Abstract | Kvantifikacija količina otpada od hrane bitna je za kreiranje učinkovitih, dobro planiranih politika i mjera gospodarenja otpadom od hrane u kućanstvima.
Cilj rada bio je utvrditi količinu otpada od hrane u kućanstvima, kvantificirati je prema grupama namirnica i jelima prema definiranim kategorijama i usporediti s kućanstvima ostalih država EU. Istraživanje je provedeno na uzorku od 5 kućanstava na području Grada Zagreba tijekom sedam dana kada se unutar obitelji, koje su sudjelovale u istraživanju, nisu događala nikakva velika okupljanja uvjetovana blagdanima (Božić, Nova godina, Uskrs) ili osobnim interesima (rođendani, sprovodi, krštenja...). Od ukupnog broja (19) ispitanika, 47,37 % čine muškarci, a nešto više (52,63 %) žene. Najveći broj je onih od 41 do 70 godina (52,63 %), a čak 26,31 % čine mlade osobe (18 - 40 godina). Najveći postotak ispitanika ima završenu srednju školu (42,1 %), njih 31,57 % ima završenu visoku stručnu spremu, a 5,26 % čine oni sa završenom osnovnom školom i višom stručnom spremom.
Rezultati su pokazali da na ekološku svijest pojedinca i odlaganje otpada od hrane utječu mnogobrojni faktori, od vanjskih - koja se odnose na lokalnu samoupravu i adekvatnu infrastrukturu za gospodarenje otpadom, do unutarnjih – koja se odnose na osobne, financijske, zdravstvene stavove, navike planiranja u kućanstvu i sociodemografska obilježja kućanstva (ponajviše dob, broj djece, broj odraslih i stupanj obrazovanja koji je indikator ekonomskog statusa kućanstva). |
Abstract (english) | Quantification of food waste is essential for creating effective, well-planned policies and management methods for managing food waste in households and generally.
The main objective of this study was to determine the amount of food waste in households, quantify it according to foods and meals by categories and compare it with the households of other EU countries. The survey was conducted on a sample of five households in the area of the City of Zagreb during the seven days when there was no big family gatherings on holiday (Christmas, New Year, Easter ...) or personal and religious celebrations (birthdays, performances, baptisms ...). Out of the total number (19) of participants, 47.37 % are men and slightly more (52.63 %) women. Most of the participants are between 41 and 70 years old (52.63 %), and 26.31 % are younger persons (18 - 40 years). The highest percentage of participants have finished high school education degree (42.1 %), 31.57 % have finished university education degree, and 5.26 % of them have finished elementary school education degree and college education degree. The results have shown that the ecological consciousness of the individual and the disposal of food waste are influenced by numerous factors, from external - relating to local self-government and adequate waste management infrastructure, to internal ones - relating to personal, financial, health attitudes, habits of planning in household and socio-demographic characteristics of households (age, number of children, number of adults and degree of education as indicator of economic status of households). |