Abstract | U današnje doba se sve gospodarske grane susreću s problemom demografske obnove. To je najizraženije za poljoprivredu koja je usko vezana uz ruralna područja. Nedostatak mladih poljoprivrednika i stvaranje prilika za njihov rast i razvoj jedan je od ključnih problema s kojima se ova gospodarska grana susreće. Analizom podataka iz upisnika poljoprivrednika u razdoblju od 2016. do 2021. godine, te prikupljanjem primarnih podataka metodom intervjua fokus je bio na ograničenjima i mogućnostima mladih poljoprivrednika u Republici Hrvatskoj u razdoblju provođenja Programa ruralnog razvoja 2014.-2020. Provedeno je 8 intervjua (N=8) s poljoprivrednicima u životnoj dobi od 18 do 41 godine u četiri NUTS2 regije: Panonska Hrvatska, Jadranska Hrvatska, Grad Zagreb i Sjeverna Hrvatska. Za analizu promjena u dobnoj i obrazovnoj strukturi nositelja poljoprivrednih gospodarstava korišteni su podatci iz Upisnika poljoprivrednika u periodu prije provedbe mjera i prema zadnjim dostupnim podatcima. Tijekom provedbe Programa ruralnog razvoja u Republici Hrvatskoj od 2014. do 2020. godine stvorene su nove prilike za mlade poljoprivrednike što je rezultiralo pozitivnim promjenama u dobnoj i obrazovnoj strukturi nositelja poljoprivrednih gospodarstava. U gotovo svim županijama zabilježen je porast nositelja poljoprivrednih gospodarstava životne dobi ispod 41 godine, te shodno tome porast stečene razine obrazovanja. Zanimljivo je da se smanjio udio neškolovanih te onih sa završenom samo osnovnom školom, dok je najveći porast onih sa završenim srednjoškolskim obrazovanjem. Analizom provedenih intervjua utvrđeno je da ispitanici više-manje navode iste prednosti bavljenja poljoprivredom: sam svoj gazda, veća motivacija i zadovoljstvo u radu. Svi ispitanici smatraju kako potpore daju niz mogućnosti za rast i razvoj. Također, istaknuli su i neke od problema poput financijske nesigurnosti, nedostatne radne snage, velike ovisnosti o klimatskim promjenama, te probleme vezane uz zemljište. Kada je riječ o potporama svi sudionici ističu probleme s administracijom, te nedostatne i nepotpune informacije koje nisu pravovremene. |
Abstract (english) | Nowadays, all branches of the economy face the problem of demographic renewal. This is most pronounced for agriculture, which is closely related to rural areas. The lack of young farmers and the creation of opportunities for their growth and development is one of the key problems faced by this branch of the economy. For the purposes of this thesis, interviews were conducted that were voluntary, anonymous and recorded in digital format. Respondents participated voluntarily and anonymously in this research. By analyzing data from farmers' registration forms in the period from 2016 to 2021, and by collecting primary data using the interview method, the focus was on insight into the limitations and opportunities of young farmers in the Republic of Croatia. Interviews were conducted with farmers aged 18 to 41 in four NUTS2 regions: Pannonian Croatia, Adriatic Croatia, City of Zagreb and Northern Croatia (HRNUTS2021), with a total of eight respondents (N=8). Data from the Register of Farmers in the period before the implementation of the measures and according to the latest available data were used for the analysis of changes in the age and educational structure of the owners of agricultural holdings. During the implementation of the Rural Development Program in the Republic of Croatia from 2014 to 2020, new opportunities were created for young farmers, which resulted in positive changes in the age and educational structure of farm owners. In almost all counties, there was an increase in agricultural holdings under the age of 41, and a corresponding increase in the level of education. It is interesting that the share of uneducated and those with only primary school education has decreased, while the largest increase is among those with secondary school education. Through the analysis of the conducted interviews, it was determined that the advantages of farming are universal, in the context of independent work, greater motivation, and job satisfaction. All respondents believe that grants provide a number of opportunities for growth and development. They also pointed out some of the problems such as financial insecurity, insufficient workforce, high dependence on climate change, and problems of the nature of the land. When it comes to grants, all participants highlight problems with administration, as well as insufficient and incomplete information that is not timely. |