Abstract | Ovim je istraživanjem određena masa ugljika u biljnom materijalu i tlu, disanje tla i agroekološki čimbenici za hibride kukuruza Rudolfov 60, Kulak, OSSK 596 i OSSK 515 te je određena bilanca ugljika u sustavu biljka, biljka-tlo, biljka-tlo-atmosfera. Istraživanjem je utvrđeno da nema značajne razlike među hibridima u sadržaju ugljika u tlu, oklasku, zrnu, vlazi u tlu, temperaturi te bilanci ugljika. Utvrđena je značajna razlika u sadržaju ugljika u korijenu, strništu, stabljici i komušini među hibridima te u disanju tla između kontrole i hibrida. Bilanca ugljika u sustavu biljka kretala se od -10,97 do -8,46 t ha-1. Bilanca u sustavu biljka-tlo kretala se od 37,02 do 43,93 t ha-1, a bilanca sustava biljka-tlo-atmosfera od 36,89 do 43,81 t ha-1. Kako bi se nadomjestio ugljik iznesen iz sustava biljka, u agroekosustav je potrebno povratiti 28,5 t ha-1 suhe tvar za Rudolfov, za Kulak 23,0 t ha-1, za OS 596 25,4 t ha-1 i za OS 515 23,0 t ha-1 suhe tvari biljnog materijala. |
Abstract (english) | This research determined the mass of carbon in plant material and soil, soil respiration, agroecological factors and the carbon balance in the plant, plant-soil, plant-soil-atmosphere system for the maize hybrids Rudolfov 60, Kulak, OSSK 596 and OSSK 515. The research found that there is no significant difference between the hybrids in the carbon content of the soil, the kernel, the grain, the moisture in the soil, the temperature and the carbon balance. A significant difference was found in the carbon content in the roots, stubble, stem, and shoot among the hybrids, and in soil respiration between the control and hybrids. The carbon balance in the plant system ranged from -10.97 to -8.46 t ha-1. The balance in the plant-soil system ranged from 37.02 to 43.93 t ha-1, and the balance of the plant-soil-atmosphere system from 36.89 to 43.81 t ha-1. In order to replace the carbon removed from the plant system, 28.5 t ha-1 of dry matter must be added to the agroecosystem for Rudolfov, 23.0 t ha-1 for Kulak, 25.4 t ha-1 for OS 596 and 25.4 t ha-1 for OS 515 23.0 t ha-1 dry matter of plant material. |