Abstract (croatian) | Cilj rada je opisati ekološki princip uzgoja industrijske konoplje u svrhu proizvodnje cvata, odnosno CBD ulja. Kanabidiol (CBD) je jedan od 113 kanabinoida konoplje koji se sintetizira u cvatu biljke, nije psihoaktivan. U proizvodnji CBD ulja kao sirovina se koristi cvat neoplođene ženske biljke, stoga se sve muške biljke moraju prije cvatnje ukloniti iz usjeva. Konoplja za cvat se uzgaja u rijetkom sklopu da biljke više granaju i daju cvat bogat CBD-om. Pritom se mijenjaju njezina morfološka i fiziološka svojstva. Tehnologiju proizvodnje konoplje za cvat treba prilagoditi sorti, korištenom repromaterijalu (sjeme ili presadnice), mjerama njege usjeva te pravilima ekološke proizvodnje. Prilikom uzgoja konoplje za cvat često se primjenjuje tehnika zakidanja vegetativnog vrha (pinciranje) da bi se dobio veći prinos cvata po biljci. Berba cvata obično se obavlja ručno da se održi kvaliteta proizvoda. Osim pozitivnog učinka na okoliš, ekološka proizvodnja daje proizvodu dodatnu tržišnu vrijednost. CBD ulje se dobiva ekstrakcijom cvata konoplje, najčešće pomoću ugljikovog dioksida. CBD ulje je vrlo cijenjen proizvod na svjetskom tržištu, a koristi se u terapeutske i terapijske svrhe. Osim CBD ulja na našem tržištu se nalaze i drugi proizvodi na bazi CBD-a kao što je CBD pasta, CBD ulje s terpenima, suhi cvat konoplje, čaj od cvata konoplje te razni kozmetički proizvodi na bazi CBD ulja. Osnova proizvodnje ekoloških proizvoda u Hrvatskoj, odnosno Europskoj uniji (EU), određena je Uredbom (EU) 2018/848 Europskog parlamenta i Vijeća o ekološkoj proizvodnji i označivanju ekoloških proizvoda, uključujući sve relevantne provedbene uredbe s važećim izmjenama i dopunama i relevantnim nacionalnim propisima s važećim izmjenama i dopunama. |
Abstract (english) | The aim of paper is description of organic cultivation of industrial hemp for flower production, i.e. CBD oil and to present the range of products based on CBD. Cannabidiol (CBD) is one of the 113 hemp cannabinoids synthesized in the flowering plant, it is not psychoactive. For the production of CBD oil, the flower of an unfertilized female plant is used as a raw material, so all male plants must be removed from the stand before flowering. Hemp for inflorescence is grown in a low plant density so that the plants can develop more branches and produce inflorescence rich with CBD. At the same time, its morphological and physiological properties change. The technology of hemp production for inflorescence should be adapted to the variety, the reproduction material used (seeds or seedlings), crop care measures and the rules of organic production. When growing hemp for inflorescence, the technique of cutting off the vegetative top (topping) is often applied in order to obtain a higher yield of inflorescence per plant. Inflorescence harvest is usually done by hand to maintain the quality of the product. In addition to the positive effect on the environment, organic production gives additional market value to the product. CBD oil is obtained by extracting hemp flowers, usually using carbon dioxide. CBD oil is a highly valued product on the world market, and it is used for therapeutic purposes. In addition to CBD oil, there are other CBD-based products on our market, such as CBD paste, CBD oil with terpenes, dry hemp flower, hemp flower tea and various cosmetic products based on CBD oil. The basis for the production of organic products in Croatia, i.e. the European Union (EU), is determined by Regulation (EU) 2018/848 of the European Parliament and Council on organic production and labeling of organic products, including all relevant implementing regulations with valid amendments and relevant national regulations with valid amendments. |