Title Sadržaj i prostorna varijablinost metala u tlu streljane "Luže"
Title (english) Content and spatial variability of metals in the soil of the shooting range "Luže"
Author Radovan Abramović
Mentor Željka Zgorelec (mentor)
Committee member Željka Zgorelec (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Nikica Šprem (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Ivica Kisić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Agriculture (General Agronomy) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2021-09-28, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOTECHNICAL SCIENCES Agronomy
Abstract Onečišćenje tla metalima značajno se razlikuje od onečišćenja zraka ili voda u tome što se teški metali u tlu zadržavaju znatno dulje nego u ostalim dijelovima biosfere.
Prostorna varijabilnost je općepoznat fenomen tla čije su varijacije poznate već dugi niz godina. U bilo kojoj okolini, prostorna varijabilnost nekog tla je prirodna pojava koja je uvjetovana geološkim i pedološkim procesima te klimatskim i reljefnim značajkama. Jako je bitno naglasiti da osim prirodnim postankom i evolucijom, čovjek svojim utjecajem mijenja pojedina svojstva tla.
Zagađenje tla na streljani je značajan i progresivno pogoršavajući problem zbog značajnih količina metala i metaloida koji u tlu ostaju nakon aktivnosti pucanja na streljani. Pucanje na streljani predstavlja transfer značajne količine metala u okolni ekosustav. Otkriveno je da su streljane među glavnim izvorima onečišćenja okoliša teškim metalima. Uporaba vatrenog oružja na streljanama je glavni izvor zagađenja okoliša olovom nakon industrije baterija.
Kod disciplina streljaštva na leteće glinene golubove većinom se koristi streljivo s olovnom sačmom. Na streljani Luže uzorkovane su dvije piste, C i D. Na prvoj streljačkoj pisti (C - koja se koristi od 1989. godine) godišnje se iskoristi oko 7 paleta meta, a na drugoj streljačkoj pisti (D - koja se koristi od 2006. godine) iskoristi se 5 paleta meta godišnje. Jedna paleta sadrži 8250 meta. Prosječno se po paleti iskoristi 11 000 komada streljiva, a svaki metak u prosjeku sadrži 24 grama olovne sačme te 1,3 grama baruta. Iz toga proizlazi da na pisti C dolazi do transfera 1848 kg olova i 100,1 kg baruta u okolni ekosustav, dok na pisti D dolazi do transfera 1320 kg olova i 71,5 kg baruta godišnje.
Cilj ovog rada je utvrditi sadržaj i prostornu varijabilnost koncentracije metala (Pb, Sb, Cu, Zn, Ni) u tlu na dvije piste streljane Luže, obzirom na utjecaj razdoblja korištenja piste i
udaljenost od pozicije pucanja.
Dugogodišnje korištenje streljane i njezinih pisti prouzročilo je koncentracije metala u tlu od kojih neke prelaze MDK za poljoprivredna tla (Pb, Sb, Ni i Zn na 100 metara, Pb na 50 metara). Koncentracije metala Pb i Sb na 100 metara prelaze razinu intervencije te zahtijevaju sanaciju. Povišenje koncentracije metala u sastavu tla utječe i na promjenu razine pH.
Abstract (english) Soil pollution by metals differs significantly from air or water pollution in that heavy metals remain in the soil much longer than in other parts of the biosphere. Spatial variability is a well-known soil phenomenon whose variations have been known for many years. In any environment, the spatial variability of a soil is a natural phenomenon that is conditioned by geological and pedological processes and climatic and relief features. It is very important to emphasize that in addition to natural origin and evolution, man changes certain properties of the soil by his influence.
Soil pollution at the shooting range is a significant and progressively exacerbating problem due to the significant amounts of metals and metaloids that remain in the soil after shooting activity at the shooting range. Shooting at the shooting range represents the transfer of a significant amount of metals to the surrounding ecosystem. Shooting ranges have been found to be among the main sources of heavy metal pollution. The use of firearms on shooting ranges is a major source of lead pollution after the battery industry.
Lead-shot ammunition is mostly used in flying clay pigeon shooting disciplines. Two runways, C and D, were sampled at the Luže shooting range. About 7 target pallets are used annually at the first shooting range (C - used since 1989), and at the second shooting range (D - used since 2006) use 5 pallets of targets per year. One pallet contains 8250 targets. On average, 11,000 pieces of ammunition are used per pallet, and each bullet contains an average of 24 grams of lead shot and 1.3 grams of gunpowder. It follows that on runway C there is an annual transfer of 1848 kg of lead and 100.1 kg of gunpowder to the surrounding ecosystem, while on runway D there is an annual transfer of 1320 kg of lead and 71.5 kg of gunpowder.
The aim of this study is to determine the content and spatial variability of metal concentration (Pb, Sb, Cu, Zn, Ni) in the soil on two runways of the shooting range Luže, given the influence of the period of use of the runway and distance from the firing position.
Long-term use of the shooting range and its runways has caused metal concentrations in the soil, some of which exceed the MDK for agricultural soils (Pb, Sb, Ni and Zn at 100 meters, Pb at 50 meters). Metal concentrations Pb and Sb at 100 meters exceed the level of intervention and require remediation. Increasing the concentration of metals in the soil composition also affects the change in pH level.
onečišćenje tla
glineni golub
Keywords (english)
soil pollution
shooting sport
clay pigeon
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:204:009386
Study programme Title: Fisheries and Game Management Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/ magistra inženjer/inženjerka ribarstva i lovstva (magistar/ magistra inženjer/inženjerka ribarstva i lovstva)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2021-12-01 08:00:48