Abstract | Maslina je suptropska biljka, jedna od najznačajnijih poljoprivrednih kultura i simbol mediteranske regije. Koristi se za stolnu upotrebu, ali najviše je cijenjena za proizvodnju maslinovog ulja. Postoji mnogo homonima i sinonima u imenima sorata, posebno kod sorata lokalnog značaja, što često dovodi do problema, općenito u maslinarstvu, ali posebno u rasadničarskoj proizvodnji. Maslina je dugovječna drvenasta biljka za koju se, zbog specifične morfologije, pretpostavlja da unutar različitih dijelova istog stabla može imati nakupljene mutacije koje uvjetuju genetsku i fenotipsku varijabilnost. Deskriptivne metode zasnovane na fenotipu su neophodne za opis sorata, ali opis sorata može varirati zbog većeg ili manjeg utjecaja okoliša na genotip, što se odražava na fenotipu. Molekularni DNA markeri su nadopuna deskriptivnim metodama, a pomoću njih je moguće ustanoviti i variranja na samom genomu masline, neovisno o utjecaju okoliša.
U ovom istraživanju provedene su SSR i AFLP analize nekoliko starih i vrlo starih stabala masline sorata 'Drobnica', 'Karbunčela', 'Galica' i 'Oštrica' za koja postoji pretpostavka da imaju akumulirane mutacije unutar istog stabla. Uzorci za DNA analizu tih sorata sakupljeni su u nasadima na Ugljanu i Pašmanu, te u okolici Zadra, i to sa različitih pozicija unutar istog stabla, s pretpostavkom da između tih pozicija postoji varijabilnost na razini genoma.
Cilj istraživanja bio je, prvo, pomoću SSR markera utvrditi isti identitet za različita stabla koja pripadaju istoj sorti, i drugo, pomoću AFLP markera utvrditi postojanje genetske varijabilnosti unutar istog stabla kao posljedicu nakupljanja mutacija. Potvrđen je isti sortni identitet između stabala unutar svake sorte. Utvrđena je varijabilnost unutar sorata između različitih stabala, kao i unutar različitih dijelova istog stabla, i to kod sve četiri sorte. |
Abstract (english) | The olive is a subtropical plant, one of the most important agricultural crops and a symbol of the Mediterranean region. It is used for table consumption, but is mostly prized for the production of olive oil. There are many homonyms and synonyms in cultivar names, especially in cultivars of local significance, which often leads to problems, generally in olive growing, but especially in nursery production. Olive is a long-lived woody plant for which, due to specific morphologies, it is assumed that within different parts of the same tree may have accumulated mutations that cause genetic and phenotypic variability. Phenotype-based descriptive methods are necessary to describe cultivars, but the description of cultivars may vary due to a greater or lesser environmental impact on the genotype, which is reflected in the phenotype. Molecular DNA markers are complementary to descriptive methods, and they can be used to detect variations in the olive genome itself, regardless of environmental influences.
In this research, SSR and AFLP analyzes of several old and very old olive trees of the varieties 'Drobnica', 'Karbunčela', 'Galica' and 'Oštrica' were performed, which are presumed to have accumulated mutations within the same tree. Samples for DNA analysis of these cultivars were collected in plantations at Ugljan and Pašman, and in the vicinity of Zadar, with different positions within the same tree, assuming that there is variability between these positions at the genomic level.
The aim of the study was, first, to confirm the same identity for a different tree belonging to the same variety using SSR markers, and second, to determine the existence of genetic variability within the same tree as a result of mutations, using AFLP markers. The same varietal identity between trees within each variety was confirmed. Variability was found within cultivars between different trees, as well as within different parts of the same tree, in all four cultivars. |