Sažetak | Muškatna tikva (Cucurbita moschata Duch. ex Poir) je posljednjih godina sve
popularnija povrtna kultura zbog izražene nutritivne vrijednosti. Na količinu minerala i
bioaktivnih tvari muškatne tikve mogu utjecati mnogi abiotski i biotski čimbenici te je
potrebno analizirati nutritivni sastav plodova sorti muškatne tikve dostupnih na hrvatskom
tržištu. U suvremenoj poljoprivredi sve je češća upotreba biostimulatora, tvari prirodnog
porijekla koje povećavaju prinos i kvalitetu uzgajane kulture te štite biljke od stresa bez
negativnog utjecaja na okoliš. U svrhu istraživanja učinka biostimulatora ('Actiwave',
'Bioplex' i 'Megafol') na količinu minerala i β-karotena u plodovima različitih sorti muškatne
tikve ('Argenta', 'Futsu' i 'Blue boy') proveden je poljski pokus na pokušalištu Agronomskog
fakulteta u Zagrebu u ljetno-jesenskom roku uzgoja 2015. godine. Najveće količine sirovih
proteina (26,72 %), fosfora (1,24 % P), kalija (4,68 % K), željeza (89,29 mg Fe/kg suhe tvari),
cinka (52,42 mg Zn/kg suhe tvari), mangana (14,28 mg Mn/kg suhe tvari) i bakra (16,60 mg
Cu/kg suhe tvari) utvrđene su u plodovima sorte 'Futsu'. Tretiranje biljaka biostimulatorima
negativno je utjecalo na akumulaciju suhe tvari i sintezu β-karotena u plodovima muškatne
tikve jer su statistički najveće vrijednosti ovih svojstava (7,77 % i 2725 μg β-karotena/100 g
svježe tvari) utvrđene na kontrolnim parcelama. Kombinacija 'Futsu' × 'Bioplex' rezultirala je
količinom fosfora, kalija, željeza, cinka, mangana, bakra i sirovih proteina u rangu najvećih
vrijednosti. Prosječne količine fosfora i kalija u svježoj tvari plodova muškatne tikve iznosile
su 54,44 mg P/100 g i 245,59 mg K/100 g, dok je prosječna količina mikroelemenata (željezo,
cink, mangan i bakar) iznosila 0,404 mg Fe/100 g, 0,254 mg Zn/100 g, 0,064 mg Mn/100 g i
0,078 mg Cu/100 g. |
Sažetak (engleski) | Due to its high nutritive value, the butternut squash (Cucurbita moschata Duch. ex
Poir) has, in the past several years, become an ever more popular vegetable. Many abiotic and
biotic factors can influence the quantity of minerals and bioactive substances in the butternut
squash, which makes it necessary to analyse the nutritive content of butternut squash cultivars
offered on the Croatian market. Contemporary agriculture is seeing a rise in the use of
biostimulants, natural substances which increase yield and quality of the cultivated plant and
protect it from stress without any negative effect on the environment. In order to research the
effect of biostimulants ('Actiwave', 'Bioplex' and 'Megafol') on the quantity of minerals and
β-carotene in the fruit of various butternut squash cultivars ('Argenta', 'Futsu' and 'Blue boy')
a field experiment was conducted on the experimental field of the Faculty of Agriculture in
Zagreb, during the summer-autumn cultivation period of 2015. The highest content of crude
proteins (26.72 %), phosphorus (1.24 % P), potassium (4.68 % K), iron (89.29 mg Fe/kg dry
weight), zinc (52.42 mg Zn/kg dry weight), manganese (14.28 mg Mn/kg dry weight) and
copper (16.60 mg Cu/kg dry weight) were determined in the fruit of the 'Futsu' cultivar.
Treating plants with biostimulants had a negative effect on dry weight accumulation and β-
carotene synthesis in the butternut squash fruits, since the statistically highest values of these
properties (7.77 % and 2725 μg β-carotene/100 g fresh weight) were found on control plots.
The 'Futsu' × 'Bioplex' combination resulted in phosphorus, potassium, iron, zinc, manganese,
copper and crude protein values comparable to the highest ones. The average phosphorus and
potassium quantities in the fresh weight of butternut squash fruits were 54.44 mg P/100 g and
245.59 mg K/100 g, while the average quantities of microelements (iron, zinc, manganese and
copper) were 0.404 mg Fe/100 g, 0.254 mg Zn/100 g, 0.064 mg Mn/100 g and 0.078 mg
Cu/100 g. |