Abstract | Kava je jedno od najčešće konzumiranih i najpopularnijih pića na svijetu. Napitak koji potječe od biljke Coffea arabica i C. Canephora, proširio se diljem svijeta te je danas dio svakodnevnice mnogih ljudi, bez obzira na dob, spol te mjesto stanovanja. Modernizacijom proizvodnje vrste napitaka su se značajno proširile te se tako danas kava kao napitak može konzumirati u svojem najjednostavnijem obliku, kao crna kava bez dodataka, a također postoje i kave s dodacima koji poboljšavaju okus napitka. Osim toga, danas postoje i mnoge različite metode pripreme kave, prilagođene različitim ukusima potrošača. Kava kao napitak nije popularna samo zbog svojeg okusa i pristupačnosti, već i drugih obilježja, poput pozitivnog djelovanja na zdravlje osobe. Kava može podržati zdravlje mozga i jetre, pospješiti kontrolu tjelesne težine, podržati zdravlje srce te smanjiti simptome depresije. Iako su moguće zdravstvene prednosti kave mnogobrojne te se još istražuju, poznato je kako kava podiže razinu energije, pomaže kod razbuđivanja i kod zadataka koji zahtijevaju održavanje fokusa i koncentracije, zbog čega je često popularna kod mlađe populacije, poput studenata.
U ovom radu se istraživala percepcija utjecaja kave na učenje i motivaciju kod studenata Sveučilišta u Zagrebu te su se ispitivala njihova mišljenja i stavovi o utjecaju kave na koncentraciju, razbuđivanje te znanje studenata o zdravstvenim prednostima kave. Rezultati anketnog ispitivanja 315 studenata su pokazali da studenti redovito konzumiraju kavu na dnevnoj i tjednoj razini te da imaju pozitivna mišljenja o utjecaju kavu na održavanje koncentracije i pomoć kod učenja. Međutim, ne vjeruju da kava ima veliki utjecaj na njihovu akademsku uspješnost. Također su spremni odreći se kave ukoliko bi loše utjecala na njihovo zdravlje te smatraju da redovita konzumacija kave u većim dozama može imati negativan utjecaj na zdravlje pojedinca. |
Abstract (english) | Coffee is one of the most consumed and most popular drinks in the world. The drink, which comes from the plant Coffea arabica and C. Canephora, has spread all over the world and today is part of the everyday life of many people, regardless of age, gender and place of residence. With the modernization of production, the types of beverages have expanded significantly, so today coffee as a beverage can be consumed in its simplest form, as black coffee without additives, and there are also coffees with additives that improve the taste of the beverage. In addition, today there are many different methods of coffee preparation, adapted to the different tastes of consumers. Coffee as a beverage is not only popular because of its taste and affordability, but also for other characteristics, such as its positive effect on a person's health. Coffee can support brain and liver health, improve weight control, support heart health and reduce symptoms of depression. Although the possible health benefits of coffee are numerous and are still being researched, it is known that coffee raises energy levels, helps with awakening and with tasks that require maintaining focus and concentration, which is why it is often popular with the younger population, such as students.
In this paper, the perception of the influence of coffee on learning and motivation among students of the University of Zagreb was investigated, and their opinions and attitudes about the influence of coffee on concentration, awakening, and students' knowledge about the health benefits of coffee were examined. The results of a survey of 315 students showed that students regularly consume coffee on a daily and weekly basis and that they have positive opinions about the impact of coffee on maintaining concentration and helping with learning. However, they do not believe that coffee has a great impact on their academic performance. They are also ready to give up coffee if it would have a bad effect on their health, and they believe that regular consumption of coffee in larger doses can have a negative impact on an individual's health. |