Title Razvoj zelene infrastrukture Grada Zaboka
Title (english) Development of green infrastructure in Zabok
Author Veronika Knezović
Mentor Goran Andlar (mentor)
Committee member Goran Andlar (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Ines Hrdalo (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Petra Pereković (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Agriculture (Ornamental Plants, Landscape Architecture and Garden Art) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2020-07-10, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOTECHNICAL SCIENCES Agronomy
Abstract Zelena infrastruktura je od strane EU snažno promovirana kao koncept zaštite krajobraza, pri čemu se posebno ističe važnost njezine implementacije u prostorno planiranje. Unatoč tome, ZI nije implementirana u sustav prostornog planiranja Republike Hrvatske. Implementacija ZI bi, u tom pogledu, zasigurno pridonijela integralnijem pristupu analize prostora, a samim tim i poboljšanju njegovih ekoloških, društvenih, morfoloških i ekonomskih značajki. Potencijali za njezino formiranje vidljivi su i
... More na primjeru Grada Zaboka koji je predmet istraživanja ovog rada.
Prostor Grada Zaboka karakterizira gospodarska zona te gusta mreža prometnica, a sve većim ekonomskim razvojem povećavaju se građevinska područja koja fragmentiraju vrijedne otvorene prostore. Nasuprot tome, ima mnogo tipova otvorenih prostora koji su mono-funkcionalni ili u potpunosti nefunkcionalni te zahtijevaju unaprijeđenje.
U ovom se radu nastojala postići korelacija između ZI kao sustava s postojećim, ali i potencijalnim karakteristikama otvorenih prostora Grada Zaboka. Pregledom relevantne literature, na samom početku rada, definirana su različita gledišta na pojam ZI, sve funkcije koje može pružati za čovjeka i njegov okoliš te elemente koje sadrži, s naglaskom na elemente na razini grada. Ovdje je ZI promatrana s krajobrazno-ekološkog pristupa, stoga su njezini elementi poistoznačeni s otvorenim prostorima koje karakterizira struktura namjene (s prostornog i ekološkog aspekta), dobrobit za čovjeka i njegov okoliš te razina međusobne povezanosti. Inventarizacije i analize su provedene kombiniranim kabintetskim i terenskim radom, s naglaskom na uspostavi i analizi prostornih i kartografskih podataka. Inventarizacija je obuhvaćala analizu prirodnih i antropogenih čimbenika za koje se smatra da su utjecali na trenutno stanje otvorenih prostora. Njihov se utjecaj proučio analizom geneze morfologije sive, plave i zelene infrastrukture. Uvid u stanje razvojnih trendova te potencijalnih rizika, dobiven je analizom prostorno-planske dokumentacije. Sumiranjem spoznaja o postojećim karakteristikama elemenata ZI te mogućih utjecaja, dan je prijedlog razvoja ZI prema različitim razinama implementacije. One ovdje podrazumijevaju prijedlog mjera za razvoj ZI za širi prostorni obuhvat-Grad Zabok (s pripadajućim naseljima) i njegov širi prostorni kontekst te prijedlog smjernica u obliku koncepta za razvoj ZI za uži prostorni obuhvat-grad Zabok. Izradi koncepta prethodila je tipologija prostora te vrednovanje svakog tipa prema osnovnim funkcijama ZI. Svrha vrednovanja bila je definirati postojeće i potencijalne karakteristike prostora. Temeljem njihove razlike, na kraju je definirana razina potencijala koji ti prostori imaju za razvoj ZI. Koncept razvoja temeljen je na postojećim vrijednim otvorenim prostorima te prijedlogu smjernica za one prostore za koje je utvrđena visoka razina potencijala. Less
Abstract (english) Green infrastructure has been strongly promoted by the EU as a concept of landscape protection, with special emphasis on the importance of its implementation in spatial planning. Despite that, GI has not been implemented in the spatial planning system of the Republic of Croatia. The implementation of GI would, in this regard, certainly contribute to a more integrated approach to spatial analysis, and thus to the improvement of its ecological, social, morphological and economic
... More characteristics. The potential for its formation as a system is also visible on the example of the City of Zabok, which is the subject of research in this paper. The area of Zabok is characterized by an economic zone and a dense network of roads. With increasing economic development, construction areas are increasing, thus fragmenting valuable open spaces. In contrast, there are many types of open spaces that are mono-functional or completely non-functional and require some improvement. This paper's goal is to attempt to achieve a correlation between GI as a system with the existing, but also with the potential characteristics for Zabok’s open spaces. At the very beginning of the paper, taking in consideration the relevant literature, different views on the concept of GI have been defined; all the benefits it can provide for a human and his environment, elements it contains, with emphasis on elements at the city level. Here GI is observed from a landscape-ecological approach, therefore its elements are identified with open spaces that are characterized by the structure of purpose (from the spatial and ecological aspect), well-being for human and his environment, and the level of interconnectedness. Inventarisation and analysis were conducted by both indoor and field work, with an emphasis on the establishment and analysis of spatial and cartographic data. The inventorisation included an analysis of natural and anthropogenic factors that are thought to have influenced the current state of open spaces. Their influence was studied by analyzing the genesis of the morphology of gray, blue, and green infrastructure. Insight into the state of development trends and potential risks, was obtained by analyzing the spatial planning documentation. Summarizing the knowledge about the existing characteristics of the elements of GI and possible influences, a proposal is given for the development of GI according to different levels of implementation. These include the proposal of measures for the development of the GI for the wider spatial coverage of Zabok (with associated settlements) and its broader spatial context and the proposal of guidelines in the form of a concept for the development of the GI for the narrower spatial coverage-the city of Zabok. The development of the concept was preceded by the typology of space and the evaluation of each type according to the basic functions of GI. The purpose of the evaluation was to define the existing and potential characteristics of the space. Based on their difference, the level of potential that these spaces have for the development of GI was defined. The development concept is based on the existing valuable open spaces and the proposal of guidelines for those spaces where a high level of potential has been determined. Less
krajobrazno-ekološki pristup
zelena infrastruktura
plava infrastruktura
siva infrastruktura
otvoreni prostori
Keywords (english)
landscape-ecological approach
green infrastructure
blue infrastructure
gray infrastructure
open spaces
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:204:789352
Study programme Title: Landscape Architecture Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/ magistra inženjer/inženjerka krajobrazne arhitekture (magistar/ magistra inženjer/inženjerka krajobrazne arhitekture)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2021-02-01 12:47:59