Title (croatian) Perivoj dvorca Erdödy u gradu Jastrebarsko s osvrtom na dendrofloru perivoja
Title (english) Erdödy castle Park in the town of Jastrebarsko with the a review on the dendroflora of the Park
Author Ivana Vitasović Kosić
Author Lara Ćuk
Author Mara Marić https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2896-9844
Author's institution University of Dubrovnik (Institute for Mediterranean Plants)
Author's institution University of Zagreb Faculty of Agriculture
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline TECHNICAL SCIENCES Architecture and Urbanism
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline NATURAL SCIENCES Biology
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOTECHNICAL SCIENCES Interdisciplinary Technical Sciences
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOTECHNICAL SCIENCES Agronomy
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOTECHNICAL SCIENCES Forestry
Abstract (croatian) Perivoj dvorca Erdödy važan je spomenik parkovne arhitekture, zaštićen u okviru dvostrukog režima
zaštite i to po Zakonu o zaštiti prirode i Zakonu o zaštiti i očuvanju kulturnih dobara. Zatečena
krajobrazna osnova perivoja rezultat je intervencija s kraja 19. i početka 20. stoljeća. Perivoj je
tijekom desetljeća promijenio i vlasničku strukturu i namjenu, a time i režime održavanja. Grad
Jastrebarsko kao sadašnji vlasnik, potaknuo je izradu dokumentacije te obnovu perivoja kroz nekoliko
projekata EU koji su u realizaciji već duži niz godina. Temeljem dostupne literature i terenskom
inventarizacijom, analizirana je dendroflora perivoja, utvrđeni su omjeri autohtonih i alohtonih svojti,
njihov oblik rasta te vitalitet kao i raspored biljnih porodica. Ukupno je utvrđeno 68 svojti i 946
jedinki različitih klasa vitaliteta. Danas perivoj Erdödy obiluje autohtonim svojtama (34 svojte, 50 %)
od kojih su najzastupljenije: Carpinus betulus, Acer campestre, Pinus sylvestris, Tilia cordata te
Quercus robur. Od alohtonih svojti (24 svojte, 35 %) svojom brojnosti se ističu stabla invazivne vrste
Robinia pseudoacacia, ukrasne Catalpa bignonioides i Styphnolobium japonicum. Zabilježene su
ukupno tri invazivne vrste; izrazito opasna i agresivna Ailanthus altissima (pajasen), Acer negundo
(javor negundovac) i R. pseudoacacia (bagrem) koje se nikako ne bi smjele saditi u nekontroliranim
uvjetima. Prema tome, perivoj danas u većoj mjeri nema zastupljene egzote kao što je to navedeno da
je bilo krajem 19. stoljeća. Budući da nisu pronađeni izvorni popisi introduciranih alohtonih svojti
koje su vremenom iščezle iz perivoja, prilikom budućih zamjena stablašica potrebno je poštivati
zatečeni omjer autohtonih i alohtonih svojti odnosno listopadnih i vazdazelenih vrsta. Na vodenim i
močvarnim staništima u perivoju treba nastojati očuvati prirodnu vegetaciju u što izvornijem obliku.
Abstract (english) Erdödy Castle Park is an important monument of landscape architecture, protected under a dual
protection regime under the Nature Protection Act and the Cultural Property Protection and
Preservation Act. The found landscape base of the park is the result of interventions from the end of
the 19th and the beginning of the 20th century. During the past decades, Park changed its ownership
structure and purpose, and thus its maintenance regimes. The city of Jastrebarsko, as the current
owner, encouraged the creation of documentation and the restoration of the park through several EU
projects that have been in progress for several years. On the basis of the available literature and field
inventory, the dendroflora of the park was analyzed, the proportions of autochthonous and
allochthonous taxa, their growth form and vitality, as well as the distribution of plant families were
determined. A total of 68 taxa and 946 individuals of different vitality were identified. Today, the
Erdödy forest abounds with autochthonous taxa (34 taxa, 50 %), of which the most abundant trees are:
Carpinus betulus, Acer campestre, Pinus sylvestris, Tilia cordata, and Quercus robur. Of the
allochtonous taxa (24 taxa, 35 %), the trees of the invasive species Robinia pseudoacacia, ornamental
Catalpa bignonioides and Styphnolobium japonicum stand out for their abundance. A total of three
invasive species were recorded; the extremely dangerous and aggressive Ailanthus altissima, Acer
negundo and R. pseudoacacia, which should never be planted in uncontrolled conditions. Therefore, in
the Park there are not present as many exotic taxa as it was stated to have been the case at the end of
the 19th century. When replacing trees in the future, it is necessary to respect the found ratio of
autochthonous and allochthonous taxa, i.e. deciduous and evergreen taxa, because the original lists of
introduced allochthonous plants that have disappeared over time have not been found. On the water
and wetland habitats in the meadow, efforts should be made to preserve the natural vegetation in as
original a form as possible.
Keywords (croatian)
dendroflora, inventarizacija, perivoj, Erdödy, Jastrebarsko.
Keywords (english)
dendroflora, inventory, Park, Erdödy, Jastrebarsko.
Language croatian
Publication type Professional paper - Professional paper
Publication status Published
Peer review Peer review - domestic
Publication version Published version
Journal title GLASILO FUTURE
Numbering vol. 5, no. 4, pp. 110-130
e-ISSN 2623-6575
DOI https://doi.org/10.32779/gf.5.4.6
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:204:631464
Publication 2022
Document URL https://hrcak.srce.hr/294150
Type of resource Text
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2024-01-19 08:09:32