Abstract | Zanimanje za korištenjem zelenih površina poraslo je zadnjih nekoliko godina. Boravak u prirodnom okruženju i bavljenje vrtlarstvom ima niz pozitivnih učinaka na psihičko i fizičko zdravlje ljudi. Stanovnici naselja koja su urbanistički planirana, imaju okućnice približno jednakih veličina koje koriste u skladu sa svojim mogućnostima i preferencijama. Stražnji dijelovi parcela i prednji dio, tj. predvrtovi koriste se u različite svrhe.
Pomoću geoportala izmjerene su površine predvrtova u tri odabrane ulice u Jastrebarskom. U svakoj ulici promatralo se 15 okućnica. Također, provedena je anketa među stanovnicima odabranih predvrtova i utvrđeno je koliko vremena provode u vrtu, kako koriste prostor vrta i koje vrtlarske prakse primjenjuju. Na temelju literature opisani su ekološki uvjeti (klima, tlo, reljef, prirodni biljni pokrov) istraživanog područja.
U razdoblju od ožujka do kraja svibnja 2022. godine, provedeno je terensko istraživanje, zabilježena je funkcija predvrtova (reprezentativna, boravišna, parkirališna, ...), popisane su biljne vrste; pomoću literature određena je taksonomska pripadnost i porijeklo. Za vrijeme terenskog obilaska ocijenjena je uređenost predvrtova te su vrtovi fotografirani.
Prosječna veličina predvrta iznosi 80,50 m2. Što se tiče ankete najviše ljudi koristi svoj vrt za parkiranje automobila, druženje sa obitelji i prijateljima te opuštanje. Stanovnici najviše kose travu i zalijevaju bilje, a od opreme odnosno uređenja vrta najviše je prisutan prostor za sjedenje. Za vrijeme toplijih dana stanovnici borave više od dva sata dnevno u vrtu. Identificirano je 80 biljnih vrsta. Najviše biljnih vrsta pripada porodici Rosaceae. Središnja zona vrta ima najviše biljnih vrsta, a od vrtnih elemenata najviše su prisutne tegle sa cvijećem. Ograde su uglavnom spoj betonske, metalne i drvene. Predvrtovi se koriste u dekorativne svrhe. |
Abstract (english) | Interest in the use of green areas has grown over the past few years. Staying in a natural environment and doing gardening has a number of positive effects on people's mental and physical health. Residents of urban-planned settlements have plots of approximately the same size, which they use in accordance with their possibilities and preferences. The rear parts of the plots and the front part, i.e. front gardens, are used for different purposes.
Using the geoportal, the areas of front gardens were measured in three selected streets in Jastrebarsko. 15 yards were observed in each street. Also, residents of the streets were surveyed to determine how much time they spend in the garden, how they use the garden space and what gardening practices they apply. Based on the literature, the ecological conditions (climate, soil, relief, natural plant cover) of the researched area are described.
In the period from March to the end of May 2022, a field survey were conducted, the function of the front gardens was recorded (representative, residential, parking, ...), plant species were listed; taxonomic affiliation and origin was determined using the literature. During the field tour, the arrangement of the front gardens were evaluated and they were photographed. Also, a survey was conducted among the residents of the selected gardens.
The average size of the front garden is 80.50 m2. According to the survey, most people use their garden to park their car, hang out with family and friends, and relax. Residents mostly mow the grass and water the plants, and the most common equipment and garden decoration is the seating area. During warmer days, residents spend more than two hours a day in the garden. There were 80 plant species identified. Most plant species come from the Rosaceae family. The central zone of the garden has the most plant species, and as far as garden elements are concerned, flower pots are the most present. Fences are mostly a combination of concrete, metal and wood. Front gardens are used for decorative purposes. |