Abstract | Teorijsko polazište ovog rada jest da usklađivanje stajališta u planiranju prostora
predstavlja temelj za provedbu održivoga prostornog razvoja. Polazeći od toga da je
zaštita kvalitetâ krajobraza nositelj zajedničkih ciljeva svih sektora bilo je potrebno istražiti
moguće pristupe u rješavanju problema održivosti u procesu prostornoga planiranja, a
prethodno ispitati stajališta različitih sektorskih skupina, utvrditi moguće razlike između
kriterija vrednovanja i izvore konflikata te odrediti moguće načine njihovog usklađivanja i
implementiranja u proces prostornog planiranja.
Stoga su u ovom radu inicijalno definirani osnovni pojmovi vezani uz krajobraz,
krajobrazne kvalitete, krajobrazno planiranje, održivi razvoj i sudjelovanje javnosti. Na
temelju pregleda dosadašnjih iskustava, utvrđeni su principi u rješavanju problema
održivosti u prostornom planiranju. Rad je ukazao na potrebe za novim znanjima u
krajobraznoj arhitekturi, od kojih je modeliranje, kao strategija istraživanja, detaljnije
opisana s naglaskom na potrebe njenog korištenja u sustavnom rješavanju prostornih
problema. Nadalje, radom je ukazano na probleme i konflikte koji mogu proizaći prilikom
zaštite prirode te upravljanja zaštićenim dijelovima prirode. Na temelju opisa područja
istraživanja, Delte Neretve, te interpretacije prirodnih vrijednosti prostora i pregleda
postojećih planova i kartografskih prikaza, definirana je osnova za konceptualizaciju
intervjua sa stručnjacima sektora zaštite prirode, poljoprivrede i lovstva odabranih kao
ciljne skupine empirijskog istraživanja. Utvrđeno je da se kriteriji vrednovanja prirodnih
kvalitetâ razlikuju između stručnjaka različitih sektora, a da se kriteriji vrednovanja
potencijala krajobraza za razvoj ne razlikuju između stručnjaka različitih sektora. Dobiveni
rezultati su u nastavku implementirani u postupak vrednovanja kroz izradu modela
percepcije prirodnih kvaliteta i potencijala krajobraza za razvoj. Modeli su zatim
uspoređeni analizom krostabulacije, koja je u idućem koraku bila temelj za utvrđivanje
razlika između dobivenih modela. Nadalje, na temelju interpretacije Izmjena i dopuna
prostornog plana Dubrovačko-neretvanske županije te stručnih podloga utvrđeni su
razvojni zahtjevi prostora, te potencijalni utjecaji razvoja. Dobiveni podaci korišteni su za
provedbu metodološkog postupka rješavanja problema i konflikata u prostoru kroz
primjenu metode modeliranja ranjivosti kvaliteta krajobraza. Rezultat tog postupka jest
konačni model ranjivosti kvaliteta krajobraza koji je dobiven korištenjem aritmetičke sume
između modela ranjivosti kvaliteta krajobraza i modela ranjivosti percepcije prirodnih
kvaliteta i potencijala krajobraza za razvoj koji je proizašao iz ispitivanja stavova
stručnjaka odabranih sektora. Ovako dobiveni modeli ranjivosti koji osim stručnih procjena
vrijednosti mogu uključivati i vrijednosne modele proizašle iz stavova javnosti, važan su
doprinos održivom planiranju. Istraživanje u nekim dijelovima koincidira s dijelovima
procesa krajobraznog planiranja a to su kako slijedi; (1) transformacija stavova javnosti,
bilo da se radi o stručnoj ili laičkoj, u vrijednosne modele, (2) izrada kartografskih prikaza
tih modela, (3) implementacija vrijednosnih modela u sustav modeliranja ranjivosti
kvaliteta krajobraza i (4) uključivanje rezultata u postupak prostornog planiranja. Navedeni
je slijed neophodan korak prema planiranju održivog prostornog razvoja. Time se u radu
potvrdila druga hipoteza, a to je da uključivanje analize ranjivosti u postupak prostornoga
planiranja doprinosi optimizaciji sektorskih zahtjeva. |
Abstract (english) | The basic motivation for the present research was the lack of landscape planning
approaches within the spatial planning process in Croatia. In practical terms, it entails
several dissimilar deficiencies which were addressed in this research. The most important
is integral inclusion of the public opinion into the planning process, as one of the activities
that is taken into account within landscape planning, and dealing with the conflicts which
may arise from it. Beside the conflict between diverse social groups the work indicated a
conflict which may arise from nature protection. It is a result of standardization
methodological approach in addressing the development and conservation spatial
problems which so far have not been the subject of research in the Republic of Croatia.
Spatial planning has a key role in the harmonization of the needs and management of the
resources for today and future generations, so it often faces the conflict between
requirement for the development and need for the protection. However, due to inadequate
tools that would point to optimal and sustainable solution that takes into account all the
criteria simultaneously, decisions are made ‘ad hoc’. Landscape architecture therefore
has a role to plan, design and manage the landscape in order to create, preserve and
protect the space to be functional, beautiful and sustainable and to separate the demands
of man and nature appropriate (van den Brink et al. 2017). According to Sayer et al
(2013), landscape approach can be described as an approach to harmonize protection
and development through interventions in the different components of the landscape.
In spatial planning process the basic driving initiative is obtained from the knowledge,
assumptions and requirements of the experts representing the interests of a certain sector
(OG 153/13, Article 85, Hermanns, 2015). Consequently, the problem can arise because
of the different evaluation of the spatial protection and sustainability elements. During the
drafting of the sectorial strategies and programs, only the protection of the primary natural
resource for certain sector (e.g. fertile soil, rare habitat) is taken into account (Marušič,
1991). The main purpose of such approach is sustained management of the specific
natural resource and long-term economic viability what results in the domination of
individual sectoral interests in the protection of existing and potential qualities of natural
resources. Since the sustainable use of natural resources, cannot be assessed long-term
(at least not with a high degree of certainty), protection of natural resources have to be
conducted through the harmonization approaches of standpoints and objectives, as well
as through the activities in spatial planning (Marušič, 1995, Butula, 2004). Furthermore, in
spatial planning it is possible to achieve the sustainability only if approach considers the
most optimal solution of the few alternatives (Taylor, 1986 in Butula, 2004).
In the areas like River Neretva Valley, that was chosen as the research area, often lacked
an integrated approach to landscape planning (Roe, 2000), which is usually resulted in
conflicts between users and thus the lack of inclusion of all interest groups in planning and
decision making. Also, declaring the area a nature park brings the conservation measures
that can change and/or restrict the activities of the other sectors within the area (Penko
Seidl et al, 2009). The most important social groups which will be affected by this
declaration are farmers, hunters and fishermen (Čaldarović, 2006b). Thus, the sectors of
nature protection, agriculture and hunting were chosen as target social groups of the
empirical research.
The theoretical starting point of this research is that harmonization of the standpoints in
spatial planning represents the foundation for the implementation of sustainable spatial
development. Starting from the fact that the protection of landscape quality is the holder of
common objectives of all sectors it was needed to determine possible approaches to
solving the problem of sustainability in the process of spatial planning. Based on analysis
of the relevant materials this doctoral dissertation sets the working hypothesis which will
be accepted or rejected through this research:
H1 criteria for the evaluation of natural qualities and potentials of the landscape differ
between the experts from different sectors
H2 including the vulnerability analysis into the procedure of spatial planning contributes
the optimization of the sectorial demands
Based on theoretical assumptions and hypotheses, the main objectives of the research
were defined; (1) to determine the need of harmonizing the various interests in the
planning of sustainable spatial development, (2) in the area of Neretva Delta identify
criteria for evaluation of natural qualities and potential of the landscape in the groups (of
experts) from various sectors and (3) to examine the possibilities of vulnerability analysis
application in spatial planning procedures.
Theoretical and practical parts were conducted simultaneously what has enabled
comparison and data updating and has resulted with more accurate and objective results.
The research set this way was divided into several parts.
The first chapter of the research is theoretical. It defines basic terms related to the
landscape, landscape qualities, landscape planning, sustainable development and public
participation. It stresses the importance of research, determination and inclusion of
landscape qualities, as a common good and value, into the spatial planning procedures.
According to reviews of previous experiences, the principles for dealing the sustainability
issue within spatial planning were stipulated.
In the second chapter, which includes review of the previous research, the needs for new
knowledge in landscape architecture were pointed out. These are participatory research,
research of the public values, making the spatial maps, spatial analysis in GIS,
characterization methods, strategic assessments, vulnerability analysis and modelling.
Last- mentioned was described detailed as a research strategy with an emphasis on the
importance of its utilization. Also this research stressed its advantages as a research
strategy in the systematic approach to solving the spatial problems and conflicts,
especially through the integration of multi criterial analysis. In this chapter was pointed to
the problems and conflicts which may arise from nature protection and management of
nature protected areas.
All the method used in this research were described and reasoned in the third chapter.
Also the area of Delta Neretva was described in detail what included its historical,
structural and natural characteristics with special emphasis on the certain sites of great
natural value such as Natura 2000 sites, Ramsar area, sites of nature protection (special
reserves and significant landscapes). According to the interpretation of the natural values
of the area and overview of the spatial plans and their cartographic representations, the
base for the interview conceptualization was defined.
The fourth chapter is practical and it includes conducting a method of low structural
interviews. The general researched topics which discussed with respondents were listed
as well as criteria for selection of respondents, the polling mode, and the modes of
labelling, transcription and achieving of the responds. The responds were interpreted and
the results analysed with an aim to identify the differences in the evaluation of natural
qualities and potentials of the landscape differ between the experts from selected sectors;
hunting, agriculture and nature protection. The results have shown that the criteria for the
evaluation of natural qualities differ between the experts from different sectors, and the
criteria for the evaluation of potentials of the landscape does not differ between the
experts from different sectors. Criteria for evaluation obtained through this questioning
were extracted and systemized in the table for simpler overview and usage in below.
In the fifth chapter, also practical, the modes for externalization of spatial attributes were
determined. Based on the criteria resulting from the previous part, the spatial cartographic
representations of the responds were made (Cartographic appendix 1).
In the sixth chapter the results were implemented into the evaluation procedure through
the making the models of perception of natural qualities and landscape potential for the
development (Figure 3). GIS applications were used for modelling, comparison and
graphical preparation of cartographic representations. Weighting of the data was used for
the validation of the findings derived from qualitative research. Mode for assigning the
weights to data in this research was carried out using the AHP (Analytic Hierarchy
Process) method, developed by Saaty (1977). The elaborated value models were collated
using the Cross tabulation analysis, which was in the next step a base for the
determination of the differences between the models.
Based on interpretation of the Amendments of the spatial plan of Dubrovnik-Neretva
County (Physical Planning Institute of Dubrovnik-Neretva County, 2017a,b,c) and expert
studies made for the Amendments in the seventh chapter were identified the development
demands for the area but also the potential impacts of the planned development activities.
It was a base for a defining the methodological approach for solving the problem and
dealing with conflicts in space by using the method of vulnerability modelling of landscape
qualities. Based on the determined main development activities within the research area
and their entailing pressures to landscape, the sub models and model of vulnerability of
landscape qualities that could be reduced by planned development activities were defined
and produced. The obtained model of vulnerability of landscape qualities was overlapped
with model of perception of natural qualities and landscape potential for the development,
obtained from previous parts of the research, using the arithmetic sum in ProVal. Final
model of vulnerability of landscape qualities which was derived from this procedure
(Figure 3) pointed to the sites of the research areas where is likely to expect the highest
impact on the existing and potential, real and perceived landscape qualities. In this
chapter was also emphasized the added value of vulnerability model that, besides experts
evaluation, can include evaluation models derived from public opinion. In this case, those
were research results of the perception of the values of natural qualities and landscape
potential for the development that were made in previous chapters using the procedure of
criteria extraction, externalisation of spatial attributes and models making for the each
group of respondents. The research pointed that the opinion of the certain social groups
can differ in some issues, so it is important to obtain harmonized model which would
simultaneously include opinions of all relevant social groups. In this research it was shown
by joined model of perception of natural qualities and landscape potential for the
development. Transformation of the public opinion, whether it is expert or lay public, into
the evaluation models which can be cartographically represented and implemented into
the modelling of landscape vulnerability and so included into the spatial planning
procedure is very important step forward the sustainable spatial development. So in this
chapter the second hypothesis which states that inclusion of the vulnerability analysis into
the procedure of spatial planning contributes the optimization of the sectorial demands is
Based on the obtained results, it is considered that the method proposed and
implemented in this research is an adequate tool for the optimization of decision in space.
Such optimized decisions which harmonize three major pillars (protection, development
and social requirements) can be considered as a prerequisite for achieving sustainable
spatial development. |