Abstract | Američka borovnica (Vaccinium corymbosum L.) je višegodišnji listopadni grm koji samoniklo raste na kiselim i močvarnim tlima Sjeverne Amerike. Do danas je razvijeno preko 50 sorata ove vrste i uzgaja se diljem svijeta u svrhu prehrane čovjeka. U Hrvatskoj, na području Cetingrada, nalazi se ekološki nasad američke borovnice sa 14 sorata. U ovom radu prikazani su rezultati praćenja i bilježenja fenologije 12 sorata američke borovnice. Navedene sorte su: Ivanhoe, Bluejay, Toro, Herbert, Bonus, Patriot, Darrow, Lateblue, Spartan, Elizabeth, Duke i Bluecrop. Fenologija sorata praćena je prema BBCH (Biologische Bundesanstalt, Bundessortenament und Chemosche Industrie) skali prilagođenoj za borovnicu u periodu od 11.4. do 4.7. 2024. godine. Tijekom promatranja zabilježene su faze rasta izbojaka, cvatnja, razvoj plodova, sazrijevanje plodova pa sve do početka berbe. Kao potencijalno dobre sorte za uzgoj na području Cetingrada pokazale su se sorte Spartan, Patriot i Ivanhoe. Zaključak je donesen na temelju njihovog ranijeg sazrijevanja plodova i dužeg perioda trajanja berbe. Kakvoća plodova nije uzeta u obzir. |
Abstract (english) | The highbush blueberry (Vaccinium corymbosum L.) is a perennial deciduous shrub that naturally grows in acidic and swampy soils of North America. To date, over 50 varieties of this species have been developed and it is cultivated worldwide for human consumption. In Croatia, in the Cetingrad area, there is an organic plantation of highbush blueberries with 14 varieties. This paper presents the results of monitoring and recording the phenology of 12 varieties of highbush blueberries. The mentioned varieties are: Ivanhoe, Bluejay, Toro, Herbert, Bonus, Patriot, Darrow, Lateblue, Spartan, Elizabeth, Duke, and Bluecrop. The phenology of these varieties was monitored according to the BBCH (Biologische Bundesanstalt, Bundessortenamt und Chemische Industrie) scale adapted for blueberries, from April 11 to July 4, 2024. During the observation period, the stages of shoot growth, flowering, fruit development, ripening, and the beginning of harvest were recorded. The varieties Spartan, Patriot, and Ivanhoe showed potential as good candidates for cultivation in the Cetingrad area, based on their earlier fruit ripening and longer harvest period. Fruit quality was not considered in this conclusion. |