Title Entomofauna prizemnog i podzemnog sloja tla u usjevu krumpira
Title (english) Entomofauna of ground and underground soil layer in potato crops
Author Maja Šupljika
Mentor Maja Čačija (mentor)
Committee member Maja Čačija (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Renata Bažok (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Milan Pospišil (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Agriculture (Agricultural Zoology) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2020-09-29, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOTECHNICAL SCIENCES Agronomy
Abstract Krumpir je jedna od najvažnijih ratarskih, ali i općenito poljoprivrednih kultura u svijetu i ubraja se u intenzivnije poljoprivredne kulture. Jedan od najznačajnijih štetnika krumpira je krumpirova zlatica, a osim nje javljaju se lisne uši i zemljišni štetnici (žičnjaci, grčice hrušta, rovci). Osim štetnih vrsta, u i na tlu može se naći velik broj vrsta koje čine korisnu entomofaunu tla koja može biti pokazatelj kvalitete tla, ali i sudjelovati u suzbijanju štetnih vrsta. Cilj ovog
... More istraživanja bio je utvrditi sastav, brojnost, dinamiku pojave i cenološke karakteristike pripadnika entomofaune prizemnog i podzemnog sloja tla u usjevu krumpira na pokušalištu Maksimir Agronomskog fakulteta u Zagrebu. Istraživanje je provedeno od travnja do srpnja 2019. g. Entomofauna prizemnog sloja tla prikupljala se jednom tjednom u 15 termina pomoću pitfall klopki, a entomofauna podzemnog sloja tla pregledima tla u tri termina. Prikupljeni uzorci determinirani su do vrste gdje je to bilo moguće. Ukupna brojnost entomofaune prikupljene tijekom istraživanja iznosila je 5274 jedinki. Najveći udio činile su jedinke prizemnog sloja tla (99,56 %), a vrlo mali udio (0,44 %) jedinke podzemnog sloja tla. Determinirano je ukupno sedam redova i 34 porodice. Red Collembola zabilježen je u najvećoj brojnosti (54,47 %), a slijedi ga red Coleoptera (31,63 %) te su oba eudominantna, a prema učestalosti red Collembola je eukonstantan, dok je red Coleoptera konstantan. Red Hymenoptera (6,58 %) je dominantan i akcidentalan, red Diptera (6,02 %) je dominantan i akcesoran, red Hemiptera (1,3 %) je subdominantan i akcidentalan, a redovi Orthoptera (0,02 %) i Neuroptera (0,02 %) subrecedentni i akcidentalni. Red Collembolla i porodica Carabidae bili su eudominantni i eukonstantni pripadnici entomofaune prizemnog sloja tla u svim mjesecima praćenja, dok je dominantnost i učestalost entomofaune podzemnog sloja tla varirala s obzirom na mjesece praćenja. Utvrđeno je da je većina vrsta u usjevu krumpira bila korisna (45,45 %), dok je štetna entomofauna zabilježena u nešto manjoj brojnosti (39,40 %), a indiferentna u najmanjoj brojnosti (15,15 %). Provedeno faunističko istraživanje od velikog je značaja jer je jedno od rijetkih istraživanja entomofaune u krumpiru u RH i svijetu. Poznavanje sastava, brojnosti i cenoloških karakteristika entomofaune tla u usjevu krumpira pridonosi boljem razumijevanju implementacije integrirane zaštite krumpira od štetnika. Less
Abstract (english) Potatoes are one of the most important agricultural crops in the world and are among the most intensive ones. The most significant potato pest is the Colorado potato beetle, but also aphids and soil pests (wireworms, white grubs, mole crickets) occur. In addition to harmful species, a large number of species can be found in and on the soil that make a useful soil entomofauna that can be an indicator of soil quality, but also participate in the control of harmful species. The aim of
... More this study was to determine the composition, number, dynamics of occurrence and coenological characteristics of entomofauna found in ground and underground soil layers in potato crop at the experimental station Maksimir of the Faculty of Agriculture in Zagreb. The study was conducted from April to July 2019. Entomofauna of the ground soil layer was collected once a week on 15 occasions using pitfall traps, while the entomofauna of the underground soil layer was collected on three occasions by digging pits and surveying the soil. Collected samples were determined to species level where possible. The total number of entomofauna collected during the study was 5274 individuals. The largest share was made by individuals of the ground soil layer (99.56%), and a very small share (0.44%) by individuals of the underground soil layer. A total of seven orders and 34 families were identified. The order Collembola was recorded in the largest number (54.47%), followed by the order Coleoptera (31.63%); both are eudominant, but according to frequency the order Collembola is euconstant, while the order Coleoptera is constant. The order Hymenoptera (6.58%) is dominant and accidental, the order Diptera (6.02%) is dominant and accessory, the order Hemiptera (1.3%) is subdominant and accidental, orders Orthoptera (0.02%) and Neuroptera (0,02 %) are subrecedent and accidental. The order Collembolla and the family Carabidae were eudominant and euconstant members of the ground soil layer entomofauna during all months of monitoring. The dominance and frequency of entomofauna of the underground soil layer varied with respect to the months of monitoring. Most species in the potato crop were identified as useful entomofauna (45.45%), while harmful entomofauna was recorded in a slightly smaller number (39.40%), and indifferent entomofauna in the smallest number (15.15%). This faunal research is of great importance because it is one of the few studies of entomofauna in potatoes in the Republic of Croatia, but also in the world. Knowledge of the composition, abundance and coenological characteristics of soil entomofauna in the potato crop contributes to a better understanding of the implementation of integrated protection of potatoes from pests. Less
prizemni sloj tla
podzemni sloj tla
Keywords (english)
ground soil layer
underground soil layer
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:204:871257
Study programme Title: Phytomedicine Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/ magistra inženjer/inženjerka fitomedicine (magistar/ magistra inženjer/inženjerka fitomedicine)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
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Created on 2020-11-09 07:44:03