Abstract | Najzastupljenije ratarske kulture u svijetu su kukuruz, riža i pšenica te su od iznimne
važnosti za poljoprivrednu proizvodnju. Nakon žetve pšenice i kukuruza, u polju ostaju žetveni
ostaci kao što su pljeva, stabljika i list te oklasak i kukuruzovina. Navedeni ostaci imaju
određeni energetski potencijal i mogu se iskoristiti kao vrijedna sirovina u proizvodnji energije
iz biomase, a jedan od bitnih faktora predstavlja učinkovitost mehanizacije tijekom procesa
prikupljanja. U prikupljanju žetvenih ostataka moguće je primijeniti nekoliko sustava koji se
mogu podijeliti na broj prohoda, odnosno na jednofazne i višefazne sustave. U ovome
istraživanju za pšenicu su iz literature preuzeta učinkovitost prikupljanja 3 modela, odnosno
model 1. se temelji na simultanoj žetvi zrna uz formiranje zboja od stabljike, lista i pljeve,
model 2. na simultanoj žetvi zrna i prikupljanju pljeve u jednom prohodu te model 3. koji se
bazira na prikupljanju stabljike i lista konvencionalnom, višefaznom tehnikom. Kod kukuruza
je preuzeta učinkovitost prikupljanja za dva modela, od kojih model 1. simultano prikuplja
oklasak u berbi zrna, dok se model 2. bazira na višefaznom prikupljanju kukuruzovine i
podijeljen je na 5 različitih podmodela koje se razlikuju u odnosnu na korištenu tehniku.
Istraživanje je provedeno na sortama pšenice EL NINO i RENATA te hibridima kukuruza KULAK
i OS-515 u svrhu utvrđivanja potencijalno dostupne biomase s ciljem energetske konverzije.
Temeljem dobivenih rezultata utvrđen je teoretski, tehnički i energetski potencijal za svaku
kulturu. Najbolji rezultat u pogledu energetskog potencijala pšenice ostvaruje Model 1 koji
prikuplja slamu i pljevu zajedno (87 100 MJ/ha), dok se za kukuruz najboljim pokazao Model
2, odnosno podmodel koji se bazira na Mais Star* Collect hederu (107 078 MJ/ha). |
Abstract (english) | The most common agricultural crops in the world are corn, rice and wheat, and they
are extremely important for agricultural production. After the harvest of wheat and corn,
harvest residues remain in the field, such as chaff, stems and leaves, as well as cobs and corn
stover. These residues have a certain energy potential and can be used as valuable feedstock
materials in biomass energy production, with the efficiency of machinery during the collection
process being one of the essential factors. In the collection of crop residues, several systems
can be applied, which can be divided by the number of passes, specifically into single-phase
and multi-phase systems. In this research, the collection efficiency of three models for wheat
was taken from the literature. Model 1 is based on the simultaneous harvesting of grain while
forming a mixture of stems, leaves, and chaff; Model 2 involves the simultaneous harvesting
of grain and collecting chaff in one pass; and Model 3 is based on the collection of stems and
leaves using a conventional multi-phase technique. In the case of corn, the collection
efficiency is taken for two models, of which model 1 simultaneously collects the cobs during
grain harvesting, while model 2 is based on multi-phase collection of corn stover and is divided
into 5 different sub-models that differ in relation to the technique used. The research was
conducted on wheat varieties EL NINO and RENATA and corn hybrids KULAK and OS-515 in
order to determine the potentially available biomass with the aim of energy conversion. Based
on the obtained results, the theoretical, technical and energy potential for each culture was
determined. The best result in terms of energy potential for wheat was achieved by Model 1,
which collects straw and chaff together (87 100 MJ/ha), while for corn, Model 2, i.e. the submodel
based on the Mais Star* Collect header, was the best (107 078 MJ/ha ). |