Title Emisija ugljikovog dioksida iz tla mjerena u vegetaciji kukuruza
Title (english) Carbon dioxide emission from soil measured in vegetation of corn
Author Anja Tot
Mentor Željka Zgorelec (mentor)
Committee member Željka Zgorelec (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Aleksandra Bensa (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Mihaela Blažinkov (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Agriculture (General Agronomy) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2017-09-22, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOTECHNICAL SCIENCES Agronomy
Abstract Osnovni oblik ugljika u prirodi je ugljikov dioksid (CO2). Od mnogih stakleničkih plinova (N2O, CH4 , freon, vodena para i dr.) on predstavlja jedan od najvažnijih spojeva koji utječu na procese globalnog zagrijavanja. Doprinos poljoprivrede u ukupnoj emisiji stakleničkih plinova u Republici Hrvatskoj, kao i globalno na Zemlji, iznosi oko 11 %. Značajan utjecaj u lancu biotransformacije organskog ugljika zauzima tlo. Tlo sadrži najveće globalne zalihe ugljika koje su gotovo tri puta veće od onih u nadzemnoj biomasi. Pravilnim gospodarenjem poljoprivrednim tlom može se utjecati na emisiju CO2 iz tla.
Zbog nedostatka istraživanja i vlastitih nacionalnih podataka, a vezanih za tematiku disanja tla (CO2 emisiju ili fluks) u realnim agroklimatskim uvjetima provodi se istraživanje u Zapadnoj Panonskoj poljoprivrednoj podregiji RH, uz granicu s Parkom prirode Lonjsko polje (naselje Potok). Za potrebe određivanja utjecaja poljoprivrede na emisiju CO2 od 2011. godine na pokusnim površinama provodi se mjerenje koncentracije fluksa C – CO2 iz tla u atmosferu. Cilj rada je analizirati podatke emisije ugljikovog dioksida iz tla ovisno o različitim dozama gnojidbe dušikom, utvrditi korelaciju između emisije CO2 i temperature i vlage u tlu, te utjecaj vegetacije na emisiju C – CO2 u atmosferu tijekom vegetacije kukuruza u 2013. i 2015. Također, cilj je usporediti podatke emisije CO2 izmjerene u 2013. s podacima emisije CO2 izmjerenih u 2015. godini.
Prema različitom vremenu mjerenja tijekom godine utvrdile su se statistički značajne razlike u vrijednosti fluksa C – CO2 između tretmana gnojidbe. Srednje godišnje vrijednosti C – CO2 po tretmanima u 2013. godini kretale su se od 8,2 kg/ha×dan izmjerenih na X. tretmanu (0 kg N/ha), do 15,4 kg/ha×dan C – CO2 na IX. tretmanu (300 kg N/ha), dok su u 2015. godini vrijednosti emisije C – CO2 bile od 7,7 kg/ha×dan izmjerenih na X. tretmanu (0 kg N/ha) do 15,5 kg/ha×dan C – CO2 na V. tretmanu (200 kg N/ha). Obradom podataka emisije ugljikovog dioksida i usporedbom dobivenih vrijednosti u 2013. i 2015. godini u vegetaciji kukuruza vidljivo je da se srednje godišnje vrijednosti emisije C – CO2 nisu statistički značajno razlikovale, iako je na cijelom pokusnom polju 2014. godine provedena kalcifikacija, a na dva tretmana primijenjeno organsko gnojivo (VII - 20 t/ha i VIII - 40 t/ha). U 2013. godini sadržaj vlage u tlu pokazuje vrlo slabu pozitivnu korelaciju s emisijom C – CO2 (r = 0,14), dok u 2015. godini postoji slaba negativna linearna povezanost (r = 0,32). Rezultati mjerenja ovisnosti temperature tla na fluks ugljikovog dioksida iz tla u 2013. i 2015. godini pokazuju slabu linearnu korelaciju između ta dva parametra (r = 0,25; r = 0,33).
Abstract (english) The main form of carbon in nature is carbon dioxide (CO2). Of the many greenhouse gases (N2O, CH4, freon, water vapor, etc.), carbon dioxide represents one of the most important compounds that mostly affect the processes of global warming. Contribution from agriculture in total greenhouse gas emissions in Republic of Croatia, as well as global on Earth is around 11 %. Soil has a significant influence on chain of biotransformation of organic carbon. Soil contains huge global carbon stocks, which are almost three times higher than those in above- ground biomass. The emission of CO2 can be regulated with appropriate management of the agricultural soil.
Due to the lack of research and our own national data related to the topics of soil respiration (CO2 or flux), field experiment was conducted in the real agroclimatic conditions of Western Pannonian agricultural subregion, on the edge of the Nature Park Lonjsko polje (settlement Potok). For the purposes of determination of the effect of agriculture on CO2 emission since 2011, there have been implemented measures of concentration flux C – CO2 from soil to atmosphere on experimental fields. The goal of this study was to analyze data of carbon dioxide emission from soil depending on different doses of N fertilization, determine correlation between emission of CO2, temperature and soil moisture and influence of vegetation on emission C – CO2 in atmosphere during vegetation of corn (2013 and 2015). Also, the goal was to compare CO2 emission data measured in 2013 with data measured in 2015.
According to the different time of measurement of the year, statistically significant differences in C - CO2 flux were found between fertilization treatments. Average annual values of C - CO2 per treatment of 2013 were ranged from 8.2 kg/ha×day at X. treatment (0 kg N/ha) to 15.4 kg/ha×day C - CO2 at IX. treatment (300 kg N/ha), while in the year 2015 C - CO2 emissions of 7.7 kg/ha×day were measured at X. treatment (0 kg N/ha) up to 15.5 kg/ha×day C - CO2 at V. treatment (200 kg N/ha). Result of carbon dioxide emission and the comparison of the obtained values of 2013 and 2015 in corn vegetation, show that the mean annual values of C - CO2 emissions did not differ statistically, although calcification was carried out throughout the whole experimental field in 2014 and organic fertilizer were applied at two treatments (VII - 20 t/ha and VIII - 40 t/ha). In 2013, soil moisture shows very low positive correlation with C - CO2 emission (r = 0.14), while in 2015 there is a weak negative linear link (r = 0, 32). The results of the soil temperature dependence on the carbon dioxide flow from the soil in 2013 and 2015 show a weak linear correlation between these two parameters (r = 0.25, r = 0.33).
emisija CO2
disanje tla
Keywords (english)
CO2 emission
soil respiration
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:204:677702
Study programme Title: Agroecology Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/ magistra inženjer/inženjerka agroekologija (magistar/ magistra inženjer/inženjerka agroekologija)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
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Created on 2017-10-30 08:44:24