Title Modifikacija biopristupačnosti bakra i kadmija biljci boba (Vicia faba L.) pod utjecajem organske tvari i saliniteta tla
Title (english) Modification of copper and cadmium biovailability to faba bean plant (Vicia Faba L.) as affected by soil organic matter and salinity
Author Lana Filipović
Mentor Davor Romić (mentor)
Committee member Gabrijel Ondrašek (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Sanja Sikora (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Helena Grčman https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0724-9151 (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Agriculture Zagreb
Defense date and country 2016-07-14, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOTECHNICAL SCIENCES Agronomy Ecology and Environmental Protection
Universal decimal classification (UDC ) 633/635 - Horticulture. Fruit growing. Viticulture. Gardening
Abstract Određivanje mobilnosti i biopristupačnosti metala u tlu predstavlja osnovu za procjenu rizika
od njihovog potencijalnog uključivanja u hranidbeni lanac. Stoga je cilj rada bio definirati
mehanizme kojima organska tvar (OT) i salinitet tla rezultiraju promjenama u mobilnosti i
biopristupačnosti bakra (Cu) i kadmija (Cd) u tlu. Pretpostavljeno je da će povećanje OT i
zaslanjenosti tla utjecati na mobilnost/biopristupačnost Cu i Cd te mikrobiološku
dehidrogenaznu aktivnost (DHA) u
... More tlu.
Istraživanje je obuhvatilo 2 pokusa koji su provedeni u kontroliranim uvjetima plastenika na
Agronomskom fakultetu u Zagrebu, s bobom (Vicia faba L. cv. Aguadulce) kao test kulturom.
Eksperimentalni dizajn pokusa bio je split-split-plot u 3 ponavljanja. Glavni faktor bio je
sadržaj OT u 2 razine: tlo uzeto iz područja Donje Neretve (OT1) te isto tlo miješano s
tresetom u omjeru 4:1 (OT2). Podfaktor bio je NaCl salinitet u 3 razine (0, 50 i 100 mM), a
podpodfaktor kontaminacija tla s 250 i 500 mg kg-1 Cu (pokus 1), odnosno 5 i 10 mg kg-1 Cd
(pokus 2) i kontrolna (nekontaminirana) varijanta.
Rezultati istraživanja ukazuju da je OT jedna od najznačajnijih pedovarijabli koje utječu na
mobilnost/biopristupačnost istraživanih metala u tlu. Dodatak OT u varijanti OT2 smanjio je
biopristupačnost Cu u tlu procesima sorpcije i kompleksacije s OT (ukupna koncentracija Cu
u tlu povećana je za 5 %, dok je koncentracija Cu u mahuni boba smanjena za 14 %).
Rezultati upućuju i na smanjenu biopristupačnost Cu u uvjetima NaCl saliniteta i/ili smanjeno
primanje Cu u test kulturu iz zaslanjene rizosfere. Dodatak OT u varijanti OT2 i posljedično
povećanje koncentracije DOC-a u otopini tla, smanjuje aktivnost slobodnog Cd2+, a time i
njegovo primanje u korijen (koncentracija Cd u listu boba smanjena je za 28 %, u mahuni za
40 % te u sjemenu za 20 %). Primjena NaCl nije rezultirala povećanom biopristupačnošću
Cd, nego samo njegovom redistribucijom unutar krute faze tla. Kontaminacija tla Cu i Cd nije
utjecala na fotosintetske pokazatelje lista boba, upućujući na zaključak da nije utjecala na
produktivnost biljaka boba, iako je indeks sadržaja klorofila (CCI) smanjen za 4 % s Cd10
tretmanom. Dodatak OT u varijanti OT2 povećao je za 30-65 %, a NaCl salinitet smanjio za
28-29 % pri NaCl100 tretmanu dehidrogenaznu aktivnost (DHA) u tlu. Kontaminacija tla Cu
smanjila je DHA za 50 % pri Cu500 tretmanu. Kontaminacija tla Cd nije utjecala na DHA, ali
modeliranje udjela različitih kemijskih oblika Cd u otopini tla primjenom programa Visual
MINTEQ i modela NICA-Donnan upućuje na mogućnost da kompleksi Cd i klorida (CdCln2-n)
imaju izraženiji inhibitorni učinak na DHA u tlu. Less
Abstract (english) The aim of this research was to study the mechanisms by which soil organic matter (SOM)
and increased soil salinity affect copper (Cu) and cadmium (Cd) mobility in soil, as well as
the importance of afore mentioned mechanisms for their bioavailability in soil. Therefore, to
study the Cu and Cd bioavailability in soil, two pot experiments were conducted in a
greenhouse at the experimental station Maksimir of the Faculty of Agriculture University of
Zagreb (Croatia). In a half
... More of both experiments alluvial soil from cultivated land in a Neretva
valley (Croatian Mediterranean region) (OT1) was used, and in the other half the same
alluvial soil with added peat to increase SOM content (OT2). The soil (OT1 and OT2) was
spiked with Cu and Cd at two levels: 250 and 500 mg Cu kg-1, and 5 and 10 mg Cd kg-1. The
same treatment with NaCl salinity was applied in both experiments: control, 50 and 100 mM
NaCl. Faba bean (Vicia faba L. cv. Aguadulce) was used as a test plant.
Copper solubility and therefore bioavailability in soil is lowered by sorption and complexation
processes with SOM. Visual MINTEQ speciation revealed that the Cu in the soil solution is
mostly present as Cu-dissolved organic carbon (DOC) complex. The proportion of other Cu
species in the soil solution rise with increasing Cu concentration, but only if SOM level is not
increased. Faba bean uptake of Cu increased with raising soil Cu concentration, although
plants may have restricted the translocation of Cu, behaving like metal excluder plants.
However, application of SOM decreased plant tissue Cu concentration, yet significantly only
for faba bean pod. Nevertheless, results suggest that Cu phytoavailability may be affected by
the increase in SOM, and that faba bean pod tissue provides a best (shoots) reflection of
bioavailable Cu in soil. The possibility of reduced Cu mobility in salinized soils and/or
reduced plant uptake of Cu from a saline rhizosphere is also suggested by obtained results.
Application of salts either lowered Cu solubility in soil or reduced plant uptake by excessive
salts in the rhizosphere. Then again, plant adaptive mechanisms may modify Cu
phytoavailability. Results also point to a possible malfunction of faba bean root plasma
membrane under Cu toxicity conditions.
This study confirms that Cd is highly mobile between different soil fractions, depending on its
total concentration and the presence of inorganic (chlorides) and organic (humics) ligands in
surrounding media. Cd speciation was greatly affected by all investigated trial factors, i.e. soil
Cd contamination enhanced the proportion of the free Cd2+, raised SOM content induced Cdorgano-complexation
with DOC, and increased soil salinity promoted the formation of CdCln2n
complexes in soil solution, all of which consequently modified the mobility of Cd in soil. Soil
Cd contamination led to an increased plant Cd uptake. The addition of SOM caused a
decreased Cd availability to plants, possibly because of the redistribution of Cd to a less
available organically-bound Cd fraction. However, bean plants have uptaken the highest
amount of Cd in a non-saline environment, indicating that, if soil adsorption capacity for Cd
has not been exceeded, increased Cd mobility in soil does not have to result in its increased
phytoavailability, than only in Cd transfer between soil solid phases. Additionally, leaf
photosynthetic parameters were not affected by soil Cu and Cd contamination, except for
chlorophyll content index (CCI) which decreased with soil Cd contamination.
Results show that raised SOM can increase soil dehydrogenase acitivity (DHA), whilst
increased soil salinity decreases DHA. Although soil Cd contamination did not significantly
affect DHA at studied metal concentrations, the results suggested that CdCln2-n has a higher
inhibitory effect on DHA than other Cd chemical species in soil solution. DHA decreased with
soil Cu contamination, and was even reduced in half at the total soil concentration of 500 mg
Cu kg-1. Results also suggest similar inhibitory effect of all Cu species in soil solution on
DHA, but also the possibility that DHA may affect Cu soil availability by reducing the
formation of metal-DOM complexes in the soil solution. Less
mobilnost Cu i Cd
dehidrogenazna aktivnost
Keywords (english)
Cu and Cd mobility
soil dehydrogenase activity
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:204:157243
Study programme Title: Agricultural Sciences Study programme type: university Study level: postgraduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje biotehničkih znanosti, polje poljoprivreda (doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje biotehničkih znanosti, polje poljoprivreda)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2016-08-26 10:54:48