Abstract | Ciljevi ovog istraživanja bili su odrediti odabrana kemijska svojstva rigolanog pseudoglejnog tla pod vinogradom na tri dijela padine i međusobno ih usporediti. Istraživanje je provedeno 2023. godine na pokušalištu „Jazbina“ Agronomskog fakulteta u Zagrebu. Ukupno je analizirano 15 uzoraka površinskog horizonta tla (0-30 cm), po 5 uzoraka sa vrha, sredine i dna padine. U uzorcima je određen pH, hidrolitski aciditet (y1), P2O5, K2O te ukupni bakar. Nagib terena uvjetovao je blagi porast vrijednosti pH od vrha prema dnu padine (pHKCl 4,6-4,8), te prateće smanjenje vrijednosti y1 (12,1-10,6 cmol/kg), iako razlike nisu bile statički opravdane. Na donjem dijelu padine utvrđene su signifikantno više koncentracije P2O5 u odnosu na gornji dio padine (10,4 i 3,4 mg/100 g tla). Koncentracija K2O na dnu padine (29,7 mg/100 g tla) bila je signifikantno viša u odnosu na sredinu padine (21,2 mg/100 g tla). Na sredini i dnu padine utvrđene su statistički značajno više koncentracije bakra (60,0 i 59,6 mg/kg) u odnosu na vrh padine (50,4 mg/kg). Relativno male razlike u istraživanim svojstvima između pojedinih dijelova padine mogu se pripisati kratkoj dužini i malom, te neujednačenom nagibu padine. |
Abstract (english) | The objectives of this research were to analyse the selected chemical properties of the pseudogley under vineyard on the three slope positions and to compare it. The study was conducted in 2023 at "Jazbina", experimental site of the Faculty of Agriculture in Zagreb. A total of 15 top-soil samples (0-30 cm) were analysed, five samples from each slope position (hilltop, backslope and footslope). Values of pH, hydrolytic acidity (y1), P2O5, K2O and total copper (Cu) were measured in all the samples. A slight increase of pH values from the hilltop to the footslope (pHKCl 4.6-4.8) and decrease of y1 values (12.1-10.6 cmol/kg) was caused by the slope of the terrain, although differences were not significant. Significantly higher concentrations of P2O5 at the footslope in comparison to the hilltop was observed (10.4 and 3.4 mg/100 g of soil, respectively). The K2O concentration at the footslope (29.7 mg/100 g of soil) was significantly higher compared to the backslope (21.2 mg/100 g of soil). Significantly higher Cu concentrations (60.0 and 59.6 mg/kg) were measured in the backslope and footslope samples in comparison to the hilltop (50.4 mg/kg). Relatively minor differences in studied soil properties between slope positions can be ascribed to a short length and low and uneven inclination of the slope. |