Title Raspoloživot poljoprivredne infrastrukture u Krapinsko-zagorskoj županiji
Title (english) Availability of agricultural infrastructure in Krapina-zagorje county
Author Jasmina Vagan
Mentor Lari Hadelan (mentor)
Committee member Lari Hadelan (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Ramona Franić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Vesna Očić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Agriculture (Agricultural Economics and Rural Development) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2017-07-07, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOTECHNICAL SCIENCES Agronomy
Abstract Poljoprivredna infrastruktura nema univerzalnu definiciju i još uvijek postoje razna
tumačenja i podjele poljoprivredne infrastrukture na svjetskoj razini. Poljoprivredna
infrastruktura je u Hrvatskoj također rijetko opisan i razjašnjen pojam, kako za
poljoprivredne proizvođače tako i za stručnjake s područja agronomije, s obzirom da niti
jedan znanstveni rad u Hrvatskoj nije napisan na temu poljoprivredne infrastrukture. Obzirom
da infrastrukturu u poljoprivredi obilježava izravno
... More smanjivanje proizvodnih gubitaka,
povećavanje tržišne orijentacije poljoprivrede i unapređenje primarne poljoprivredne
proizvodnje, može se reći da je itekako potrebno toj temi posvetiti više pažnje.
U ovom je diplomskom radu definirana poljoprivredna infrastruktura, raščlanjena na
javnu i privatnu te su određene njihove sastavnice. Dakle, privatna poljoprivredna
infrastruktura uključuje svu infrastrukturu koju posjeduju poljoprivredna gospodarstva a koja
je namijenjena isključivo njihovim proizvodnim potrebama, tj. ona infrastruktura čiji korisnik
nije šira zajednica, dok javna poljoprivredna infrastruktura podrazumijeva infrastrukturu koja
je dostupna i na raspolaganju zajednici te koju koristi više članova zajednice.
Cilj diplomskog rada je definirati i pobliže opisati pojam poljoprivredne infrastrukture,
locirati objekte javne poljoprivredne infrastrukture na području Krapinsko-zagorske županije,
zatim pomoću rezultata istraživanja definirati potrebe poljoprivrednih proizvođača prema
poljoprivrednoj infrastrukturi te sastaviti prijedlog ulaganja u poljoprivrednu infrastrukturu
na području Krapinsko-zagorske županije. Rezultati rada pokazuju da na području
Krapinsko-zagorske županije postoji vrlo malo javne poljoprivredne infrastrukture, ali zato
postoje privatni poduzetnički oblici s infrastrukturnom podrškom za više poljoprivrednih
gospodarstava. Rezultati istraživanja su pokazali da poljoprivredni proizvođači nisu u
potpunosti sigurni u značenje i važnost poljoprivredne infrastrukture u proizvodnji, ali imaju
velike potrebe za poljoprivrednom infrastrukturom. S druge strane, sve više poljoprivrednih
proizvođača, kao i jedinica lokalnih samouprava, planiraju ulaganja u poljoprivrednu
infrastrukturu. Less
Abstract (english) Agricultural infrastructure does not have a universal definition and there are still many
different interpretations and divisions of agricultural infrastructure on the world level.
Agricultural infrastructure is also rarely described and clarified in Croatia, both for
agricultural producers and for experts in the field of agronomy, since no scientific paper in
Croatia has been written on agricultural infrastructure. Given that agricultural infrastructure is
characterized by a
... More direct reduction in production losses, increased market orientation of
agriculture and the improvement of primary agricultural production, it can be said that much
more attention needs to be paid to this issue.
In this thesis, the agricultural infrastructure is defined, divided into public and private
and their components are defined. Thus, private agricultural infrastructure includes all
infrastructure owned by agricultural holdings which is intended solely to their production
needs, ie infrastructure whose user is not a wider community, while public agricultural
infrastructure implies infrastructure available to the community and used by more community
The aim of the thesis is to define and describe the concept of agricultural infrastructure,
to locate the objects of public agricultural infrastructure in the Krapina-Zagorje County, and
then to define the needs of agricultural producers according to the agricultural infrastructure
through research results and to compile a suggestion for investment in agricultural
infrastructure in the Krapina-Zagorje County. The results show that there is very little public
agricultural infrastructure in the Krapina-Zagorje County, but there are private
entrepreneurial forms with infrastructure support for several agricultural holdings. The results
of the research have shown that agricultural producers are not entirely sure of the importance
and importance of agricultural infrastructure in production, but have great needs for
agricultural infrastructure. On the other hand, more and more agricultural producers, as well
as local self-government units, plan to invest in agricultural infrastructure. Less
poljoprivredna infrastruktura
poljoprivredni infrastrukturni objekti
ulaganja u poljoprivrednu infrastrukturu
Krapinsko-zagorska županija
Keywords (english)
agricultural infrastructure
agricultural infrastructure facilities
investments in agricultural infrastructure
Krapina-Zagorje County
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:204:974896
Study programme Title: Agribusiness and Rural Development Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/ magistra inženjer/inženjerka agrobiznisa i ruralnog razvitka (magistar/ magistra inženjer/inženjerka agrobiznisa i ruralnog razvitka)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2017-07-12 06:42:31