenih primki. Dvije trećine sorata (95 primki) unutar kolekcija nema sinonima u niti
jednoj drugoj zemlji, egzistiraju samo na prostoru Hrvatske i mogu se zasad smatrati
autohtonima. Globalna analiza genetske strukture (k=5) pokazala je da je polovina
hrvatskog sortimenta dio inferiranog balkanskog genskog skupa ekvivalentno Negruljevoj
ekološko geografskoj klasifikaciji. Mikro analiza genetske strukture pratila je utvrđene
srodstvene odnose i razdvojila dalmatinski sortiment kao najhomogeniji podskup unutar
Utvrđena je razlika u bogatstvu i distribuciji klorotipova između hrvatskih regija, a pojava
klorotipa A isključivo u priobalnom dijelu upućuje na potencijalnu introgresiju divlje loze pri
formiranju sortimenta.
Kompletna rekonstrukcija roditeljstva bila je moguća za svega 19% sorata, a suprotno
očekivanjima, u mnogo njih sudjelovale su strane sorte koje nisu evidentirane unutar
hrvatske germplazme poput Bombina bianca. Ključna sorta za formiranje hrvatskog
sortimenta je Plavac mali za kojeg je ujedno odbačeno ranije predlagano roditeljstvo zbog
nepodudaranja na 4 SSR, 3 SNP te kloroplastne distribucije. Za ukupno 45% sorata
detektirana je barem jedna roditelj-potomak veza s nekom od pretpostavljeno autohtonih
sorata, odnosno drugi roditelj nije rekonstruiran, te za neke postoje moguće roditeljpotomak
veze sa stranim sortama. Stoga ne možemo potvrditi hipotezu da je većina
sorata uključenih u istraživanje nastala na području današnje Hrvatske (iako većina
egzistira isključivo ovdje). Dodatnih 8 sorata možemo smatrati autohtonima (također
zasad) jer kao potencijalnog roditelja imaju barem jednu autohtonu sortu, a drugi
istraživači za iste nisu rekonstruirali roditelj potomak veze. U konačnici ukupan broj
autohtonih sorata iznosi, zasad, 103. Brojnost utvrđenih sinonima, stranih sorata u
roditeljstvima te posljedično veliki broj sorata miješanog porijekla posljedica je
kompleksnih pedigrea, migracije i erozije sorata vinove loze na području Hrvatske. Sakrij dio sažetka
Sažetak (engleski) The way that small wine-growing countries can cope with globalization and uniformity of
the wine market is orientation to autochthonous varieties which is in agreement with rural
development and ecological balance. Modern consumers value quality and originality,
which leads to different approaches in the development of viticulture and enology.
Developed winegrowing countries invested great resources in new technologies, as well
as in the rescue and revitalization of indigenous
... Više cultivars. Due to the importance and
potential of wine-growing and wine making Croatia did the same. Efforts to save native
grape germplasm started twenty years ago, through a series of professional and scientific
projects. Increasing interest and demand for planting material is the evidence those efforts
are successful.
Due to the fragmented vineyards big scale production of massive, cheap and competitive
wines is impossible. One of the ways to justify higher price is to offer unique product, and
proving its authenticity is one of the key steps. Ideally, the proof that a variety is
autochthonous is the discovery of its also local parents as well as the long tradition of
local cultivation. The latter has to be supported through time-consuming and extensive
studies of available historical records. Grapevine can be vegetatively and sexually
propagated so the are many different breeding scenarios and levels of
autochthonousness which are sometimes hard to reconstruct. Scientific approach and
modern genetic tools can, to a certain extent, help defining if a variety is or is not
indigenous, which so far has been done only for few Croatian varieties.
Therefore the aim of this research was: to define status (with or without
synonyms/homonyms) for all potentially indigenous accessions which can be found within
Croatian grapevine collections; to assign them to the inferred genepools and to preform
parentage and kinship analysis (through defining primarily parent offspring and full sib
connections) together with available genotypes from the worlds' biggest grape collection in
Vassal (INRA, France).
This was performed using state of the art genetic tools - analysis of nuclear DNA via 36
microsatellite (SSR) markers, two sets of SNP (Single Nucleotide Polymorphism) markers
as well as chlorotype determination. Part of the tested SSR loci referred to the new
generation of tri- and tetra- nucleotide loci recommended for their accuracy in allele
designation. Due to the high recorded null allele frequency and partially low polymorphism
they are not recommended as substitution for standard set of microsatellite markers.
This was also the case for potentially functional SNP markers from SNP set 2 that showed
serious deviations from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium. 45 selected SNPs from SNP set 1
showed high amplification rates and informativeness in accordance with other studies.
The main drawback of these SNP markers which are also being recommended as an
alternative for nine standard microsatellites is absence of publicly available SNP profiles
and hence they cannot be used for the comparison with international varieties.
Reference varieties from Vassal collection were used for synchronization of microsatellite
data. Status for a total of 212 sampled accessions was determined after genotyping of
nine standard SSR loci and comparing them with created internal SSR database which
contained more than 4200 grape genetic profiles.
For two thirds (95 accessions) synonyms were not found in any other country, they exist
only in Croatian vineyards and can, for now, be regarded as autochthonous varieties. The
highest synonyms occurrence was with Italy, Slovenia, Bosnia and Herzegovina and with
German speaking countries which can be correlated to our common history.
The difference in abundance and chlorotype distribution was detected among Croatian
winegrowing regions. The emergence of chlorotype A only along Adriatic coast suggests
possible introgression with wild grape. They proved as a valuable tool for defining
mother/father identity but also for rejecting falsely proposed parentages.
Analysis of global genetic structure using Structure program (k=5) inferred that half of the
varieties can be grouped in Balcan gene pool in accordance with Negrul's ecogeographical
distribution of grape varieties. Analysis of genetic structure on micro level
followed kinship patterns and defined Dalmatian pool as the richest and most
homogeneous gene pool.
Parentage and kinship analysis was done using 20 SSR markers common to Vassal
genotypes, and addition 14 tri- and tetra nucleotide SSR loci as well as 45 SNP loci were
visually screened and used when it was possible as additional affirmation of the proposed
parentage trio. The complete parentage reconstruction was possible for only 19% of the
varieties. Unexpectedly, in many those cases one of the parents was a foreign variety that
is a genotype that was not recorded in any of the Croatian grape collections. This
refers the most to Bombino bianco, high- yielding variety from Italian Apuglia region.
Besides Bombino b., other key genitors to Croatian varieties were defined.
In the first place this is Plavac mali, the most important red variety. Previously proposed
parentage where Dobričić and Tribidrag were parents of Plavac mali was rejected due to
the inconsistencies on 4 analyzed SSR loci, 3 SNP loci and chlorotype distribution.
This case illustrates complexity and sometimes inaccuracies in genealogical
reconstructions. Since the exact time of cultivars' emergence is unknown, as is with
traditional cultivars, possibly the true parent(s) are extinct and some varieties are product
of complex pedigrees the number of genotyped loci used in parentage reconstructions
should be much larger and comprehensive then it was the case so far.
The fact that the majority of Croatian germplasms’ key genitors are today critically
endangered or have disappeared highlights the importance and justification for preserving
locally neglected varieties, although they maybe have no economic potential.
Revealing the Croatian names and their possible existence in old vineyards is a future
challenge for varieties like Bombino bianco or Alba imputotato. The reconstructed kinship
group of Heunisch Weiss, consisting of varieties grown in northwestern part of Croatia, but
also in Primorje and Istria, as well as the presented historical documents supports the
hypothesis about its Pannonian origin. Records from 19th century talking about
winegrowers' affinity to high yielding but low quality varieties and the number of those in
reconstructed parentages witness the socio-economic circumstances that shaped the
Croatian grapevine assortment.
For 45% of the varieties at least one parent-offspring connection with some supposedly
autochthonous variety was detected. Since the other parent was not found so the
complete parentage therefore can't be reconstructed and for some there are possible
parent-offspring connections with foreign varieties, hypothesis that the majority of
supposedly autochthonous variety in this research originated in Croatia cannot be
confirmed. Additional 8 varieties can be considered autochthonous (also for now) since
potential parent offspring relationships were reconstructed with at least one
autochthonous variety and there are no parent offspring relationships with foreign
germplasm. Overall, until proven otherwise, 103 varieties can be considered
autochthonous. The number of defined and confirmed synonyms, number of nonindigenous
varieties in parentages and the according amount of admixed genotypes is a
direct consequence of complex grape pedigrees, cultivars migration and genetic erosion. Sakrij dio sažetka
Ključne riječi
vinova loza (Vitis vinifera L.)
autohtone sorte
genetska struktura
Ključne riječi (engleski)
grapevine (Vitis vinifera L.)
autochthonous varieties
genetic structure
parentage analysis
kinship analysis
Jezik hrvatski
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:204:704364
Studijski program Naziv: Poljoprivredne znanosti Vrsta studija: sveučilišni Stupanj studija: poslijediplomski doktorski Akademski / stručni naziv: doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje biotehničkih znanosti, polje poljoprivreda (dr. sc.)
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Način izrade datoteke Izvorno digitalna
Prava pristupa Pristup korisnicima matične ustanove
Uvjeti korištenja
Datum i vrijeme pohrane 2018-01-11 10:39:12