Sažetak | Cilj rada bio je utvrditi utjecaj spola (nazimice i kastrati) i vrste mišića (m.longisimus dorsi –
MLD i m.semimembranosus – SM) na pH vrijednost i boju mesa turopoljskih svinja.
Istraživanje je provedeno na 13 kastrata i 7 nazimica iz otvorenog uzgoja. Prosječna (±SD)
završna masa kastrata bila je 98,4 ± 10,8 kg, a nazimica 88,1 ± 10,5 kg. Vrijednosti pH1 i pH24
u MLD i SM izmjerene su 45 min. i 24 h post mortem primjenom ubodnog pH-metra (TESTO
230). Pokazatelji boje mesa CIE L*, a* i b* određeni su kroma-metrom (CR-410, KONICA
MINOLTA) 24 h post mortem na svježem presjeku mišića nakon stabilizacije boje od 10 min.
Prosječne vrijednosti pH1 i pH24 L*, a* i b* MLD-a iznosile su redom u kastrata 6,44±0,15,
5,95±0,21, 44,40±1,45, 19,39±0,83 i 5,76±0,78, te 6,42±0,20, 6,00±0,26, 44,84±2,10,
18,98±1,25 i 5,47±1,08 u nazimica. Vrijednosti istih parametara SM-a kastrata bile su
6,54±0,16, 5,83±0,27, 44,34±2,16, 19,86±0,84 i 5,40±0,88, a nazimica 6,41±0,19, 6,06±0,20,
42,80±1,62, 19,49±0,95 i 5,09±0,43. Razlike u pH i boji mesa između spolova i mišića nisu bile
značajne (P>0,05). Zaključeno je da utjecaj spola i vrste mišića na pH i boju mesa nije
utvrđen, uz postojanje jake negativne korelacije (P<0,01) između završnog pH i boje mesa,
bez obzira na spol ili vrstu mišića. |
Sažetak (engleski) | The aim of work was to determine the infulence of gender (gilts and barrows) and muscle
type (m.longisimus dorsi - MLD and m.semimembranosus - SM) on pH value and color of
meat of Turopolje pigs. The study was conducted on 13 barrows and 7 gilts reared outdoors.
The average (±SD) final weight of barrows was 98.4 ± 10.8 kg and of gilts 88.1 ± 10.5 kg. The
pH1 and pH24 values in MLD and SM were measured at 45 min. and 24 h post mortem using a
portable pH meter (TESTO 230). Meat color (CIE L*a*b*) was determined using a chroma
meter (CR-410, KONICA MINOLTA) 24 h post mortem on a fresh cross-section cut of the
same muscles after color stabilization for 10 min. The average values of pH1 and pH24, L*, a*
and b* for MLD were 6.44±0.15, 5.95±0.21, 44.40±1.45, 19.39±0.83 and 5.76±0.78 in
barrows, and 6.42±0.20, 6.00±0.26, 44.84±2.10, 18.98±1.25 and 5.47±1.08 in gilts,
respectively. The results for SM were 6.54±0.16, 5.83±0.27, 44.34±2.16, 19.86±0.84 and
5.40±0.88 in barrows, and 6.41±0.19, 6.06±0.20, 42.80±1.62, 19.49±0.95 and 5.09±0.43 in
gilts, respectively. Differences in pH and meat color between genders and muscles were not
significant (P>0.05). It is concluded that influence of gender and muscle type on the pH and
color of meat was not determined, while the strong negative correlation (P<0.01) between
the final pH and the colour of meat existed, regardless of gender or musle type. |