Abstract | Cilj ovog rada bio je utvrditi pomološka i fizikalno-kemijska svojstva plodova tradicionalnih sorata jabuke s područja Vrbovca, usporediti istraživana svojstva između tradicionalnih sorata i komercijalne sorte 'Idared' te temeljem dobivenih rezultata odabrati potencijalne sorte za uzgoj. Determinacijom je utvrđeno da se radilo o plodovima sorata 'Francuska kožara', 'Batulenka', 'Božićnica', 'Voščenka', 'Gloria Mundi', 'Kandil Sinap', 'Krastavka' i 'Zelenika'. Nakon provedenih fizikalno-kemijskih i pomoloških analiza, utvrđeno je da se sorte značajno razlikuju po istraživanim svojstvima. Najveća masa, visina i širina ploda utvrđena je kod sorte 'Gloria Mundi', a najmanja kod sorte 'Krastavka'. Najveći indeks oblika ploda utvrđen je kod sorte 'Kandil Sinap'. Najveću tvrdoću ploda imala je sorta 'Voščenka', a najmanju 'Krastavka'. Najveći indeks razgradnje škroba imale su sorte 'Batulenka', 'Kandil Sinap' i 'Krastavka' koja je ujedno imala i najveću vrijednost pH. Sorta 'Francuska kožara' imala je najviši udio topljive suhe tvari i ukupnih kiselina, dok je najmanji imala sorta 'Idared'. Najveći indeks zrelosti imale su sorte 'Božićnica' i 'Zelenika' koja je ujedno imala najmanju pH vrijednost. Sorta 'Voščenka' imala je najveći broj ukupnih, zdravih i šturih sjemenki. Sorta 'Idared' imala je najveću ukupnu masu sjemenki, dok je najveću masu sjemenke imala sorta 'Zelenika'. Analizom kromatskih vrijednosti osnovne boje prema CIE L*a*b sustavu boja utvrđeno je da sorte 'Kandil Sinap', 'Voščenka' i 'Batulenka' imaju najveću vrijednost luminiscencije L, dok najmanju ima sorta 'Idared'. Sorta 'Francuska kožara' imala je najveću vrijednost a, b i C, dok je najveću vrijednost H imala sorta 'Gloria Mundi', a najmanju sorta 'Francuska kožara'. Analizom dopunske boje utvrđeno je da sorta 'Voščenka' ima najveću vrijednost luminiscencije L, b i C. Sorta 'Božićnica' imala je najveću vrijednost a, dok je najmanju imala sorta 'Zelenika' koja je imala najveću H vrijednost. Temeljem provedenih analiza, sorte 'Gloria Mundi', 'Zelenika' i 'Voščenka' pokazale su se potencijalnima za uzgoj, iako su sorte 'Božićnica' i 'Francuska kožara' također imale povoljna svojstva koja mogu biti ključna za njihov uzgoj. S obzirom da se u posljednje vrijeme bilježi sve veći utjecaj čovjeka na okoliš, a samim time i na voćnjake tradicionalnih sorata jabuka i drugog voća, neophodno je poduzeti mjere kojima bi se zaštitio vrijedan izvor genetskog materijala i očuvala bioraznolikost. Obnavljanjem travnjačkih voćnjaka značajno se doprinosi očuvanju identiteta naroda na kojeg uvelike utječe suživot čovjeka i prirode. |
Abstract (english) | The aim of this study was to determine the pomological and physico-chemical properties of fruits of traditional apple varieties from the Vrbovec area, to compare the investigated properties between traditional varieties and the commercial variety 'Idared' and to select potential cultivars for cultivation on the basis of the obtained results. Determination is confirmed that they were fruits of cultivars 'Francuska kožara', 'Batulenka', 'Božićnica', 'Voščenka', 'Gloria Mundi', 'Kandil Sinap', 'Krastavka' and 'Zelenika'. It was determined that analised varieties signifficantly differ in investigated fruit characteristics after applying physical and chemical analyses. The highest fruit weight, height and width was measured in cultivar 'Gloria Mundi' and the lowest in cultivar 'Krastavka'. The highest shape index had a cultivar 'Kandil Sinap'. The highest fruit firmness had a cultivar 'Voščenka' and the lowest 'Krastavka'. The highest starch index was determined in cultivars 'Batulenka', 'Kandil Sinap' and 'Krastavka' which also had the higest pH value. The cultivar 'Francuska kožara' had the higest value of soluable solid content and total acid content while cultivar 'Idared' had the lowest. The highest index of maturity had a cultivars 'Božićnica' and 'Zelenika' which also had the lowest pH value. The cultivar 'Voščenka' had the highest total number of seeds including healthy and empty seeds. The cultivar 'Idared' had the highest total mass of seeds while cultivar 'Zelenika' had the highest mass of one seed. By analysis of chromatic values of ground color by the CIE L*a*b color system it was determined that cultivars 'Kandil Sinap', 'Voščenka' and 'Batulenka' had the highest luminosity L value while the lowest had the cultivar 'Idared'. The cultivar 'Francuska kožara' had the highest a, b and C value while the highest H value had the cultivar 'Gloria Mundi' and the lowest cultivar 'Francuska kožara'. By analysis of chromatic values of additional color it was determined that cultivar 'Voščenka' had the highest luminosity L, b and C value. The cultivar 'Božićnica' had the highest a value, while the lowest had cultivar 'Zelenika' which also had the highest H value. Based on the analysis carried out, cultivars 'Gloria Mundi', 'Zelenika' and 'Voščenka' showed the potential for growing, although cultivars 'Božićnica' and 'Francuska kožara' also had favorable characteristics which can be crucial for their growing. Considering the fact that more and more people are having an impact on the environment and in the same time on the orchards of traditional apple and other fruits, it is necessary to take measures to protect a valuable source of genetic material and preserve biodiversity. Renovation of grassy orchards contributes significantly to the preservation of the identity of the people, which is greatly affected by the coexistence of man and nature. |