Abstract | Korištenje zelenih, održivih sirovina poput biomase postalo je značajno za proizvodnju visoko vrijednih proizvoda i energije s niskim CO2 otiskom za okoliš. Sve veća potreba za fosilnim gorivima i proizvodima dovela je pitanje klimatskih promjena u prvi plan te je fokus prebačen na korištenje obnovljivih izvora energije i održivim načinom života. Holistički pristup koji obuhvaća ekološke, društvene i ekonomske aspekte dostiže svoju popularnost posljednjih godina, a sve u svrhu ublažavanja štetnih učinaka klimatskih promjena i degradacije okoliša. Glavni cilj ovog rada je proces dobivanja visoko vrijednih proizvoda na nanoskali iz biomase, odnosno sekundarnih sirovina koje u ovom slučaju čine poljoprivredne energetske kulture. Celuloza iz šumske i poljoprivredne biomase jest jedan od najprisutnijih biopolimera na zemlji. Neiscrpan je izvor sirovine koje proizvode biljke i mikroorganizmi te bakterije. Nanokristalna celuloza (CNC) je materijal koji se dobiva iz lignoceluloznih vlakana, te kao takav ima niz poželjnih svojstava kao što su visoka čvrstoća, krutost, prozirnost te ga to čini poželjnim materijalom različitih primjena u industriji (bio kompoziti, premazi, biomedicinski materijali itd.). Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je istražiti proces proizvodnje nanoceluloze iz odabranih poljoprivrednih energetskih kultura te ujedno i potencijal tih kultura kao održivih sirovina za proizvodnju nanoceluloze. Nanokristalnu celulozu suspendiranu u otopini, a dobivenu iz energetskih kultura karakterizira gustoća od 0,965 g cm-3 te viskoznost otopine u rasponu od 100-130 mPa·s. |
Abstract (english) | The utilization of environmentally friendly and sustainable raw materials, such as biomass, has become increasingly important in the production of valuable goods and energy while minimizing the CO2 footprint. The growing demand for fossil fuels and products has brought the issue of climate change to the forefront, shifting the focus to the use of renewable energy sources and sustainable living. A holistic approach together with ecological, social, and economic aspects, has gained popularity in recent years, all aimed at mitigating the harmful effects of climate change and environmental degradation. The main goal of this paper is the process of obtaining high-value nanoscale products from biomass, specifically secondary raw materials, which in this case consist of agricultural energy crops. Cellulose from forest and agricultural biomass is considered one of the most abundant biopolymers on Earth. It is an inexhaustible source of raw material produced by plants, microorganisms, and bacteria. Derived from lignocellulosic fibers, nano-crystalline cellulose (CNC) possesses a variety of appealing characteristics, including high strength, stiffness, and transparency, which make it a highly sought-after material for a wide range of industrial applications such as bio composites, coatings, and biomedical materials, etc. The objective of this study was to examine the production of nanocellulose from specific agricultural energy crops and to assess the viability of these crops as sustainable sources for nanocellulose manufacturing. The nanocrystal cellulose dispersed in solution, obtained from these energy crops, exhibits a density of 0.965 g/cm³ and a viscosity that varies between 100 and 130 mPa·s. |