Sažetak | Planine su važni izvori velikih svjetskih rijeka, ruda, bioraznolikosti, sirovina i brojnih drugih pogodnosti. Među važnim antropogenim onečišćivačima planinskih okoliša svakako treba izdvojiti turizam. Cilj ovog diplomskog rada bio je utvrditi varijabilnost teških metala, kroma (Cr), olova (Pb), nikla (Ni), cinka (Zn), bakra (Cu) i arsena (As) u tlu nakon otapanja snijega i završene skijaške sezone na tri odabrane pozicije na padini.
Istraživanje je uključivalo analizu 12 prosječnih arhiviranih uzorka tla koji su prikupljeni u travnju 2015. godine nakon otapanja snijega i završene skijaške sezone. Uzorci su prikupljeni s vrha, sredine i podnožja padine (0-30 cm) Crvenog spusta na Sljemenu (PP Medvednica) u tri ponavljanja, a kontrolni uzorci tla uzeti su u obližnjoj šumi. U arhiviranim zrokosuhim uzorcima tla sadržaj metala odredio se metodom prijenosne rendgenske florescencije, a statistička obrada podataka provedena je analizom varijance.
Rezultati otkrivaju da je sadržaj olova i cinka statistički značajno varirao ovisno o poziciji na lokaciji istraživanja, dok su sadržaji kroma, nikla, bakra i arsena relativno varirali ovisno o poziciji na lokaciji istraživanja. Tlo cijelom dužinom spusta u prosjeku je sadržavalo 111,4 mg Cr/kg, 47,0 mg Ni/kg, 47,6 mg Cu/kg, 162,0 mg Zn/kg, 10,9 mg As/kg i 25,2 mg Pb/kg. Kontrolno tlo u obližnjoj šumi sadržavalo je 111,8 mg Cr/kg, 47,3 mg Ni/kg, 46,2 mg Cu/kg, 219,8 mg Zn/kg, 9,2 mg As/kg i 41,8 mg Pb/kg. Rezultati ukazuju na onečišćenje šumskog kontrolnog tla kromom i cinkom, kao i na neznatno onečišćenje sredine spusta kromom i vrha spusta cinkom. Utvrđena je negativna i jaka ovisnost između Zn i pH vrijednosti (r=-0,5665) te Pb i pH vrijednosti tla (r=-0,7640), kao i vrlo jaka pozitivna ovisnost između Zn i sadržaja humusa (r= 0,6615) te Pb i sadržaja humusa (r=0,8635). Također, Cr i Ni, Cr i Cu, Ni i Cu i Zn i Pb bili su u međusobnoj pozitivnoj, jakoj i značajnoj korelaciji. U konačnici, rezultati ukazuju da skijaške aktivnosti nisu imale značajan utjecaj na onečišćenje tla unutar PP Medvednica. |
Sažetak (engleski) | Mountains are important sources of the world's great rivers, ores, biodiversity, raw materials and numerous other benefits. Among the important anthropogenic polluters of mountain environments, tourism should definitely be singled out. The aim of this thesis was to determine the variability of heavy metals, chromium (Cr), lead (Pb), nickel (Ni), zinc (Zn), copper (Cu) and arsenic (As) in the soil after the melting of the snow and the end of the ski season on three selected positions on the slope.
The research included the analysis of 12 average archived soil samples that were collected in April 2015 after the snow had melted and the ski season had ended. Samples were collected from the start line, middle and finish line of the slope at the depth of 0-30 cm from the Red Slope in Sljeme (Nature Park Medvednica) skiing resort in three replicates. Three control soil samples were taken in a nearby forest. In the archived air-dry soil samples, the metal content was determined by the portable X-ray fluorescence method and the statistical analysis was performed by the analysis of variance.
The results reveal that the content of lead and zinc varied significantly due to the position in the research location, while the contents of chromium, nickel, copper and arsenic varied relatively depending on the position in the research location. The soil along the entire length of the slope contained on average: 111.4 mg Cr/kg, 47.0 mg Ni/kg, 47.6 mg Cu/kg, 162.0 mg Zn/kg, 10.9 mg As/kg and 25, 2 mg Pb/kg. Control forest soil contained: 111.8 mg Cr/kg, 47.3 mg Ni/kg, 46.2 mg Cu/kg, 219.8 mg Zn/kg, 9.2 mg As/kg and 41.8 mg Pb/kg. The results indicate the contamination of the forest soil with chromium and zinc, as well as slight contamination of the middle of the slope with chromium and the start line of the slope with zinc. A negative and strong dependence was found between Zn and pH value (r=-0.5665) and Pb and soil pH value (r=-0.7640), as well as a very strong positive dependence between Zn and humus content (r= 0, 6615) and Pb and humus content (r=0.8635). Also, Cr and Ni, Cr and Cu, Ni and Cu and Zn and Pb were in positive, strong and significant correlation with each other. Ultimately, the results indicate that skiing activities had no significant impact on soil pollution within Park of nature Medvednica. |