Sažetak | Najbolji pokazatelj atraktivnosti ekološke poljoprivredne proizvodnje su pozitivna kretanja
na strani proizvodnje odnosno na strani prodaje. MeĎutim, kako bi se prilagodili ubrzanom
rastu trţišta ekoloških prehrambenih proizvoda potrebno je razumijeti kupovno ponašanje
potrošača, odnosno motive za kupnju ovih proizvoda.
Motivi za kupnju ekoloških prehrambenih proizvoda mogu se podijeliti na egoistične i
altruistične. Kupnje koje su motivirane egoističnim motivima (zdravlje, uţivanje u ... Više okusu)
mogu se bolje razumjeti kroz istraţivanja u kojima se primjenjuje teorija planiranog
ponašanja, koja spada u skupinu teorija racionalnog izbora. Za razumijevanje altruističnog
odnosno prosocijalno motiviranog kupovnog ponašanja moţe se primijeniti teorija
aktiviranja normi, koja spada u skupinu moralnih teorija.
Cilj ove disertacije je empirijski utvrditi koja od dvije teorije, teorija planiranog ponašanja ili
teorija aktiviranja normi bolje predviĎa kupovno ponašanje potrošača ekoloških
prehrambenih proizvoda. Za ovo istraţivanje odabrano je ekološko povrće, kao jedna od
kategorija ekoloških prehrambenih proizvoda koja se u svijetu najčešće kupuje.
Istraţivanje je provedeno na uzorku od 404 ispitanika. Radi obrade podataka provedena
je jednovarijantna analiza podataka i modeliranje strukturnim jednadţbama. Rezultati
istraţivanja su otkrili da teorija planiranog ponašanja bolje predviĎa kupnju ekološkog
povrća od teorije aktiviranja normi. Najjači prediktor ponašanja – kupnje ekološkog povrća
na razini modela teorije planiranog ponašanja je namjera, a na razini modela teorije
aktiviranja normi percipirana bihevioralna kontrola.
Temeljem rezultata istraţivanja date su preporuke za poslovnu praksu, s ciljem uspješnije
prodaje ekološkog povrća. Za metodologiju znanstvenog istraţivanja dobivene su vrijedne
spoznaje za izbor teorijskog modela za razumijevanje egoistično motiviranih kupnji
ekološkog povrća. Sakrij dio sažetka |
Sažetak (engleski) | The best indicator of the attractiveness of organic agricultural production is the positive
trend on the side of production as well as on sales side. However, to understand whay is
organic food market developing rapidly, it is necessary to investigate consumer buying
behaviour or motives triggering the purchase of these products. The motives driving
organic food buying behaviour can be classified into two groups: egoistic and altruistic
(Vega-Zamora et al., 2013). The purchases ... Više motivated by egoistic motives can be better
understood through studies in which theory of planned behaviour is applied, the theory
belonging to racional choice theories (Ajzen, 1991; according to Bamber and Möser,
2007). For understanding of buying behaviour which is altruistic motivated, norm
activation theory can be applied (Schwartz, 1977; according to Bamber and Möser, 2007),
which is belonging to group of moral theories (Turaga et al., 2010). The purpose of this
research is to determine which of two theories, theory of planned behaviour or norm
activation theory predicts better buying behaviour of organic food consumers. The model
of the theory of planned behavior proposed by Ajzen (1991) was used for the purpose of
this research. According to this model predictors of behavioural intention are: attitude,
subjective norm (social norm) and perceived behavior control. Besides behavioural
intention, direct predictor of behaviour is also perceived behaviour control. The model of
the norm activation theory used by Klöckner and Ohms (2009) was used for the purpose
of this research. According to this model central variable – personal norm is predicted by
social norm, awareness of need, awareness of consequences and perceived behavior
control. Besides personal norm, direct predictors of behaviour are also social norm and
perceived behaviour control. Based on a content deliberation next hypothesis is
established: Theory of planned behaviour predicts better organic food consumer
behaviour than norm activation theory.
The chapter Overview of previous research starts with an explanation what consumer
behaviour is. It follows describing and classifaying consumer behaviour models, as well as
models for understanding of pro-environmental behaviour. Also an overview of researches
on organic food consumer behaviour and factors influencing that behaviour is given. The
chapter ends with an overview of previous applications of theory of planned behaviour and
norm activation theory, and comparison of these theories in predicting different types of
behaviour. Since consumer behaviour is complex process, different models are used to
help to understand this behaviour. Organic food buying behaviour is considered as proenvironmental
behaviour (Steg et al., 2014). The theories for explaining pro-environmental
behaviour can be structured by three groups of factors examining: intrapersonal,
motivational and interpersonal factors (McDonald, 2014). Taking in consideration internal
factors and their influence on pro-environmental behaviour, theories can be categorized
into three domains: moral, rational choice and non-rational choice (Jackson, 2005; Turaga
et al., 2010; according to McDonald, 2014). Moral theories focus on environmental values
as the main driver of pro-environmental behaviour (Jackson, 2005; Turaga et al., 2010; De
Groot and Steg, 2010; Binney and Hall, 2011; De Groot and Steg, 2009; Hansla, 2011;
Poortinga et al., 2012; Steg et al., 2011; according to McDonald, 2014), whilst rational
choice theories focus on the impact of attitudes (McDonald, 2014).
The chapter Materials and methods covers research phases from product choice to
testing the models. Organic vegetables is selected because it is one of the most often
bought organic food categories in the world. After that questionnaire was created and
tested on a sample of 30 organic vegetables consumers. Because questions were clear to
the respondents, there was not need for corections and the main survey followed. The
sample consisted of 404 respondents who bought organic vegetables. Colected data were
analyzed in SPSS. Univariate data analysis in terms of frequency and data distribution
was conducted first. Than, data measuring constructs of models used in the research
were prepared for structural equation modeling. Using AMOS, structural equation
modeling was conducted to test models. Models were compared using three parameters:
squared multiple correlation, comparative fit index and relative chi square. Higher values
of squared multiple correlation and comparative fit index mean better model, as well as
lower values of relative chi square.
The chapter research results contains descriptive results as well as results of theoris
which are tested and compared. The survey results have shown that most consumers
(23.5%) claim to buy organic vegetables four times a month, and most often in specialized
organic food stores. Three most often bought organic vegetables species are: green
salad, tomatoes and carrots. The highest percentage of respondents (48.5%) claim to
have moderate knowledge about organic vegetables. Consumers have positive attitude
about purchasing organic vegetables, a high degree of perceived behavioral control, and
high level of intention to purchase organic vegetables. Degree of social norm in context of
organic vegetables buying was medium. Consumers have high degree of awareness of
need and moderate to strong degree of awareness of consequences . Consumers
personal norm in the context of organic vegetables buying is also high. At the level of
theory of planned behaviour significant influence on buying intention of organic vegetables
have: attitude and perceived behaviour control. The influence of attitude is stronger than
influence of perceived behaviour control. These two variables explain 76% of variance of
the intention to buy organic vegetables. Intention to buy organic vegetables has significant
positive influence on buying frequency of organic vegetables, explaining 25% of
behavioral variance. Perceived behavior control has no significant direct influence on
buying behaviour of organic vegetables consumers. At the level of norm activation theory
significant influence on central variable – personal norm have: awareness of need and
perceived behaviour control. The influence of perceived behaviour control is stronger than
inluence of awareness of need. These two variables explain 72% of variance of personal
norm in the context of organic vegetables buying behaviour. Other variables: social norm
and awareness of consequences have not significant influence on personal norm.
Significant influence on buying frequency of organic vegetables, at level of norm activation
theory, has only perceived behaviour control explaining 22% of behavioral variance.
Personal norm and social norm influence buying behavior of organic vegetables
consumers not significantly. Research results show that all three parameters used for
comparison of the theories go in favor of theory of plannned behaviour. Namely, theory of
planned behaviour explains 25% of behavioral variance and norm activation theory 22%.
Comparative fit index for theory of planned behaviour amounts 0.987 and for norm
activation theory this index amounts 0.961. Relative chi square for theory of planned
behaviour amounts 2.260, and for norm activation theory 3.410. So research hypothesis
claiming: Theory of planned behaviour predicts better consumer behaviour of organic
vegetables than norm activation theory, is confirmed.
The chapter Discussion focuses on the comparison of obtained results in this research
and results obtained in previous researches. Also this chapter contains subchapters: the
marketing implications as well as research limitations and recommendations for future
research. Models used in this dissertation explained a solid percentage of the variance
comparing to models used in previous studies on different types of behaviour.
Recommendations for business practice are given in the context of both theories. The
recommendation is to strengthen attitude toward organic vegetables, perceived behavior
control and buying frequency. More positive attitude and higher degree of perceived
behaviour control should lead to stronger buying intention and consequently more
frequent buying of organic vegetables. Stronger buying intention should lead directly to
more frequent buying of organic vegetables. Ads with strong message stressing benefits
of consuming pesticides free vegetables would strengthen attitude about how organic
vegetables buying smart choice is. Different promotional tools could be used for the
strengthening of three important segments of perceived behavior control: perceived
market availability of organic vegetables, perceived the closeness of the ogranic
vegetables sales point, and perceived price eligibility of organic vegetables. Also different
promotional tools could be used for the strengthening of level of awareness of need.
Higher degree of awareness of need would result in stronger personal norm, and
consequently in more a more frequent purchase of organic vegetables. Since
convenience sample was used firm conclusion about organic vegetables buying frequency
can not be made. So in future research sample procedure which can provide more
concrete conclusion should be used. One of the research limitation is self-reported buying
frequency. One item measuring perceived behaviour control at the level of the theory of
planned behaviour is also limitation in a certain way. So future reserach should ensure
more items measuring constructs of theories used in research.
The chapter Conclusion contains a main conclusion of this research, namely that the
theory of planned behaviour explains better buying behaviour of organic food consumers,
than the norm activation theory. Also recommendations for marketing practice are given. Sakrij dio sažetka |