Title Utjecaj koherentnog zračenja na klijavost pšenice
Title (english) Effect of coherent radiation on the germination of wheat
Author David Vučina
Mentor Ante Galić (mentor)
Committee member Ante Galić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Stjepan Pliestić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Martina Grdiša (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Agriculture (Sustainable Technologies and Renewable Energy Sources) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2023-09-28, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOTECHNICAL SCIENCES Agronomy
Abstract Pšenica je jedna od najpopularnijih žitarica na svijetu. Klijavost je jedan od najvažnijih pokazatelja kakvoće sjemena. Danas se s ciljem proizvodnje što kvalitetnijeg sjemenskog materijala koriste razne tehnologije od kojih većina može izazvati negativne posljedice za ljudsko zdravlje i okoliš. Kao alternativno rješenje za povećanje fiziološke kvalitete sjemena može se koristiti elektromagnetsko zračenje u vidu koherentnog svjetla. Laseri kao izvor koherentnog zračenja imaju široku primjenu u
... More suvremenoj poljoprivrednoj proizvodnji u pogledu poboljšanja efikasnosti i produktivnosti, smanjenja troškova i negativnog utjecaja na okoliš. Laseri kao biostimulatori predaju biljnim stanicama dodatnu energiju u vidu koherentnog zračenja što za posljedicu ima pozitivan utjecaj na energiju klijanja i standardnu klijavost sjemenskog materijala. Cilj rada bio je utvrditi mogućnost primjene laserskog zračenja kao stimulatora klijavosti sjemena pšenice. Sjeme pšenice je tretirano s 3 različita lasera izlaznih snaga od 100mw, 200mw i 500mw. Laserski tretmani provedeni su u trajanju od 30, 60 i 120 sekundi. Svaki tretman proveden je u 3 ponavljanja. Pri provedbi tretmana sjeme je pozicionirano direktno ispod raspršenog snopa koherentne svjetlosti, unutar osvijetljenog područja. Količina isporučene energije kontrolirana je trajanjem izloženosti sjemena svjetlu lasera. Na temelju dobivenih rezultata može se zaključiti da je najpovoljniji utjecaj na energiju klijanja i standardnu klijavost pokazao tretman 100 mW laserom. Tretman laserskim zračenjem od 200 mW u trajanju od 30, 60 i 120 s te 500 mW u trajanju od 60 i 120 s nije pozitivno utjecao na klijanje, već da je uzrokovao smanjenje energije klijanja i standardne klijavost. Kako bi se lasersko zračenje moglo uspješno koristiti u području biostimulacije, nužno je istražiti i pronaći ravnotežni ishod između izlazne snage lasera, fokusiranja laserskog snopa, vremena tretiranja materijala i biološkog efekta procesa. Less
Abstract (english) Wheat is one of the most popular cereals in the world. Germination is one of the most important indicators of seed quality. With the goal of producing the highest quality seed, various technologies are used today, most of which can have negative consequences for human health and the environment. Electromagnetic radiation in the form of coherent light can be used as an alternative solution to increase the physiological quality of seeds. Lasers as a source of coherent radiation are widely used
... More in modern agricultural production to increase efficiency and productivity, lower costs, and reduce negative impacts on the environment. Lasers as biostimulators provide additional energy to plant cells in the form of coherent radiation, which has a positive effect on germination energy and standard seed germination. The aim of this work was to determine the possibility of using laser radiation as a stimulator for wheat seed germination. Wheat seeds were treated with 3 different lasers with output powers of 100mw, 200mw and 500mw. The laser treatments lasted for 30, 60 and 120 seconds. Each treatment was performed in 3 repetitions. During the treatment, the seed is positioned directly under the scattering beam of coherent light within the illuminated area. The amount of energy delivered is controlled by the duration of irradiation of the seed with laser light. From the results obtained, it can be concluded that the treatment with a 100 mW laser had the most favorable effect on germination energy and standard germination. Treatment with laser radiation of 200 mW for durations of 30, 60 and 120 s and 500 mW for durations of 60 and 120 s had no beneficial effect on germination, but caused a decrease in germination energy and standard germination. In order for laser radiation to be used successfully in the field of biostimulation, a balance between the output power of the laser, the focusing of the laser beam, the treatment duration of the material, and the biological effect of the process must be investigated and found. Less
energija klijanja
Keywords (english)
germination energy
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:204:930746
Study programme Title: Agricultural Engineering Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/ magistra inženjer/inženjerka poljoprivredne tehnike (magistar/ magistra inženjer/inženjerka poljoprivredne tehnike)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
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Created on 2023-11-14 11:34:00