Abstract | Šećeri su glavne sastavnice meda i čine 95-99% suhe tvari. Fruktoza i glukoza su dominantni šećeri i čine oko 85-95% ukupnih šećera u medu. Sastav i količina glavnih šećera u medu (fruktoza, glukoza, saharoza) mogu pomoći pri utvrđivanju botaničkog podrijetla meda. Međutim, i drugi šećeri koji su prisutni u znatno manjem udjelu mogu biti korisni za utvrđivanje botaničkog podrijetla. Cilj je ovog istraživanja bio utvrditi sastav šećera u različitim vrstama meda te usporediti sastav šećera između nektarnih vrsta meda i medljikovaca. Istraživanje je provedeno na 268 uzoraka uniflornog (bagrem, kesten, lipa, kadulja, amorfa, smilje, vrijes, vrisak, mandarina) i multiflornog meda (cvjetni i livadni) te na uzorcima medljikovaca. Utvrđivanje sastava šećera (fruktoze, glukoze, saharoze, turanoze i maltoze) provedeno je metodom tekućinske kromatografije visoke djelotvornosti (HPLC). Također, provedene su analize fizikalno-kemijskih parametara (udio vode, električna provodnost i pH vrijednost) te peludna i senzorska analiza sa ciljem utvrđivanja botaničkog podrijetla ispitivanih uzoraka meda. U analiziranim uzorcima srednje vrijednosti udjela fruktoze kretale su se od 27,59 do 59,25 g/100 g, glukoze od 18,17 do 38,24 g/100 g, saharoze od 0 do 1,2 g/100 g, turanoze od 0,32 do 2,68 g/100 g i maltoze od 0 do 2,7 g/100 g meda. Uspoređujući rezultate udjela šećera ispitanih vrsta meda utvrđeno je da monosaharidi fruktoza i glukoza čine najveći udio šećera, a vrijednosti njihova zbroja kretale su se od 45,76 do 96,19 g/100 g. Najviša prosječna vrijednost fruktoze utvrđena je u uzorcima meda od smilja (42,51 g/100 g), a glukoze u uzorcima meda od mandarine (32,11 g/100 g), dok je najniža prosječna vrijednost fruktoze utvrđena u uzorcima medljikovaca (33,74 g/100 g), a glukoze u uzorcima kestenova meda (22,96 g/100 g). Disaharidi turanoza i maltoza utvrđeni su u znantno manjim količinama u svim ispitanim uzorcima, dok saharoza nije utvrđena u uzorcima meda od vriska i multiflornom medu. |
Abstract (english) | Sugars are the main components of honey and make 95-99% dry matter of honey. Fructose and glucose are dominant sugars and make about 85-95% of the total sugar in the honey. The composition and quantity of the main sugars in honey (fructose, glucose, sucrose) can help in determining the botanical origin of honey. However, other sugars that are present in much smaller proportion may be useful for determining the botanical origin. The aim of the research was to determine the composition of sugar in different types of honey and to compare the composition of sugars between blossom types of honey and honeydew. The study was conducted on 268 samples of unifloral (black locust, sweet chestnut, lime, sage, mandarin, heath, false indigo, winter savory, immortelle) and multifloral types of honey (floral and meadow) and on samples of honeydew. Determination of sugar composition (fructose, glucose, sucrose, turanose and maltose) was performed by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). Physical-chemical parameters (water content, electrical conductivity and pH value) with pollen and sensory analysis were also performed to determine the botanical origin of honey samples. In the analyzed samples, the mean fructose content ranged from 27,59 to 59,25 g/100 g, glucose from 18,17 to 38,24 g/100 g, sucrose from 0 to 1,2 g/100 g, turanose from 0,32 to 2,68 g/100 g and maltose from 0 to 2,7 g/100 g of honey. By comparing the results of the sugar content of the examined honey types, it has been found that monosaccharides fructose and glucose represent the largest portion of sugar, and the value of their sum ranged from 45,76 to 96,19 g/100 g. The highest average fructose value was found in samples of immortelle honey (42,51 g/100 g), and glucose in mandarin honey samples (32,11 g/100 g), while the smallest average fructose value was found in honeydew samples (33,74 g/100 g), and glucose in sweet chestnut honey samples (22,96 g/100 g). Disaccharides turanose and maltose were found in significantly smaller quantities in all examined samples, while sucrose was not found on samples of winter savory and multifloral honey. |