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master's thesis
Utjecaj okolišnih faktora na rast i razvoj rogova europskog muflona (Ovis gmelini musimon Pall.)

Budak, Nikola
University of Zagreb
Faculty of Agriculture
Plant Breeding Genetics, Biometrics and Experimentation

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Budak, N. (2017). Utjecaj okolišnih faktora na rast i razvoj rogova europskog muflona (Ovis gmelini musimon Pall.) (Master's thesis). Zagreb: University of Zagreb, Faculty of Agriculture. Retrieved from

Budak, Nikola. "Utjecaj okolišnih faktora na rast i razvoj rogova europskog muflona (Ovis gmelini musimon Pall.)." Master's thesis, University of Zagreb, Faculty of Agriculture, 2017.

Budak, Nikola. "Utjecaj okolišnih faktora na rast i razvoj rogova europskog muflona (Ovis gmelini musimon Pall.)." Master's thesis, University of Zagreb, Faculty of Agriculture, 2017.

Budak, N. (2017). 'Utjecaj okolišnih faktora na rast i razvoj rogova europskog muflona (Ovis gmelini musimon Pall.)', Master's thesis, University of Zagreb, Faculty of Agriculture, accessed 14 January 2025,

Budak N. Utjecaj okolišnih faktora na rast i razvoj rogova europskog muflona (Ovis gmelini musimon Pall.) [Master's thesis]. Zagreb: University of Zagreb, Faculty of Agriculture; 2017 [cited 2025 January 14] Available at:

N. Budak, "Utjecaj okolišnih faktora na rast i razvoj rogova europskog muflona (Ovis gmelini musimon Pall.)", Master's thesis, University of Zagreb, Faculty of Agriculture, Zagreb, 2017. Available at: