Abstract | Cilj predstavljenog rada bio je odrediti morfometrijske karakteristike inćuna (Engraulis
encrasicolus, Linneaus 1758) s različitih lokacija istočnog dijela Jadranskog mora.
Morfološke karakteristike određene su na 472 jedinke prikupljenih iz 7 uzoraka u periodu od
lipnja 2015. do 25.veljače 2016. Od morfoloških karakteristika izmjereno je i određeno šest
dužina, tri visine i masa tijela, a od merističkih karakteristika prebrojane su šipčice leđne i
podrepne peraje. Na temelju određenih morfoloških karakteristika izračunati su postotni udjeli
izmjerenih dužina i visine tijela u odnosu na ukupnu dužinu tijela, dužine glave i najveću
visinu. Izračunati su i dužinsko-maseni odnos (WLR) i fultonov koeficijent kondicije (K) za
cjelokupnu populaciju, svaki uzorak zasebno zavisno o vremenu ulova, i po spolu. Izračunata
prosječna masa populacije iznosi Wmean=12,58 g ± 2,90 g SD, i da je Wmean ± SD=74,58%
jedinki populacije u vrijednosti prosječne mase. Prosječna ukupna dužina tijela iznosi
LTmean=129,28 mm ± 9,563 mm SD. Vrijednosti parametara dužinsko-masenog odnosa su:
b=3,0682, a=0,0048, R2=0,9322, r=0,95. Srednja vrijednost koeficijenta kondicije populacije
je Kmean=0,572 ± 0,036 SD, u rasponu od 0,476 – 0,748. Na cjelokupnom uzorku
makroskopskom metodom determinirano je 70 jedinki po spolu, u omjeru m/f=0,89 a postotni
udio je 52,86% (37 jedinki) ženskih te 47,14% (33 jedinke) muških. Ženske jedinke imale su
značajno veći koeficijent regresije b=3,6819, dok je kod muških jedinki iznosio b=3,4755.
Broj šipčica leđne peraje o ovome radu kretao se od 13 do 14, dok je u podrepnoj 16 do 17
šipčica. |
Abstract (english) | The aim of the present study was to determine the morphometric characteristics of anchovy
(Engraulis encrasicolus, Linnaeus 1758) from different locations of the eastern part of the
Adriatic Sea. The morphological characteristics were determined on 472 individuals collected
from 7 samples in the period from June 2015 to February 25, 2016. Morphological
characteristics that were measured and determined are: six lengths, three heights and body
weight, while meristic characteristics that were counted are rays of dorsal and anal fins. On
the basis of certain morphological characteristics, percentages of measured heights and body
lengths were calculated, in relation to the total body length, head length and maximum height.
Also calculated are the length-weight relationship (WLR) and Fulton's condition coefficient
(K) for the entire population, each sample separately depending on the time of the catch and
by gender. The calculated average weight of the population amounts Wmean=12,58 g ± 2,90 g
SD, and that Wmean ± SD=74,58% of individuals in the population of the value of the average
mass. The average total body length is LTmean=129,28 mm ± 9,563 mm SD. Valuesof the
length-weight relationship are: b=3,0682, a=0,0048, R2=0,9322, r= 0,95. The mean condition
of the population coefficient is Kmean=0,572 ± SD 0,036, ranging from 0,476 to 0,748. For the
entire sample, 70 individuals are determined by gender, in the ratio m/f=0,89, in percentage
52,86% female (37 individuals) and 47,14% male (33 individuals). Females had significantly
greater regression coefficient b =3,6819, while for males, the regression coefficient was b
=3,4755. The number of rays in the dorsal fin ranged from 13 to 14, while rays in the anal and
dorsal fin are ranged from 16 to 17 rays. |