Title Razvoj poljoprivrede i gospodarstva u baltičkim zemljama
Title (english) Agricultural and economic development in Baltic states
Author Nadan Bazdulj
Mentor Lari Hadelan (mentor)
Committee member Lari Hadelan (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Ornella Mikuš (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Branka Šakić Bobić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Agriculture (Agricultural Economics and Rural Development) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2018-09-28, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOTECHNICAL SCIENCES Agronomy
Abstract U uvodnom dijelu predstavljene su Estonija, Litva i Latvija, baltičke države nastale osamostaljenjem od gospodarski zaostalog SSSR-a devedesetih godina prošlog stoljeća. U proteklih dvadesetak godina među europskim su zemljama s najvišim stopama gospodarskog rasta i s najvišom razinom konvergencije među bivšim socijalističkim zemljama. Estonija, Litva i Latvija zemlje su sa sličnim povijesnim kontekstom pa se javlja potreba usporedne analize post-socijalističkog razvoja poljoprivrede i
... More gospodarstva u cjelini.
U nastavku rada ispitani su elementi razvoja i stopa razvijenosti gospodarstva u cjelini. Potom je provedena deskriptivna statistička analiza uz izračun osnovnih razvojnih pokazatelja. Za ocjenu općeg gospodarskog razvoja utvrđivao se bruto domaći proizvod, stope nezaposlenosti, razina javnog duga i fiskalnog deficita, ljudski razvojni indeks triju baltičkih zemalja od njihovog osamostaljenja 1991. do danas.
U završnom dijelu rada ocjenjivao se razvoj poljoprivrede, struktura poljoprivrednih gospodarstva iz pokazatelja bruto dodane vrijednosti u poljoprivredi, ekonomske veličine poljoprivrednih gospodarstva i strukturalnih pokazatelja. U izradi rada koristile su se publikacije EUROSTATA, ECB, EK, Svjetske banke i drugi slični izvori.
Rezultati rada su pokazali da usporedbom tri baltičke države, dolazimo do podataka koji ukazuju na uspješnije provedenu tranziciju u Estoniji nego što li je to bio slučaj u Litvi i Latviji. To je vidljivo iz različitih pokazatelja prema kojima je Estonija uspješnija, kao što su: niža stopa nezaposlenosti, viša stopa BDP-a, manji javni dug, veća produktivnost poljoprivrede i razina ljudskog razvoja.
Nadalje, u zaključku rada je bilo vidljivo kako su tri baltičke države iskoristile razdoblje prilagodbe tijekom pregovora o članstvu u Europskoj uniji kako bi svoja gospodarstva učinila konkurentnijima, ekonomiju snažnijom te kako bi povećale društvenu koheziju. Nužno je da se provođenje reformi nastavi kako bi se ostvarili daljnji pozitivni ekonomski rezultati, kako u baltičkim zemljama, tako i u Hrvatskoj. Less
Abstract (english) In the first part of this paper Estonia, Lithuania and Latvia were introduced as three Baltic states which came to be in the 90’s by declaring independence from economically backward USSR. During the last twenty years they've been amongst those European countries which had the highest rates of economic growth and show the highest convergent rates amongst former socialist countries. Estonia, Lithuania and Latvia are countries with similar historical context so the need to do a
... More comparative analysis of post socialist development of agriculture and economy in its entirety is needed.
In the second part of this paper, we examined the key factors which contribute to development and the rate of economic development as a whole. By applying the development index a comparison has been made between the state of economic development in Baltic states and Republic of Croatia. In order to grade the development index of economy we utilized the descriptive statistical analysis. In order to ascertain the economic development as a whole we established the rates of GDP, unemployment, public debt and fiscal deficit, human development index of the three Baltic states following their independence from 1991 till today. The final part of this paper evaluated the development of agriculture, as well as the structure of agricultural holdings were graded by taking gross domestic product indicators pertaining to agriculture, economies of size of agricultural estates and structural indicators (by age, age groups and educational background of farmers). Whilst writing this paper, various publications from EUROSTAT, ECB, EC, World Bank and various other sources were used.
The results of this paper have shown that by comparing the three Baltic states, we obtained data that is indicative of a more successful transition in the Estonia. This is evident from the various indicators by which the Baltic countries are more successful, such as: lower unemployment rate, higher GDP rate, lower public debt, higher productivity of agriculture and human development.
Furthermore, it was evident in the conclusion that the three Baltic States took advantage of the adjustment period during EU membership negotiations to make their economies more competitive and to increase social cohesion. It is necessary that the implementation of the reforms continue in order to achieve further positive economic results, both in the Baltic countries and in Croatia. Less
statistička analiza
baltičke zemlje
post – socijalizam
javni dug
fiskalni deficit
strukturalni pokazatelji.
Keywords (english)
statistical analysis
baltic countries
public debt
fiscal deficit
structural indicator
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:204:303985
Study programme Title: Agribusiness and Rural Development Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/ magistra inženjer/inženjerka agrobiznisa i ruralnog razvitka (magistar/ magistra inženjer/inženjerka agrobiznisa i ruralnog razvitka)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
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Created on 2018-11-06 08:26:01