Sažetak | Industrija je osnova gospodarstva u većini država, ali uz mnoge koristi koje pružaju industrijske aktivnosti ima i značajan negativni utjecaj na okoliš i zdravlje ljudi. Takav primjer je kompleks bivše tvornice glinice (TG) Jadral u kojemu se skoro 40 godina na području Obrovca nalazi nesanirana industrijska lokacija. Uz tvornicu izgrađene su i dvije lagune kao odlagalište tehnološkog otpada (crveni mulj i lužina) nastalog pri proizvodnji aluminija. Crveni mulj sadrži visoki udio željeza i različitih drugih metala sadržanih u boksitu čije čestice jaki udari podvelebitske bure mogu transportirati prema obližnjim naseljima i pri tome onečistiti tlo, ali i uzrokovati razne bolesti kod ljudi. Ciljevi ovog diplomskog rada bili su: (i) procijeniti ekološki rizik utjecaja tehnološkog otpada s odlagališta tvornice Jadral na onečišćenje okolnog tla metalima, (ii) procijeniti zdravstveni rizik izloženosti lokalnih ljudi metalima u tlu u blizini navednog odlagališta. Istraživanje je temeljeno na rezultatima arhiviranih uzoraka tla prikupljenih u proljeće 2020. godine iz površinskog sloja tla (0-5 cm) na 26 lokacija u blizini laguna s tehnološkim otpadom iz tvornice glinice Jadral. U navedenim uzorcima tla sadržaj metala (Al, As, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni, Pb, Sr, Ti, Y, Zn i Zr) prethodnim istraživanjem utvrđen je pXRF metodom. Procjena ekološkog rizika odlagališta otpada na tlo provela se izračunom faktora kontaminacije (CF), faktora obogaćenja (EF), indeksa ekološkog rizika (ERI) i indeks opterećenja onečišćenjem (PLI). Zdravstveni rizik utjecaja onečišćujućih tvari s odlagališta otpada na lokalno stanovništvo (djeca i odrasli) temeljen je na izračunu nekancerogenog rizika (kvocijent opasnosti, HQ), kancerogenog rizika (CRi) i incidencije životnog rizika od raka (ILCR) s obzirom na utvrđeni sadržaj As, Pb, Ni i Cr u tlu na svakoj lokaciji ovisno o načinu izloženosti (udisanje, gutanje, putem kože). Rezultati otkrivaju vrlo visoku kontaminaciju tla cirkonijem (CF = 8,14) i stroncijem (CF = 6,20 i 6,16) na tri lokacije na južnom dijelu odlagališta otpada, te prisutnost onečišćenja na devet lokacija južno od laguna (PLI raspon od 1,00 do 1,50). EF vrijednosti (5,00 – 53,6) ukazuju na značajno obogaćenje tla cirkonijem, itrijem, stroncijem, olovom i arsenom. ERI u rasponu od 4,1 do 37,3 indicira na nizak ekološki rizik na cijelom području oko odlagališta. Djeca izravnim gutanjem tla i južno (HQ = 1,337 – 2,087) i sjeverno od laguna (HQ = 1,884 – 4,264) nakon šestogodišnjeg izlaganja mogla bi razviti nekancerogene kronične bolesti, te bi nakon dugotrajnog izlaganja metalima mogla razviti kancerogene bolesti na jednoj lokaciji sjeverno od laguna, Ob 5 (CRi = 1,02 x 10-4) i skoro svim lokacijama južno od laguna (CRi = 1,05 x 10-4 – 2,64 x 10-4) u slučaju gutanja tla. Navedeno je potvrđeno i izračunatim ILCR vrijednostima koje su na 16 lokacija južno od laguna bile veće od 1x 10-4. |
Sažetak (engleski) | Industry is the foundation of the economy in most countries, but alongside the many benefits provided by industrial activities, there is also a significant negative impact on the environment and human health. An example of this is the complex of the former Jadral alumina factory, which has been an unsanitary industrial site in the Obrovac area for almost 40 years. Alongside the factory, two lagoons were built as a disposal site for technological waste (red mud and lye) generated during aluminum production. Red mud contains a high content of iron and various other metals found in bauxite, whose particles can be transported by strong winds from the Velebit mountain range to nearby settlements, contaminating the soil and causing various diseases in humans. The goals of this thesis were: (i) to assess the ecological risk of the impact of technological waste from the Jadral factory landfill on the contamination of surrounding soil with metals, and (ii) to assess the health risk of local people’s exposure to metals in the soil near the mentioned landfill. The research was based on the results of archived soil samples collected in the spring of 2020 from the surface layer of soil (0-5 cm) at 26 locations near the technological waste lagoons from the Jadral factory. In these soil samples, the content of metals (Al, As, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni, Pb, Sr, Ti, Y, Zn, and Zr) was determined by previous research using the pXRF method. The assessment of the ecological risk of the landfill on the soil was conducted by calculating the contamination factor (CF), enrichment factor (EF), ecological risk index (ERI), and pollution load index (PLI). The health risk of the impact of pollutants from the landfill on the local population (children and adults) was based on the calculation of non-carcinogenic risk (hazard quotient, HQ), carcinogenic risk (CRi), and lifetime cancer risk incidence (ILCR) considering the determined content of As, Pb, Ni, and Cr in the soil at each location depending on the mode of exposure (inhalation, ingestion, dermal contact). The results reveal very high soil contamination with zirconium (CF = 8.14) and strontium (CF = 6.20 and 6.16) at three locations in the southern part of the waste disposal site, and the presence of pollution at nine locations south of the lagoons (PLI range from 1.00 to 1.50). EF values (5.00 – 53.6) indicate significant enrichment of the soil with zirconium, yttrium, strontium, lead, and arsenic. ERI ranging from 4.1 to 37.3 indicates a low ecological risk throughout the area around the landfill. Children, through direct ingestion of soil both south (HQ = 1.337 – 2.087) and north of the lagoons (HQ = 1.884 – 4.264), could develop non-carcinogenic chronic diseases after six years of exposure, and could develop carcinogenic diseases after prolonged exposure to metals at one location north of the lagoons, Ob 5 (CRi = 1.02 x 10-4), and at almost all locations south of the lagoons (CRi = 1.05 x 10-4 – 2.64 x 10-4) in case of soil ingestion. This is confirmed by the calculated ILCR values, which were greater than 1 x 10-4 at 16 locations south of the lagoons. |