Title Tehnološka karakterizacija i senzorska svojstva trajnih kobasica s dodatkom ovčjeg mesa
Title (english) Technological characterization and sensory traits of dry sausages whit sheep meat
Author Matea Kocek
Mentor Ivica Kos (mentor)
Committee member Ivica Kos (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Danijel Karolyi (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Ivan Vnučec (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Agriculture (Department of Animal Science and Technology) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2019-09-27, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOTECHNICAL SCIENCES Agronomy
Abstract Cilj rada bio je utvrditi utjecaj dodatka ovčjeg mesa na tehnološka i senzorska svojstva trajnih kobasica. U istraživanju su proizvedene kobasice po istoj recepturi s udjelima ovčjeg mesa od 0% (tretman T-0), 10% (tretman T-10), 20% (tretman T-20) i 30% (tretman T-30), dok je preostali udio bio svinjskog porijekla. Tijekom proizvodnje izvršena su periodička mjerenja mase, pH vrijednosti i aktiviteta vode. Po završetku proizvodnog procesa određen je osnovni kemijski sastav kobasica te senzorska analiza pomoću triangl testa za utvrđivanje razlika između tretmana i hedonističkog testa za utvrđivanje dopadljivosti. Istraživanjem je utvrđeno da se prosječan relativni gubitak mase kobasica povećavao s povećanjem udjela ovčjeg mesa i iznosio je najmanje u tretmanu T-0 (43,05%), a najviše u tretmanu T-30 (46,47%). Utvrđen je različiti tijek pH vrijednosti s najvećim razlikama nakon 10. dana proizvodnje, kada je tretman T-30 imao značajno najmanju pH vrijednost (5,27), a tretman T-0 najveću (5,45). Nije zabilježena statistički značajna razlika u konačnim pH vrijednostima kobasica između tretmana na kraju proizvodnje. Istraživanjem nisu utvrđene značajne promjene aktiviteta vode kobasica, ali je na kraju proizvodnje 35. dan utvrđena značajna razlika između tretmana. Pritom je najniži aktivitet vode utvrđen kod tretmana T-30 (0,819), a najviši kod tretmana T-0 (0,852). Osnovni kemijski sastav kobasica bio je vrlo ujednačen i bez značajnih razlika između tretmana. Obradom podataka triangl testa ocjenjivači su potvrdili da između kontrolnog tretmana T-0 i pokusnih (T-10, T-20, T-30) postoje značajne razlike, a s povećanjem udjela ovčjeg mesa rastao je i udio točnih odgovora. Ocjenjivači su najčešće iskazali razliku između uzoraka u svojstvu izgleda, zatim u svojstvu okusa i teksture. S povećanjem udjela ovčjeg mesa u kobasicama miris je češće bio označen kao različito svojstvo što implicira njegov izraženiji utjecaj kod većih udjela. Ukupna dopadljivost kobasica nije se značajno razlikovala između tretmana. Stoga možemo zaključiti da je u kobasice moguće dodati do 20% ovčjeg mesa bez nepovoljnog utjecaja na gubitak mase, pH, aw vrijednosti i dopadljivost kobasica te bi proizvodnja takvih kobasica pridonijela dodatnom iskorištenju mesa ovaca.
Abstract (english) The aim of the study was to determine the effect of sheep meat addition on technological and sensory traits of dry sausages. The sausages were manufactured according to the same recipe with proportions of sheep meat of 0% (treatment T-0), 10% (treatment T-10), 20% (treatment T-20) and 30 % (treatment T-30), while the remaining proportion was of porcine origin. Periodic measurements of sausage mass, pH and water activity were made during production process. At the end of the production process, the basic chemical composition of the sausages was determined, as well as sensory analysis using a triangl test to determine the difference between treatments and a hedonistic test to determine the likeability. It was found that the average relative weight loss of sausages increased with the increasing proportion of sheep meat and was the lowest in T-0 treatment (43.05%) and highest in T-30 treatment (46.47%). A different pH change was observed between treatments with significant differences after day 10 of production, when the T-30 treatment had the lowest pH value (5.27) and the T-0 treatment the highest (5.45). No statistically significant difference in the final pH values between treatments was observed at the end of production. The study did not identify significant changes in the water activity of sausages, but at the end of production on day 35, a significant difference was observed between treatments. The lowest water activity was determined with T-30 treatment (0.819) and the highest with T-0 treatment (0.852). The basic chemical composition of the sausages was very uniform and with no significant differences between treatments. By processing the data of the triangl test, the evaluators confirmed that there were significant differences between the control treatment T-0 and the experimental ones (T-10, T-20, T-30), and with the increase of the sheep meat proportion the proportion of correct answers increased. The evaluators expressed differences between the samples mostly in appearance, then in taste and texture. With the increase of the sheep meat proportion, the odor was more often referred to as a different characteristic, implying its more pronounced influence at higher proportions. Overall sausage likeability did not differ significantly between treatments. Therefore, we can conclude that sheep meat could be added up to 20% in sausages without adversel effect on weight loss, pH, aw values and likeability of sausages, and such sausages would contribute to the additional utilization of sheep meat.
trajne kobasice
ovčje meso
senzorska analiza
pH vrijednost
aktivitet vode
Keywords (english)
fermented sausages
sheep meat
sensory analysis
water activity
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:204:107562
Study programme Title: Production and Processing of Meat Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar / magistra inženjer/inženjerka proizvodnje i prerade mesa (magistar / magistra inženjer/inženjerka proizvodnje i prerade mesa)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
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Created on 2019-11-21 08:48:56