Abstract | Flora planine Dinare nije sustavno istraživana od sredine sedamdesetih godina 20. stoljeća. Hrvatski sabor donio je Zakon o proglašenju Parka prirode Dinara 5.2.2021. godine te je time područje masiva Dinare, izvorišni dio i gornji tok rijeke Cetine te krška polja uz Cetinu proglašeno 12. parkom prirode u Republici Hrvatskoj. U vegetacijskom periodu proljeća i ljeta 2021. godine obavljena su detaljna terenska istraživanja kartiranja flore na trima planinskim profilima (Glavaš-Sinjal, Brezovac-Sinjal, Sinjal-Mirkovići) koji obuhvaćaju različita staništa, a time i većinu biljne raznolikosti planine Dinare. Utvrđene su ukupno 192 vaskularne biljne svojte koje pripadaju unutar 47 biljnih porodica. Od toga je 159 vrsta, 32 podvrste i 1 hibrid. Najzastupljenije porodice su: Poaceae (9,9%), Lamiaceae (8,95%), Caryophyllaceae (7,9%), Asteraceae (6,8%), Rosaceae (6,25%), Fabaceae (5,73%), Brassicaceae (5,73%) i Campanulaceae (4,2%). Kako su endemične i rijetke svojte u flori planine Dinare slabo poznate, posebna pažnja je upravo posvećena njima. Sve takve vrste su obrađene i popraćene fotodokumentacijom. Utvrđeno je ukupno 45 endemičnih svojti, što obuhvaća 22,93% ukupne vaskularne flore. Utvrđeno je 16 rijetkih biljnih svojti, koje čine 8,33% ukupne flore. Te svojte nisu nikada prije bile zabilježene na području planine Dinare, a to su sljedeće: Astragalus hypoglottis, Erysimum raineri, Ornithogalum kochii x Ornithogalum comosum, Scrophularia bosniaca, Silene vallesia ssp. graminea i Veronica dalmatica. Prema IUCN kategoriji ugroženosti ustanovljeno je 30 ugroženih biljnih svojti (15,63%). Također, izdvojeno je šest biljnih svojti s mogućim potencijalom u hortikulturi. Najzastupljeniji životni oblik su hemikriptofiti (H) s udjelom od 52% ukupne flore, zatim slijede hamefiti (Ch) sa 22%, geofiti (G) sa 12%, fanerofiti (P) sa 5%, nanofanerofiti (N) sa 5% i terofiti (T) sa 4%. Ovo preliminarno istraživanje prilog je i doprinos boljem poznavanju biljne raznolikosti vaskularne flore planine Dinare. |
Abstract (english) | The flora of Mount Dinara has not been systematically explored since the mid-1970s. The Croatian Parliament passed the Law on the Proclamation of the Dinara Nature Park on February 5, 2021. thus, the area of the Dinara massif, the source part and the upper course of the river Cetina and the karst fields along the Cetina were declared the 12th nature park in the Republic of Croatia. In the vegetation period of spring and summer 2021, detailed field research of flora mapping was performed on three mountain profiles (Glavaš-Sinjal, Brezovac-Sinjal, Sinjal-Mirkovići) which include different habitats, and thus most of the plant diversity of the Dinara Mountain. A total of 192 vascular plant taxa belonging to 47 plant families were identified. Of these, 159 are species, 32 are subspecies and 1 is a hybrid. The most common families are: Poaceae (9.9%), Lamiaceae (8.95%), Caryophyllaceae (7.9%), Asteraceae (6.8%), Rosaceae (6.25%), Fabaceae (5.73%), Brassicaceae (5.73%) and Campanulaceae (4.2%). As endemic and rare taxa are poorly known in the flora of the Dinara Mountain, special attention has been paid to them. All such species were processed and accompanied by photo documentation. A total of 45 endemic taxa were identified, which includes 22.93% of the total vascular flora. Among all flora, 16 (8.33%) rare plant taxa were recorded for the first time on Dinara, and they are as follow: Astragalus hypoglottis, Erysimum raineri, Ornithogalum kochii x Ornithogalum comosum, Scrophularia bosniaca, Silene vallesia ssp. graminea and Veronica dalmatica. According to the IUCN endangered category, 30 endangered plant taxa were identified (15.63%). Also, six plant taxa with possible potential in horticulture were singled out. The most common life forms are hemicryptophytes (H) with a share of 52% of the total flora, followed by hamephytes (Ch) with 22%, geophytes (G) with 12%, phanerophytes (P) with 5%, nanophanerophytes (N) with 5% and therophytes (T) by 4%. This preliminary research is a contribution to a better knowledge of the plant diversity of the vascular flora of the Dinara Mountain. |