Abstract | Zbog brojnosti vrste, meso divlje svinje je zastupljenije u prehrani ljudi u odnosu na druge vrste mesa divljači. Kvaliteta mesa ovisi o brojnim čimbenicima, a spol i dob su među najčešće istraživanima. Stoga je cilj ovog diplomskog rada bio istražiti utjecaj spola i dobi na fizikalne parametre kvalitete mesa divlje svinje. Istraživanje je provedeno na velikom slabinskom mišiću (m. psoas major) 30 muških i 30 ženskih jedinki divlje svinje različitih dobnih kategorija. U predmetnom istraživanju je utvrđen kalo odmrzavanja od 8,51±3,97% te kalo kuhanja od 16,84±6,11%. Otpor presijecanju iznosio je 40,98±10,65 N. Parametri boje po izlaganju mesa zraku su imale sljedeće vrijednosti: L*=40,94±4,84, a*=18,12±2,77; b*=4,59±2,29, dok je pH vrijednost uzorka mesa iznosila 5,77±0,37. Nije utvrđen značajan utjecaj spola na analizirana svojstva, dok je utvrđen značajno (p<0,05) veći kalo kuhanja te porast vrijednosti parametra boje a* s dobi. Interakcije spola i dobi nisu bile značajne. |
Abstract (english) | Due to the abundance of the species, wild boar meat is more common in the human diet than other types of game meat. Meat quality depends on many factors, and sex and age are among the most researched. Therefore, the aim of this thesis was to investigate the influence of sex and age on the physical quality parameters of wild boar meat. The research was conducted on the psoas major muscle of 30 male and 30 female wild boars of different age categories. In the subject research, the thawing loss was determined to be 8.51±3.97% and the cooking loss was 16.84±6.11%. The shear force was 40.98±10.65 N. Color parameters after exposure of meat to air had the following values: L*=40.94±4.84, a*=18.12±2.77; b*=4.59±2.29, while the pH value of the meat sample was 5.77±0.37. No significant influence of sex on the analyzed traits was found, while a significantly (p<0.05) higher cooking loss and an increase in the value of the color parameter a* with age were found. Interactions of gender and age were not significant. |