Abstract | Cilj istraživanja bio je utvrditi proizvodne pokazatelje u proizvodnji mesa, klaoničke pokazatelje i morfometrijska svojstva posavske kukmaste kokoši. Istraživanje je provedeno na 5 sojeva pasmine posavska kukmasta kokoš: žuto grahorasti, grahorasti, crveno šareni, lavanda i zlatno smeđi soj. Hranidba je bila čitavo vrijeme ad libitum, s nutritivnog gledišta prilagođena dobi pilića. Odvajanje po spolu izvršeno je u dobi od 4 tjedna, a klanje pijetlova i određivanje klaoničkih pokazatelja u dobi od 20 tjedana. Prosječna tjelesna masa sa starosti od 18 tjedana bila je kod pijetlova 3319,97 g, a pilenki 2420,2 g. Najveću masu ostvarili su pijetlovi lavanda soja (3542,63 g) i pilenke lavanda soja (2562 g). Prosječna konverzija krmne smjese u dobi od 4 tjedna je iznosila 2,79, a sa 18 tjedana 3,8 za pijetlove i 4,79 za pilenke. Najnižu konverziju sa 4 tjedna starosti ostvarili su pilići lavanda soja (2,39), a sa 18 tjedana pijetlovi lavanda soja (3,77) i pilenke zlatno smeđeg soja (3,81). Prosječan mortalitet je bio 7,23% za pijetlove i 10,67% za pilenke. Prosječan randman klanja je iznosio 71,54%, a najviši je bio kod crveno šarenog soja 72,51%. Udio prsa s kostima je bio najveći kod grahorastog i crveno šarenog soja (23,55%), udio filea kod lavanda soja (15,64%), udio bataka kod grahorastog soja (17,64%), a zabataka kod žuto grahorastog soja (18,56%). Kod boje kože najveću vrijednost intenziteta svjetlosti L* imao je žuto grahorasti soj (70,32), a vrijednosti a* (5,70) i b* (5,11) lavanda soj. Morfometrijska svojstva nisu se značajnije razlikovala između sojeva. |
Abstract (english) | The goal of this research was to determine production indicators in meat production, slaughterhouse indicators and morphometric properties of posavska crested hen. The research was conducted on 5 strains of posavska crested hen breed: yellow vetch, vetch, red colored, lavender and golden brown. Feeding was ad libitum for the whole time, adapted to the age of chickens from nutritional point of view. Separation by gender was performed at the age of 4 weeks and the slaughter of roosters and determination of slaughterhouse indicators at the age of 20 weeks. The average body weight of roosters was 3319,97 g and 2420,2 g of pullets at the age of 18 weeks. The largest mass was achieved by roosters of lavender strain (3542,63 g) and lavender pullets (2562 g). The average conversion of the feed mixture at the age of 4 weeks was 2,79 and at 18 weeks it was 3,8 for roosters and 4,79 for pullets. The lowest conversion at 4 weeks of age was achieved by lavender strain (2,39), at 18 weeks of age the lowest conversion was with the roosters of the lavender strain (3,77) and pullets of the golden brown strain (3,81). Average mortality was 7,23% for roosters and 10,67% for pullets. The average carcass yield was 71,54% and the highest was with the red colored strain 72,51%. The proportion of breast with bones was the highest with vetch and red colored strain (23,55%), the proportion of fillets was the highest with lavender strain (15,64%), the proportion of drumsticks was the highest with vetch strain (17,64%) and the proportion of gables was the highest with the yellow vetch strain (18,56%). With skin color the highest value of light intensity L* had yellow vetch strain (70,32) and value a* (5,70) and b*(5,11) was with the lavender strain. Morphometric properties did not differ significantly between strains. |