Sažetak | Poljoprivreda je jako ovisna o energiji koja čini veliki dio troška same proizvodnje. Stoga korištenje solarne energije može pomoći u smanjenju troškova proizvodnje. Implementacijom solarne energije poljoprivredna gospodarstva mogu ostvariti velike uštede, bilo da ju koriste za pokretanje pumpi za dovod vode na farmama, za napon električne ograde, sušare, za grijanje farme ili za ostale potrebe za električnom energijom. Republika Hrvatska se, kao članica Europske unije, obavezala na prihvaćanje europskog klimatsko-energetskog paketa koji podrazumijeva primjenu Direktive 2009/28/EZ o poticanju uporabe energije iz obnovljivih izvora. Prihvaćanjem ove Direktive od Republike Hrvatske se očekuje da do 2030. godine poveća udio obnovljivih izvora energije u odnosu na potrošnju na barem 32%, dok bi 2050. godine udio trebao biti 65%. Zbog svoga geografskog položaja Republika Hrvatska ima visoku prosječnu osunčanost te je među europskim zemljama s najvećim solarnim potencijalom koji još uvijek nije dovoljno iskorišten. U diplomskom radu napravljen je intervju sa jednim od prijavitelja na Mjeru 4, Operaciju 4.1.3. koja omogućava investiciju u solarne elektrane, te je kao problem identificirano dugo vrijeme čekanja na odobrenje projekta te opsežna administrativna prijava za koju većina poduzeća nema kompetentnu osobu već angažira vanjske konzultante. Financijska analiza investicije u solarnu elektranu malog kapaciteta napravljena je primjenom prodajnih cijena električne energije iz 2020. i 2021. godine, koje su u trenutku pisanja rada bile dostupne. Pri tome su zanemareni potresi na tržištu električnom energijom izazvani ratom u Ukrajini koji su doveli do znatnog povišenja cijena 2022. godine. Prema ekonomskom toku investicija je isplativa u 2028. godini uz pomoć potpore iz fondova Europske unije (9. godina projekta), dok je bez navedene potpore isplativa u 2031. godini (12. godina projekta), zanemarujući krizu izazvanu Ukrajinskim ratom i njen utjecaj na povećanje cijena električne energije. U toku cijelog projekta koeficijent ekonomičnosti ukupnog poslovanja te pokazatelji rentabilnosti, odnosno neto i bruto marža profita bilježe zadovoljavajuće vrijednosti. Projekt izgradnje solarne elektrane ispunio je svoju svrhu zadovoljenja potreba mjernog mjesta pokrivajući cjelokupnu potrošnju istog te prodajući viškove. |
Sažetak (engleski) | Agriculture is highly dependent on energy, which is responsible for a large share of the production cost. Therefore, the use of solar energy can help reduce production costs. By implementing solar energy, agricultural farms can achieve great savings, whether they use it to start water pumps on farms, to power electric fences, dryers, to heat farms or for other electricity needs. The Republic of Croatia, as a member of the European Union, has obligation to accept the European climate and energy package, which includes the application of Directive 2009/28/EC on encouraging the use of energy from renewable sources. By accepting this Directive, the Republic of Croatia is expected to increase the share of renewable energy sources in relation to consumption to at least 32% by 2030, while in 2050 the share should be 65%. Due to its geographical position, the Republic of Croatia has a high average amount of sunshine and is among the European countries with the greatest solar potential that is still not sufficiently utilized. In the thesis, an interview was conducted with one of the applicants for Measure 4, Operation 4.1.3. which enables investment in solar power plants. The main problem identified in this research was the long waiting time for project approval and the extensive administrative application for which most companies do not have a competent person so have to hire external consultants. The financial analysis of the investment in a small-capacity solar power plant was made using the sales prices of electricity from 2020 and 2021, which were available at the time of writing. During this research it was not possible to predict the earthquakes on the electricity market caused by the war in Ukraine, which led to a significant increase in prices in 2022, so this was ignored. According to the economic flow, the investment is profitable in 2028 with the help of support from the European Union funds (9th year of the project), while without mentioned support it is profitable in 2031 (12th year of the project), ignoring the crisis caused by the Ukrainian war and its impact on increase in electricity prices. During the entire project, the efficiency coefficient of the overall business and profitability indicators, i.e. net and gross profit margin, recorded satisfactory values. The solar power plant construction project fulfilled its purpose of satisfying the needs of the metering point by covering its entire consumption and selling the surplus. |