Naslov Primarne arome mošta sorte "Škrlet bijeli" (Vitis vinifera L.) pri različitoj gnojidbi
Naslov (engleski) Primary aromas in must of variety "Škrlet bijeli" (Vitis vinifera L.) by different fertilization
Autor Mirela Trdenić
Mentor Marko Petek (mentor)
Mentor Zvjezdana Marković (mentor)
Član povjerenstva Darko Preiner (član povjerenstva)
Član povjerenstva Ivana Tomaz (član povjerenstva)
Član povjerenstva Igor Palčić (član povjerenstva)
Ustanova koja je dodijelila akademski / stručni stupanj Sveučilište u Zagrebu Agronomski fakultet Zagreb
Datum i država obrane 2020-11-24, Hrvatska
Znanstveno / umjetničko područje, polje i grana BIOTEHNIČKE ZNANOSTI Poljoprivreda (agronomija) Agrokemija
Univerzalna decimalna klasifikacija (UDC ) 633/635 - Hortikultura. Voćarstvo. Vinogradarstvo. Vrtlarstvo
Sažetak Gnojidba predstavlja važnu agrotehničku mjeru kojom se u proizvodnji grožđa mogu postići veći prinosi poboljšane kvalitete. Učinkovitost gnojidbe ovisit će o svojstvima tla, vremenskim uvjetima, kondiciji sorte, podlozi, načinu uzgoja te ostalim agrotehničkim mjerama. Prvi korak kod određivanja gnojidbenog tretmana je provedba kemijske analize tla kojom se utvrđuju potencijalno raspoloživa hraniva u tlu te koliko je tlo pogodno za uzgoj određene kulture. Međutim, ukoliko se žele utvrditi
... Više stvarne potrebe biljke za hranivima odnosno utvrditi stupanj ishranjenosti onda je za vinovu lozu, analiza biljnog tkiva najpouzdanija metoda za procjenu potrebne gnojidbe jer hraniva u listu predstavljaju direktan izvor hraniva za grozd tijekom dozrijevanja. Kvalitetu grožđa osim kemijskog sastava poput sadržaja šećera, suhe tvari, ukupne kiselosti, organskih kiselina te mineralnog sastava određuje i sadržaj primarnih spojeva arome koji imaju izravan utjecaj na aromatski profil budućeg finalnog proizvoda vina. Posljednjih 20-tak godina ostvario se znatan napredak u razvoju metoda određivanja aromatskih spojeva primjenom plinske kromatografije, no do danas je malo podataka u literaturi vezanih za utjecaj hraniva na sadržaj primarnih aroma u grožđu. Stoga je cilj ovog istraživanja bio utvrditi utjecaj različitih gnojidbenih tretmana, posebice folijarne primjene kalija (K) te bora (B) i ostalih mikroelemenata na sadržaj makro (N, P, K, Ca, Mg) i mikroelemenata (Fe, Zn, Mn) u listu, komponente prinosa, osnovni kemijski sastav mošta i koncentraciju primarnih aroma u moštu sorte ‘Škrlet bijeli’ te utvrditi povezanost navedenih svojstava sa sadržajem hraniva u listu. U istraživanju su primjenjena četiri gnojidbena tretmana koja su uključivala: standardnu gnojidbu NPK gnojivom te tretmane koji su uz NPK gnojidbu uključivala i kalcizaciju s kalcij magnezij karbonatom te folijarnu prihranu borom i makro i mikroelementima. Pokus je postavljen na petogodišnjem vinogradu, na autohtonoj sorti Moslavine ‘Škrlet bijeli’ na lokaciji Kutina, regija Središnja bregovita Hrvatska, podregija Moslavina, vinogorje Voloder-Ivanić Grad. Uzorkovanje cjelovitih listova nasuprot grozdu obavljeno je u fazi cvatnje, šare i dozrijevanja tijekom tri godine istraživanja (2012., 2013. i 2014.). U uzorcima lista određen je sadržaj makro i mikroelemenata. Berba grožđa u sve tri godine istraživanja obavljena je u fazi pune zrelosti. Izmjerene su komponente prinosa te su u moštu određena osnovna kemijska svojstva. Koncentracija primarnih aroma odredila se primjenom plinske kromatografije s masenom detekcijom (GC/MS) uz prethodnu mikroekstrakciju na čvrstoj fazi (SPME-eng. solid-phase microextraction). Određeni su i kvantificirani spojevi primarne arome: monoterpeni, C13 norizoprenoidi i C6 spojevi. Usporedbom dobivenih vrijednosti makro i mikroelemenata u listu s referentnim vrijednostima, neovisno o gnojidbi i godini, utvrđeno je da su vrijednosti N, P, K, Fe i Zn u listu vinove loze 'Škrlet bijeli' unutar referentnih raspona, vrijednosti Ca i Mg ispod referentnog raspona dok su vrijednosti Mn iznad referentnih vrijednosti. Sadržaj minerala u listu nije bio pod utjecajem gnojidbenih tretmana. Iako statističkom obradom rezultata nije utvrđen statistički značajan utjecaj gnojidbenih tretmana na koncentraciju primarnih aroma u moštu 'Škrleta bijelog', uočen je pozitivni trend povećanja koncentracije C13 norizoprenoida i β-ionona te smanjenje koncentracije C6 spojeva u moštu ovisno o gnojidbi. Najveće vrijednosti C13 norizoprenoida te najmanje vrijednosti C6 spojeva postignute su pri gnojidbenom tretmanu u kojem je uz osnovnu gnojidbu NPK 7-14-21, kalcizaciju Fertdolomitom, folijarno tretiranje borom (B) obavljeno i folijarno tretiranje makro i mikroelementima. Također je utvrđen statistički značajan utjecaj godina (2013. i 2014.) s nižom prosječnom temperaturom tijekom vegetacije, osim za β-damaskenone čije su vrijednosti bile značajno veće u godini sa višom prosječnom temperaturom tijekom vegetacije (2012.). Analizirajući povezanost sadržaja minerala u listu sa svojstvima prinosa i mošta, uočen je trend pozitivnog koreliranja mikroelemenata, posebice Mn, sa prinosom i svojstvima mošta. Sakrij dio sažetka
Sažetak (engleski) Fertilization as an agrotechnical practice can be a powerful viticultural tool that can achieve higher yields of improved quality in grape production. The efficiency of fertilization will depend on a number of factors such as soil properties, weather conditions, condition and reaction of the variety to the applied nutrients, substrate, method of cultivation and other implemented agrotechnical measures. The first step in the approach to determining fertilizer treatment is to conduct a
... Više chemical analysis of the soil to determine the potentially available nutrients in the soil that can be absorbed by the root and how suitable the soil is for growing a particular crop. However, if you want to determine the actual needs of the plant for nutrients or determine the degree of nutrition, then for permanent crops, including vines, plant tissue analysis is the most reliable method for assessing the need for additional fertilization because nutrients in the leaf are a direct source of nutrients for the grape. The quality of grapes, in addition to basic chemical and physical properties such as sugar content, dry matter, total acidity, organic acids, phenols, relative density and mineral composition, is determined by the quality of primary aroma compounds that have a direct impact on the aromatic profile of future final product or wine. Although significant progress has been made in the last 20 years in the development and improvement of the method for determining aromatic compounds using gas chromatography, to date there is little data in the literature related to the influence of nutrients or fertilizers on the content of primary aromas in grapes / must. Therefore, the aim of this study was to determine the impact of different fertilization treatments, especially foliar application of potassium (K) and boron (B) and other trace elements on the status of macro (N, P, K, Ca, Mg) and trace elements (Fe, Zn, Mn). ) in the leaf, yielding components, basic properties of must and the content of primary aromas in the must of the cultivar 'Škrlet bijeli'. Also, the aim was to determine the connection of these properties with the status of nutrients in the leaf in phenophase veraison. Four fertilization treatments were applied in the research, which included: standard fertilization with NPK fertilizer and treatments which, in addition to NPK fertilization, also included calcization with calcium magnesium carbonate and foliar fertilization with boron and macro and microelements.The experiment was set up on a five-year old vineyard (planted in 2008), on the autochthonous variety of Moslavina 'Škrlet bijeli', clone ŠK-29, at the location Kutina, region Središnja bregovita Hrvatska, subregion Moslavina, vineyards Voloder-Ivanić Grad. Sampling of whole leaves opposite the cluster was performed in the flowering, veraison and ripening phase during the three years of the study (2012, 2013 and 2014). The status of macro and microelements was determined in leaf samples. Grape harvest in all three years of research was performed in the phase of full maturity. Yield components such as yield per vine, mass of grapes and average number of grapes per vine, were measured. Also, the basic chemical properties sugar content, total acids, must pH value and content of yeast assimilable nitrogen were determined in the must. The content of primary aromas were analyzed by solid-phase microextraction coupled with gas chromatography mass spectrometry (SPME-GC/MS). The primary aroma compounds which were determined and quantified are: monoterpenes, C13 norisoprenoids and C6 compounds. By comparing the obtained values of macro and microelements in the leaves with reference values, regardless of fertilization and year, it was determined that the values of N, P, K, Fe and Zn in the leaves of 'Škrlet bijeli' are within the reference ranges, while Ca and Mg values are below the reference range and the values of Mn are above the reference values. The mineral status in the leaves was not affected by fertilization treatments. However, it was found a statistically significant effect of phenophase on the mineral content in the leaf. Comparing the dynamics of movement of all investigated nutrients in the leaf 'Škrlet bijeli' with respect to the studied phenophases of flowering, veraison and ripening, it was generally found that the content of N and P was higher in flowering than in veraison and ripening, and the content of Ca, Mg, Fe and Mn was higher in veraison and ripening, In
the studied years, the content of K increased from flowering to veraison, and decreased towards the end of vegetation. Also, the values of Zn in the leaf only decreased in 2012 from flowering to the end of vegetation, while in 2013 and 2014 they increased from flowering to the end of vegetation. Although the statistical interpretation of the results did not determined a significant effect of fertilization treatments on the content of primary aromas in the must of 'Škrlet bijeli', a positive trend was observed in increasing the content of total free forms of C13 norisoprenoids and decreasing the total content of C6 compounds in the must depending on fertilization. The highest values of the total free forms of C13 norisoprenoids and the lowest values of the total C6 compounds were achieved with fertilization treatment in which, in addition to basic fertilization NPK 7-14-21 was preformed a calcization with calcium magnesium carbonate and also the foliar treatment with boron (B) and foliar treatment with macro and microelements were applied. It was also found a statistically significant effect of years (2013 and 2014) with a lower average temperature during vegetation to increase the content of the primary aromas, except the content of β-damaskenone which values were significantly higher in the year with a higher average temperature during vegetation (2012). Analyzing the correlation between the changes in the content of macro and microelements in the leaf with the yield components, basic chemical properties of the must and the concentration of primary aromas in the must of 'Škrlet bijeli', it was found a statistically significant strong positive correlation between the content of K in the leaf and the number of grapes per vine and the concentration of total acids in the must. Also, it was found a statistically significant strong positive correlation between the Mn content in the leaf and the yield per vine, the number of grapes per vine, the concentration of total free forms of C13 norisoprenoids, the total free forms of terpenes, free forms of β-ionone and the concentration of the yeast assimilable nitrogen in the must of 'Škrlet bijeli'. Based on the obtained results it can be concluded that the application of the fertilization treatment which include fertilization with NPK, calcium magnesium carbonate and foliar application of boron and macro and microelements is proposed, with corrective fertilization of calcium and magnesium in the following period. The application of this fertilization treatment can affect the concentration of primary aroma compounds in the must and increase the concentration of total free forms of C13 norisoprenoids, especially the free form of β-ions and reduce the concentration of total C6 compounds in the must of 'Scarlet White' Sakrij dio sažetka
Ključne riječi
aromatski profil
kvaliteta grožđa
prinos grožđa
Škrlet bijeli
vinova loza
Ključne riječi (engleski)
aromatic profile
grape quality
grape yield
škrlet bijeli
Jezik hrvatski
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:204:150110
Datum promocije 2020
Studijski program Naziv: Poljoprivredne znanosti Vrsta studija: sveučilišni Stupanj studija: poslijediplomski doktorski Akademski / stručni naziv: doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje biotehničkih znanosti, polje poljoprivreda (dr. sc.)
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Datum i vrijeme pohrane 2020-12-16 07:48:55