Title Vegetarijanski agroturizam u Hrvatskoj: ograničenja i mogućnosti
Author Josip Migić
Mentor Ivo Grgić (mentor)
Committee member Ivo Grgić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Marija Cerjak (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Lari Hadelan (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Magdalena Zrakić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Agriculture (Agricultural Economics and Rural Development) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2016-04-14, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOTECHNICAL SCIENCES Agronomy Ecology and Environmental Protection
Abstract Jedan od najraširenijih specifičnih oblika turizma je ruralni turizam. Agroturizam kao jedan od oblika ruralnog turizma postaje sve značajniji u turističkoj ponudi. Hrvatska je turistička zemlja koju posjećuju brojni turisti koji traže inovativne i originale oblike odmora, čemu se zbog sve veće konkurencije na globalnom turističkom tržištu treba neprestano prilagođavati. Vegetarijanski agroturizam kao posebni vid agroturizma, u Hrvatskoj još uvijek nije prepoznat. Obzirom na rastući broj
... More vegetarijanaca/vegana u svijetu, svijest o zaštiti okoliša, zdravom načinu života i širenje turističke industrije, svaka turistički receptivna zemlja, pa tako i Hrvatska trebala bi prepoznati potencijal takvog rastućeg tržišta. Ono što razlikuje vegetarijansko agroturističko gospodarstvo od klasičnog je prije svega ponuda vegetarijanske/veganske prehrane, ali i životna filozofija i način života koji teži isključiti, koliko je god moguće, i praktično sve oblike okrutnosti i iskorištavanja životinja za hranu, odjeću i bilo koju drugu svrhu te koji promiče razvoj i korištenje neživotinjskih alternativa za dobrobit čovjeka, životinja i okoliša. U radu se istražuje potražnja uslugama na vegatrijanskom agroturističkom gospodarstvu, te na osnovu toga glavna ograničenja i mogućnosti budućeg razvoja takvog specifičnog oblika turizma. Za potrebe istraživanja provedeno je anketno ispitivanje na uzorku od 328 ispitanika vegetarijanaca/vegana, te je proveden intervju s nositeljem seoskog turizma obitelji Kezele kome su izneseni dobiveni rezultati anketnog istraživanja. Usprkos neprepoznavanju vegetarijanskog agroturizma kao turističkog proizvoda, istraživanje je pokazalo da su ispitanici iznimno zainteresirani za takav specifični oblik turizma. Čak 93,3% ispitanika smatra da je turističkoj ponudi Hrvatske potreban vegetarijanski agroturizam, dok bi 96,4% ispitanika posjetili takav tip imanja, a 73% bi ih provelo godišnji odmor na takvom tipu imanja. Većina ispitanih smatra da je najbitnija usluga/sadrţaj koju bi trebalo nuditi vegetarijansko agroturističko gospodarstvo vegetarijanska/veganska prehrana, zatim slijedi strogo pridržavanje zaštite okoliša. Za više od polovice ispitanika (57%) smatra da im udaljenost takvog tipa imanja od mjesta stanovanja nije važna. Rezultati istraživanja pokazuju da vegetarijanski agroturizam svakako posjeduje neiskorišteni turistički i ekonomski potencijal. Less
Abstract (english) Rural tourism is one of the most widespread forms of tourism. Agrotourism, as a part of rural tourism, is becoming more significant in the touristic offer of Croatia. As a touristic country visited by numerous tourists looking for inovative and original forms of holiday and because of constant growth of competition in the global touristic market, Croatia needs to continuously adapt to the needs of its customers. Vegeterian agrotourism is, as a special part of agrotourism, still
... More unrecognised. Taking into consideration the ascending number of vegeterians/ vegans in the world and the raising awareness of both protecting the enviornmet and leading a healthy lifestyle, as well as the expansion of touristic industry, Croatia should like other touristicaly receptive countries recognize the potential of this expanding market. What differentiates the vegeterian agrotuoristic estate from a clasical one, is the vegeterian/ vegan nutirition offer, but also the life philosophy behind it. This philosophy supports a lifestyle which tends to exclude, as far as possible, practically all forms of animal cruelty and exploitation of animals for food, clothing or any other purpose. Furthermore, it promotes the development and use of nonanimal alternatives for human, animal and enviornmental benefit. The main focus of this final thesis is to investigate the service demand on a vegeterian agrotouristic estate and based on that to develop the main constraints and opportunities for future development of this specific form of tourism in Croatia. The research conducted in this paper had 328 participiants, all vegeterian/ vegan. Furthermore, an interview was conducted with the owner of the Kezele family rural tourism estate to whom the obtained results were presented. Despite the lack of recognition of vegeterian agrotourism as a touristic product, the study found that the respondents showed interest in this specific form of tourism. 93.3 % of the participiants believe that the Croatian touristic offer needs vegeterian agrotourism, 96.4% would visit and 73% of the respondents would spend their vacation in such type of estate. The majority of the participiants believes that the most important service/content which should be offered by the vegeterian agrotouristic estate is vegeterian/ vegan nutirition followed by strict adherence to environmental protection. To more than half of the respondents (57%) carries the distance from the place of residence no importance. The results of this study indicate that the vegetarian agrotourism certainly has unused touristic and economic potential. Less
Keywords (english)
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:204:644010
Study programme Title: Organic Agriculture with Agrotourism Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar / magistra inženjer/inženjerka ekološke poljoprivrede i agroturizma (magistar / magistra inženjer/inženjerka ekološke poljoprivrede i agroturizma)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2016-05-23 11:58:20