Abstract | U posljednje vrijeme u svijetu se sve više pažnje posvećuje značajkama tala u urbanim prostorima zbog velikog rizika od antropogenog onečišćenja, a koje može imati štetan utjecaj na zdravlje ljudi. Povezano s navedenim, osnovni cilj ovog rada bio je prikazati značajke tala u urbanom prostoru grada Zagreba i predložiti smjernice za razvrstavanje tala u urbanim područjima RH, zbog čega su u radu prikazane strukture klasifikacija takvih tala u nekim državama srednje Europe.
Na deset reprezentativnih lokacija (Dotrščina, Luka Sesvete, Ivanja Reka, Kozari bok, Jakuševec, Bundek, Cmrok, Podsused, Gračani i Savski nasip) provedena su detaljna terenska istraživanja i laboratorijska fizikalna i kemijska ispitivanja svojstva tla.
Pet istraživanih lokacija svrstano je u grupu prirodnih tala, dok su tla sa preostalih pet lokacija svrstana u grupu novonastalih tala. Značajke prirodnih tala u urbanom prostoru grada Zagreba vrlo su heterogene, dok se značajke novonastalih tala značajno ne razlikuju. U konačnici je unutar urbanog prostora grada Zagreba utvrđeno pet različitih tipova tala: rendzina, pseudoglej, fluvisol, livadsko fluvijalno tlo te tehnogeno tlo nastalo nanašanjem zemljišnog i drugog materijala. Posebno se naglašava činjenica da rezultati istraživanja pokazuju kako se koncentracije teških metala nalaze ispod maksimalno dopuštenih vrijednosti prema graničnim vrijednostima za parkove i rekreacijska područja, dječja igrališta te za poljoprivredna tla.
Predložene su smjernice za razvrstavanja tala u urbanim prostorima Hrvatske, prema kojima bi se u red terestričkih tala, uz već postojeći razred tehnogenih tala dodao jedan novi razred gradskih tala u koji bi se svrstavali tipovi tala kao što su: tla parkova, tla igrališta, tla zona za rekreaciju, tla stambenog okoliša i tla prometnog okoliša. |
Abstract (english) | Recently in the world, more and more attention is paid to soil characteristics in urban areas due to the high risk of anthropogenic pollution, which can have harmful impact on human health. Related to the above, the main objective of this work was to show the characteristics of soils in the urban areas of Zagreb and to suggest guidelines for the classification of soils in urban areas of the Republic of Croatia, which is why the structure of classification of such soils in some Central European countries is also presented.
At the ten representative locations (Dotrščina, Luka Sesvete, Ivanja Reka, Kozari bok, Jakuševec, Bundek, Cmrok, Podsused, Gračani and Savski nasip), detailed field research and laboratory physical and chemical testing of soil properties were performed.
Five of the researched locations are classified into a group of natural soils, while the soils from the remaining five locations is classified into a group of newborn soils. The characteristics of natural soils in the urban area of Zagreb are very heterogeneous, while the characteristics of newborn soils are not significantly different. Finally, five different types of soils were identified within the urban space of the city of Zagreb: rendzina, pseudoglej, fluvisol, meadow fluvial soil and technogenic soil created by the deposition of soil and other materials. Particularly emphasized is the fact that the results of the research show that heavy metal concentrations are below the maximum permitted limits for parks and recreational areas, playgrounds and agricultural soils.
Guidelines for soil classification of the soils in urban areas of Croatia are suggested, according to which, in addition to the already existing class of technogenic soils, a new class of city soils would be added into the order of terrestrial soils in order to classify the types of soils such as: soils of parks, soils of playgrounds, soils of recreation areas, soils of the residential environment and soils of the transport environment. |