Abstract (croatian) | Suzbijanje štetnika u poljoprivrednim kulturama oduvijek je izazovan problem. Razvijene su mnoge mjere za suzbijanje štetnika, koje se mogu podijeliti na agrotehničke, mehaničke, fizikalne, biološke i kemijske. Međutim, kemijske mjere, posebno korištenje insekticida, često prevladavaju. Mnogi insekticidi izgubili su dozvolu za upotrebu, a oni koji su još uvijek u upotrebi često dovode do razvoja rezistentnosti kod štetnika i smanjene učinkovitosti. Zbog toga je važno istraživati i implementirati nove alternativne, ekološki prihvatljive metode zaštite biljaka. Jedna je od takvih alternativnih metoda korištenje visokonaponskih električnih polja. Temeljito smo pregledali relevantnu literaturu da bismo ovim radom prikazali djelovanje visokonaponskih električnih polja na kukce i istražili mogućnost repelentnog djelovanja ove metode, kao i sposobnost hvatanja kukaca putem sile koju stvara visokonaponsko električno polje. Rezultati pregledanih istraživanja pokazali su visoku učinkovitost te metode u zaštiti bilja. Testirana je na 82 različite vrste kukaca i pet vrsta paukova, i na svim vrstama, ovisno o voltaži, postigla je stopostotnu učinkovitost. Visokonaponska električna polja pokazala su se vrlo učinkovitima, i u budućnosti, gdje je smanjenje korištenja pesticida prioritet, mogla bi postati jedna od ključnih alternativa za suzbijanje štetnika u poljoprivredi. |
Abstract (english) | Pest control in agricultural crops has always been a challenging issue. Numerous methods have been developed for pest control, which can be categorized into agrotechnical, mechanical, physical, biological, and chemical measures. However, chemical measures, especially the use of insecticides, often dominate. Unfortunately, many insecticides have lost approval, and those still in use frequently lead to the development of resistance in pests and a decrease in their effectiveness. Therefore, it is essential to explore and implement new alternative, environmentally friendly plant protection methods. One such alternative method is the use of high-voltage electric fields. In this study, we conducted a thorough review of the relevant literature to illustrate the impact of high-voltage electric fields on insects and explore the potential repellent effect of this method, as well as its ability to capture insects through the force generated by the high-voltage electric field. The results of the reviewed research have demonstrated the high efficiency of this method in plant protection. It has been tested on 82 different insect species and five spider species, achieving a 100% success rate across all species, depending on the applied voltage. High-voltage electric fields have proven to be highly effective, and in the future, where reducing pesticide use is a priority, they could become one of the key alternatives for pest control in agriculture. |