Title Učinak sorte i malča na agronomska svojstva tikvice
Author Alen Bertoša
Mentor Nina Toth (mentor)
Committee member Nina Toth (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Sanja Fabek Uher (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Božidar Benko (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Agriculture (Vegetable Crops) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2016-09-29, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOTECHNICAL SCIENCES Agronomy
Abstract U cilju postizanja viših prinosa, lakše kontrole korova, manjeg utroška hraniva i vode,
proizvođači povrća u uzgoju mnogih povrtnih kultura često primjenjuju crni polietilenski (PE)
film za malčiranjetla. Vrsta malča može imati značajan učinak na kvantitativna i kvalitativna
svojstva uzgajane kulture, na što također utječu i ekološki čimbenici uzgojnog područja,
odnosno, kemijska i fizikalna svojstva tla te meteorološki uvjeti tijekom vegetacijskog
razdoblja. Stoga je potrebno provoditi
... More istraživanja koja uključuju različite vrste malčeva i
povrtnih kultura, različite rokove uzgoja i agroekološke uvjete. U ljetnom uzgojnom roku
2014. godine na lokaciji Hrestenica, nedaleko od Pazina, provedeno je istraživanje s ciljem
utvrđivanja utjecaja polimernih i organskih malčeva, u usporedbi s nepokrivenim tlom, na
komponente prinosa tikvica uzgajanih na otvorenom. Korištene su tri hibridne sorte tikvice:
'Opal' bijelih plodova, 'Sofia' zelenih plodova i'Cigal' tamnozelenih plodova. Od polimernih
malčeva u poljski pokus bili su uključeni crni PE-film, crno-bijeli PE-film i polipropilenski
(PP) agrotekstil (60 g/m2), a od organskih slama, dok je nepokriveno tlo predstavljalo
kontrolnu varijantu. Dvofaktorijalni poljski pokus je postavljen po metodi slučajnog bloknog
rasporeda u tri ponavljanja. Presadnice su sađene na razmak 100 cm između redova i 50 cm
između biljaka u redu. U razdoblju od prvedo posljednje berbe (28. lipnja i 14. kolovoza)
obavljena je 21 berba. Tijekom višekratnih berbi utvrđivana su morfološka svojstva plodova
(masa, dužina i promjer), a naknadno je utvrđen tržni prinos plodova. Malčiranje tla nije
imalo statistički značajan utjecaj na promatrana svojstva plodova. Na malču od slame sve
istraživane sorte imale su najmanji tržni prinos. Kombinacija sorte 'Cigal' i crno-bijelog PEmalča
ima opravdano veći tržni prinos od kombinacija svih sorti i nepokrivenog tla, odnosno,
ostvaruje za30 % veći prinos od kombinacije 'Opal' × nepokriveno tlote za 18,5 % od
kombinacija 'Sofia' × nepokriveno tlo i 'Cigal' × nepokriveno tlo. Less
Abstract (english) In order to achieve higher yields, easier weed control, less consumption of nutrients and
water, vegetable growers in the cultivation of various vegetable crops often apply black
polyethylene (PE) film for mulching. Mulch type can have a significant impact on the
quantitative and qualitative characteristics of crops, which are also affected by environmental
factors, i.e. chemical and physical properties of the soil and weather conditions during the
growing season. Therefore, it is
... More necessary to conduct studies that include different types of
mulches and vegetable crops, different growing seasons and agro-ecological conditions. In the
summer growing period in 2014 at the location Hrestenica, close to Pazin, a research was
carried out to determine the impact of polymer and organic mulches, compared with
uncovered soil, on the yield components of summer squash grown in the open field. Three
hybrid cultivars of summer squash were used: 'Opal' with white fruits, 'Sofia' with green fruits
and 'Cigal' with dark green fruits. In the field trial, black PE-film, black-and-white PE-film
and polypropylene (PP) agro-textile (60 g/m2) were included out of polymer mulches and
straw out of organic mulches, while the uncovered soil constituted the control variant. Twofactorial
field trial was carried out by the randomized block design method in three
repetitions. Seedlings were planted at a distance of 100 cm between rows and 50 cm between
plants in a row. In the period from the first to the last harvest (28 June to 14 August), 21
harvests were performed. During the harvest period, morphological characteristics of fruits
(weight, length and diameter) were determined and market yield of fruits was established
afterwards. On the straw mulch all cultivars had the lowest marketable yields. The
combination of cultivar 'Cigal' and black-white PE-mulch has justified higher marketable
yield then a combination of all cultivars and uncovered soil, respectively, achieved a 30%
higher yield than the combination of 'Opal' × uncovered soil and for 18.5% of the
combination of 'Sofia' × uncovered soil and 'Cigal' × uncovered soil. Less
CucurbitapepoL. convar.giromontiinaGreb.
polimerni malčevi
Keywords (english)
Cucurbita pepo L. convar. giromontiinaGreb.
polymer mulches
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:204:193048
Study programme Title: Horticulture Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/ magistra inženjer/inženjerka hortikulture (magistar/ magistra inženjer/inženjerka hortikulture)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
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Created on 2016-12-12 07:41:15