Abstract | Mikorizne gljive predstavljaju ključne partnere biljaka u tlu, ulazeći u mutualističke simbioze koje značajno poboljšavaju rast i zdravlje biljaka. Mikoriza je mutualistička simbioza između gljiva i korijena biljaka koja omogućuje bolji pristup hranjivim tvarima te vodi. Povijesno gledano, ovaj fenomen je prepoznat još krajem 19. stoljeća, a danas je od ključne važnosti za održivu poljoprivredu. Mikorizne gljive apsorbiraju mineralne hranjive tvari iz tla i prenose ih u biljke, dok zauzvrat dobivaju ugljikohidrate proizvedene fotosintezom. Postoji nekoliko tipova mikorize, uključujući arbuskularne, ektomikorize i erikoidne mikorize, svaka s različitim karakteristikama i ulogama u ekosustavu.
Iznimno je važna i uloga mikoriznih gljiva u održavanju ekosustava. One poboljšavaju strukturu tla, povećavaju bioraznolikost, stabiliziraju ekosustave te pomažu biljkama da se prilagode različitim uvjetima okoliša. Gljive koloniziraju korijenje biljaka putem spora ili hifa, formirajući specifične strukture za razmjenu hranjivih tvari. Biljke luče ugljikohidrate koje gljive koriste kao izvor energije, dok gljive apsorbiraju mineralne hranjive tvari iz tla i transportiraju ih do biljaka. Mikorizne gljive povećavaju apsorpciju hranjivih tvari, luče hormone rasta i enzime te štite biljke od teških metala i soli. Povećana apsorpcija hranjivih tvari posebno je važna za fosfor i dušik – ključne makroelemente za rast biljaka.
Ujedno, mikorizne gljive induciraju brojne promjene u fiziologiji biljaka koje rezultiraju jačanjem i aktivacijom njihovih obrambenih mehanizama. Aktivacija obrambenih mehanizama uključuje proizvodnju fitoaleksina, jačanje staničnih stijenki i aktivaciju obrambenih gena, što povećava otpornost biljaka na patogene. Cilj ovog rada je istražiti širok spektar korisnih učinaka mikoriznih gljiva, posebno u kontekstu njihove uloge u apsorpciji hranjivih tvari, lučenju hormona rasta i enzima, zaštiti od teških metala i soli te jačanju otpornosti biljaka na patogene. |
Abstract (english) | Mycorrhizal fungi represent crucial partners for plants in the soil, entering into mutualistic symbioses that significantly enhance plant growth and health. Mycorrhiza is a mutualistic symbiosis between fungi and plant roots, enabling better access to nutrients and water. Historically, this phenomenon was recognized in the late 19th century and is now of key importance for sustainable agriculture. Mycorrhizal fungi absorb mineral nutrients from the soil and transfer them to plants while receiving carbohydrates produced by photosynthesis in return. There are several types of mycorrhizae, including arbuscular, ectomycorrhizae, and ericoid mycorrhizae, each with different characteristics and roles in the ecosystem.
Mycorrhizal fungi play a crucial role in maintaining ecosystems. They improve soil structure, increase biodiversity, stabilize ecosystems, and help plants adapt to different environmental conditions. Fungi colonize plant roots through spores or hyphae, forming specific structures for nutrient exchange. Plants release carbohydrates that fungi use as an energy source, while fungi absorb mineral nutrients from the soil and transport them to plants. Mycorrhizal fungi increase nutrient absorption, secrete growth hormones and enzymes, and protect plants from heavy metals and salts. The increased nutrient absorption is especially important for phosphorus and nitrogen, which are essential for plant growth.
Mycorrhizal fungi induce numerous physiological changes in plants, resulting in the strengthening of their defense mechanisms. The activation of defense mechanisms includes the production of phytoalexins, strengthening of cell walls, and activation of defense genes, which increases plant resistance to pathogens. This paper explores the wide range of beneficial effects of mycorrhizal fungi, particularly in the context of their role in nutrient absorption, secretion of growth hormones and enzymes, protection from heavy metals and salts, and enhancement of plant resistance to pathogens. |