Title Utjecaj predsjetvenih zahvata na prizemnu faunu soje
Title (english) Influence of pre-sowing operations on ground soybean fauna
Author Marija Posarić
Mentor Darija Lemić (mentor)
Committee member Darija Lemić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Klara Barić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Maja Čačija (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Agriculture (Agricultural Zoology) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2020-09-22, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOTECHNICAL SCIENCES Agronomy
Abstract Soja je jedna od najstarijih proizvodnih kultura koja ima visoko mjesto značajne uljne i bjelančevinaste kulture. Ima poznatu prehrambenu vrijednost te se može koristiti kao nadomjestak za meso zbog svojih kvalitetnih bjelančevina. Tijekom uzgoja soje može doći do napada štetnika što rezultira smanjenjem kvalitete i kvantitete zrna. U prizemnoj fauni soje osim štetnika nalazi se i korisna fauna, razni predatori, paraziti i parazitoidi koji mogu utjecati na brojnost štetne faune. Upravo brojnost
... More tih korisnih pripadnika daje sliku o bioraznolikosti određenog agroekosustava te su oni indikatori antropogenog utjecaja na tlo. Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je utvrditi utjecaj različitih predsjetvenih zahvata na brojnost i sastav faune površinskog sloja tla u uzgoju soje. Istraživanje je provedeno 2019. godine na području Šašinovca na šest lokaliteta sa šest različitih varijanti predsjetvenih aktivnosti (pokrovne biljke, malčiranje, oranje, glifosat, podrivanje i standardna obrada). Prikupljanje faune tla provedeno je u tri termina (travanj, lipanj, rujan) korištenjem pitfall klopki. Prikupljeni uzorci podvrgnuti su determinaciji. Nakon utvrđene brojnosti i sastava prizemne faune utvrđene su njihove cenološke karakteristike, dominantnost i učestalost te je provedena statistička analiza između varijanti u svim terminima uzorkovanja. Tijekom istraživanja prikupljeno je 7836 jedinki prizemne faune soje. Najbrojniji bili su pripadnici razreda Insecta s udjelom od 55,81 % u kojem je najbrojnija bila porodica Carabidae s 1622 jedinke, zatim razred Arachnida s udjelom od 39,70 %. Prisutni su i pripadnici razreda Malacostraca s udjelom od 3,19 %, Diplopoda s udjelom od 1 %, Chilopoda s udjelom od 0,13 % te Gastropoda s udjelom od 0,13 %. Tijekom travnja utvrđena je najveća brojnost prikupljene faune s udjelom od 87,26 % te je najviše pripadnika faune bilo utvrđeno na varijantama gdje je primijenjen glifosat i gdje je provedeno malčiranje, dok je najmanje pripadnika faune utvrđeno na varijanti gdje su bile posijane pokrovne biljke. Tijekom lipnja utvrđeni su i do 10 puta niži ulovi faune, a signifikantno najveći ulovi utvrđeni su na polju bilo gdje je provedeno predsjetveno oranje, dok su najniži ulovi utvrđeni na poljima gdje je provedeno predsjetveno malčiranje, tretman glifosatom i standardna obrada proizvođača. Tijekom mjeseca rujna ulovi su bili još niži te nisu utvrđene statistički opravdane razlike između istraživanih varijanti. Sastav faune tla sastojao se od 6601 pripadnika korisne faune (84,2 %), 603 pripadnika štetne faune (7,7 %) i 632 pripadnika indiferentne faune (8,1 %). Mehanički predsjetveni zahvati u tlo negativno su utjecali na brojnost prizemne faune soje, dok predsjetveni zahvati koji ne podrazumijevaju kontakt s tlom nisu utjecali na brojnost prizemne faune soje. Less
Abstract (english) Soybean is one of the oldest production crops that has a high place of significant oil and protein crop. It has a known nutritional value and can be used as a meat substitute due to its quality proteins. Pest attacks can occur during soybean cultivation resulting in a reduction in grain quality and quantity. In the ground fauna of soybeans, in addition to pests, there are also beneficial fauna, various predators, parasites and parasitoids that can affect the number of harmful fauna. It is the
... More number of these useful members that gives a picture of the biodiversity of a particular agroecosystem and they are indicators of anthropogenic impact on the soil. The aim of this study was to determine the impact of different pre-sowing operations on the abundance and composition of the ground fauna in soybean cultivation. The research was conducted in 2019 in Šašinovac area on six locations with six different variants of pre-sowing activities (sowing of cover plants, mulching, ploughing, application of glyphosate, undermining and conventional processing). Ground fauna collection was carried out in three terms (April, June, September) using pitfall traps. The collected samples were subjected to determination. After determining the abundance and composition of ground fauna, their coenological characteristics, dominance and frequency were determined, and a statistical analysis between variants in all sampling terms was performed. During the research, 7836 individuals of ground soybean fauna were collected. The most numerous were members of the class Insecta with a share of 55.81% in which the most numerous was the family Carabidae with 1622 individuals, followed by the class Arachnida with a share of 39.70%. Members of the class Malacostraca with a share of 3.19%, Diplopoda with a share of 1%, Chilopoda with a share of 0.13% and Gastropoda with a share of 0.13% are also present. During April, the highest number of collected fauna was found with a share of 87.26% and most individuals of the fauna were found in the variants where glyphosate was applied and where mulching was carried out, while the least individuals of the fauna were found in the variant where cover plants were sown. During June, up to 10 times lower catches of ground fauna were determined, and significantly the highest catches were found in the field where pre-sowing ploughing was carried out, while the lowest catches were found in fields where pre-sowing mulching, glyphosate treatment and standard treatment of producers were carried out. During September, catches were even lower and no statistically justified differences between the investigated variants were found. The composition of ground fauna consisted of 6601 members of beneficial fauna (84.2%), 603 members of harmful fauna (7.7%) and 632 members of indifferent fauna (8.1%). Mechanical pre-sowing operations in the soil negatively affected the abundance of ground soybean fauna, while pre-sowing operations that did not involve contact with the soil did not affect the abundance of ground soybean fauna. Less
predsjetvena obrada tla
površinski sloj tla
prizemna fauna
Keywords (english)
pre-sowing soil tillage
surface layer of soil
ground fauna
ground beetles
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:204:845766
Study programme Title: Phytomedicine Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/ magistra inženjer/inženjerka fitomedicine (magistar/ magistra inženjer/inženjerka fitomedicine)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
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Created on 2020-10-14 06:27:55